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Am I blocked if I can still see last seen?

Seeing someone’s last seen status on platforms like WhatsApp can be confusing if you think you may be blocked by that person. There are a few possibilities that can explain why you can view last seen even if blocked:

You’re Not Actually Blocked

The simplest explanation is that you haven’t been blocked at all. Just because someone isn’t replying to your messages right away doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve been blocked. There are many reasons why a contact might not be responding promptly that have nothing to do with you. If you can still see their last seen time, profile photo, and online status, it’s a good indication that you haven’t been blocked.

Time Delay in Blocking Taking Effect

It’s possible you have been blocked, but the platform hasn’t yet updated that status across all features. When someone blocks you on WhatsApp for example, it takes some time for that action to take effect everywhere. So you may be blocked, but can still view last seen for a short time until the platforms fully registers that block. Give it some time and check again later. If you’re still able to see last seen in a few hours or days, then you likely haven’t been blocked.

Only Some Functions Blocked

Platforms like WhatsApp give users some flexibility with blocking. It’s possible to block someone but still allow them to view limited profile information like your last seen and profile photo. So you may be blocked from sending messages or calling, but the user hasn’t enabled full blocking that would remove last seen status. Check if you can still send messages or call. If those features are disabled, then you’ve likely been partially blocked.

When Does Last Seen Status Disappear if Blocked?

If you have been fully blocked on WhatsApp or other platforms, when exactly will you no longer be able to view the person’s last seen status? Here are some common timelines:

Within 24 Hours

In most cases, being blocked will remove access to last seen status within 24 hours at most. The platforms want to limit any awkward interactions, so they try to process blocking requests promptly. Expect last seen to vanish by the next day if you’ve been blocked.

Within 1 Hour

For some users, being blocked happens much faster, within an hour or less. This may depend on the platform’s servers and how quickly they can propagate the block. Don’t assume you haven’t been blocked just because last seen is still there after a few minutes. It may refresh to blocked status within the hour.


In some cases, last seen disappears instantly when you’re blocked. This immediate feedback makes it very clear your access has been removed. However, such speed is rare and can depend on specific circumstances. Don’t expect last seen to vanish right away in most situations.

Signs You May Be Blocked Even If Last Seen Visible

Since last seen status can take time to disappear when blocked, what other signs can tip you off that someone may have blocked you?

Messages Not Delivering

One of the clearest signs of a block is if your messages fail to deliver at all. If they are not even showing one checkmark, that indicates your messages are not getting through due to being blocked.

Calls Not Going Through

Similarly, if your calls to the person are failing or going to voicemail every time, that points to you being blocked. Normal declined calls will still ring before going to voicemail. With blocking, it goes to voicemail instantly.

Profile Photo Vanishes

In some cases, the profile photo can disappear right away when you’re blocked, even if last seen is still visible. So if you notice the profile image is suddenly gone, that can be an early clue.

Other Friends Can’t See Your Messages

If you have mutual friends with the person who may have blocked you, check with them. Ask if they can see the messages you’ve sent recently to the blocking person. If your messages are invisible to them too, it’s a clear sign of a block.

Ways to Confirm if You’re Blocked

If you need definitive confirmation on whether you’ve been blocked, here are some methods you can use:

Check from Another Device

Log into your messaging account from a different device like a friend’s phone. Check if you can see the last seen status of the person who you think blocked you. If it’s visible there, you haven’t been blocked.

Create a New Account

Make a totally new account on the platform and try to add the person who may have blocked you. If your contact request gets ignored, it’s likely confirmation they blocked your main account.

Ask a Mutual Connection

Reach out to a mutual friend and ask them to check if your messages to the person are visible. Or have them try to add you to a group chat. If they can still see your messages or add you to a chat, you haven’t been blocked.

Call from a Different Number

On a phone app like WhatsApp, call the person from a different number that they don’t have saved. If the call goes to voicemail instantly, it’s a sign your main number has been blocked.

What Does Last Seen Show if You’re Blocked?

If you get blocked by someone on messaging platforms, what will you actually see in place of their last seen status? Here are the common labels:

Platform Blocked Last Seen Label
WhatsApp “Last seen a long time ago”
Facebook Messenger “Active”
Telegram “Last seen recently”
Signal No last seen shown

As you can see, the platforms hide the specific last seen time when blocked, usually indicating it was a long time ago. This helps prevent blocked contacts from tracking activity.

Should I Let Someone Know They Blocked Me?

If you confirm someone has blocked you, is it a good idea to let them know you noticed? Here are some pros and cons:


  • Lets them know their block was received
  • Creates closure if it was an end to your relationship
  • Opens potential dialogue to resolve issues


  • Comes across as passive aggressive or guilt-tripping
  • Re-engages contact they may want to avoid
  • Puts focus on your hurt feelings rather than their reasons

Overall, it’s usually best not to call attention to a block. Respect their wishes for distance and focus on yourself. But in some contexts, especially with close relationships, a polite message can be appropriate. Use good judgment based on the situation.

Coping with Being Blocked by Someone

Having someone block you, especially a close friend or partner, can be upsetting. Here are some healthy ways to process it:

Give Yourself Time

Don’t expect to feel better overnight. Accept that the pain from rejection will fade gradually. Don’t rush yourself to “get over it”.

Find Supportive Community

Turn to close family and friends without judgement. Share your feelings to process them fully. Seek support groups if it’s a traumatic breakup.

Avoid Speculation

Don’t obsess over the possible reasons why you were blocked. Speculation often makes it worse. Focus on constructive reflection instead.

Reflect on Lessons

Consider if there are any lessons from the experience about boundaries or communication. What could you learn for future relationships?

Be Gentle with Yourself

Don’t criticize yourself harshly. Remind yourself that with time this pain will pass. Think positive thoughts about your worth.

Try New Activities

Pick up a new hobby, take a trip somewhere new, or make other positive life changes. Embrace this as an opportunity to expand your horizons.


Being blocked but still able to see last seen can be confusing and emotionally difficult. Use the guidance in this article to interpret what’s happening and determine if you have been blocked. Remember that even if you have been blocked, you can move forward in a healthy way by being patient with yourself and finding positive outlets. The pain will fade. Focus on self-care and personal growth. You have so much more to look forward to in life.