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12 Ways To Deal With Wedding Stress

When life already feels overwhelming, the added pressure of planning a wedding can be downright suffocating.

To avoid feeling completely burnt out, here are 12 practical tips to help you manage your wedding-related stress and find some much-needed relief: first, take a step back and assess what’s causing your anxiety; next, prioritize self-care by doing things that bring you joy and relaxation; don’t be afraid to ask for help from loved ones or professionals when needed; learn to say no to non-essential commitments; get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat healthily to maintain a positive mental state; take time off to recharge and focus on yourself; consider delegating tasks or responsibilities to others when possible; practice mindfulness and meditation to calm your mind; stay organized and keep track of deadlines; set realistic expectations for your wedding planning process; seek professional help if you’re experiencing overwhelming anxiety or feelings of despair; and finally, remember that it’s okay to not have everything under control all the time.

By following these simple yet effective tips, you’ll be better equipped to handle the stress of wedding planning and enjoy this special time with loved ones.

Calm Your Head…

Calm Your Head...

When preparing for the most memorable day of your life, it’s crucial to prioritize your mental well-being. Meditation has been scientifically proven to effectively reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, and foster self-awareness – essential qualities for a blissful wedding planning experience. If traditional meditation classes aren’t your cup of tea, there are numerous guided apps available to help you get started.

Popular options include Calm, Headspace, and The Mindfulness App, all of which can be accessed via Goal Cast.

Netflix And Chill…

Netflix And Chill...

As you approach the wedding planning process, it’s not uncommon for thoughts of the big day to consume your every waking moment. But what if I told you that taking a step back and indulging in some self-care could be just the antidote to this constant thinking? Imagine yourself cozied up on the couch, wrapped in a plush robe, with a glass of wine in hand and your favourite Netflix show playing in the background.

It’s in these moments that we can truly unwind and allow ourselves to relax, free from the stress and pressure of wedding planning. So why not take a cue from the experts at Netflix and prioritise some ‘me time’?

Bright And Sunny…

Bright And Sunny...

As you spend long hours in the office, it’s easy to lose touch with nature’s rhythms. You might find yourself so consumed by wedding planning on your laptop at home that you forget to step outside and soak up some sunshine. But taking a break to bask in the sun’s warm rays is essential for both physical and mental well-being. A daily dose of Vitamin D can boost your mood, energy levels, and overall health – making it an excellent way to recharge and refocus.

Thank U, Next…

Thank U, Next...

When feeling utterly consumed by tasks, taking a step back to visualise the process can be incredibly beneficial. By creating a checklist, individuals can mentally declutter their thoughts and regain control over their workload. This straightforward yet powerful approach enables individuals to systematically work through each item on the list with greater ease, fostering a sense of accomplishment and organisational prowess.

It’s A Date…


Step outside your comfort zone and treat yourself to a social adventure! Whether it’s a romantic evening with your significant other, a fun-filled outing with friends, or even a solo escapade, the possibilities are limitless. Grab a cup of coffee at your favorite café or indulge in a delightful dinner experience – the choice is yours!

Endorphins Make You Happy…

Endorphins Make You Happy...

The connection between exercise and happiness is well-established, thanks in part to the iconic words of Elle Woods. The release of endorphins, often referred to as ‘natural painkillers’, can have a profound impact on our mood. When we’re feeling stressed out from wedding planning (or life in general), incorporating physical activity into our daily routine can be a game-changer.

Whether it’s a leisurely stroll, a vigorous run, or a trip to the gym, making time for exercise can help alleviate tension and leave you feeling more relaxed and happier overall.

Treat Yourself…

Treat Yourself...

For many of us, indulging in skincare and pampering is the ultimate form of relaxation. The gentle ritual of applying a face mask can be incredibly therapeutic, leaving your skin looking radiant and feeling rejuvenated. Moreover, the sense of self-care and pampering can have a profound impact on our mental well-being, leaving us feeling refreshed and revitalized. So go ahead, grab your favorite face mask, and treat yourself to some much-needed me-time!

And for those who appreciate the finer things in life, here are some must-have beauty products to try out:



The importance of getting quality rest has been drilled into us since childhood. Our parents were spot on – a good night’s sleep is essential for our overall well-being. To ensure you’re recharging your batteries, establish a consistent bedtime routine and steer clear of screens at least an hour before lights out. Moreover, if stress gets the better of you, don’t hesitate to take a power nap during the day. Pay attention to your body’s cues – it will let you know when you need some shut-eye.

As the health experts at Healthline advise.

Take A Break…

Take A Break...

In today’s digitally obsessed world, it’s astonishingly simple to develop an addiction to our phones. We’re not exempt from this habit, and we freely confess that it can be a struggle to abstain from checking our screens for even a brief period. However, taking a break from our devices is crucial for rekindling our connection with the physical world. This pause can have a profound impact on reducing stress levels, promoting better eye health, and regulating our sleep patterns.



Make time for that long-awaited novel by carving out a daily reading routine amidst the chaos of everyday life and wedding preparations. Allow yourself to escape into another world, free from the stress and distractions of your busy schedule. Even small moments dedicated to reading can be incredibly rejuvenating.

Game Night…

Game Night...

Gather your loved ones for an evening of laughter and bonding. A family game night is the perfect way to unwind and create lasting memories. Just be sure to choose games that will bring out everyone’s competitive spirit – or not! Consider alternatives to Monopoly, which can sometimes spark intense rivalries. Instead, opt for games that encourage teamwork and collaboration.

Bake Off…

Bake Off...
Bake Off...

Baking or cooking can have a profound impact on one’s mental well-being. The process of creating something from scratch can be incredibly calming, providing a sense of accomplishment and relaxation. And let’s not forget the added bonus – getting to enjoy the fruits of your labor! It’s essential to find a balance, however, and avoid getting too caught up in making healthy and nutritious options. Instead, try indulging in some sweet treats or savory delights that bring you joy.

Take your culinary skills to the next level with these recipes!

Treat yourself right and indulge in these pampering beauty treatments!