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Are GIFs safe on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 2 billion users worldwide. It allows users to easily send messages, photos, videos, documents and even animated GIFs. While sending fun GIFs can liven up a conversation, some users wonder if GIFs on WhatsApp are safe and secure.

Can GIFs contain viruses?

GIFs are image files that can be animated to create short, looping videos. Like JPG and PNG images, GIFs do not execute code or programs on their own. So in their basic form, GIFs cannot contain viruses or malware.

However, there are some risks to be aware of:

  • Malicious GIFs: While rare, it is possible for hackers to manipulate the code in a GIF to trigger vulnerabilities and install malware if opened on a vulnerable device. This requires advanced technical skills.
  • Phishing links: GIFs could contain clicked URLs to phishing sites to steal personal data. But the link itself would not be harmful.
  • Inappropriate content: GIFs may display offensive or disturbing imagery, especially if from an unknown source.

Overall, the GIF file itself does not pose a major cybersecurity risk. The bigger risks come from the source of the GIF and clicking any links contained in it. So you should only install and open GIFs from trusted sources.

Are GIFs scanned for malware?

WhatsApp does scan all files and media sent through its servers for potential malware using automated systems. This includes:

  • Scanning metadata of media files like GIFs for any potential indicators of malware.
  • Checking files against known virus signatures and patterns of malicious code.
  • Sandboxing and opening files in isolated environments to check for any suspicious behavior.
  • Using machine learning to detect new potential malware and viruses.

If a GIF contains any detected malware, WhatsApp will not deliver the file and will ban the account that attempted to send it.

However, very advanced threats could potentially bypass this scanning. So users should still exercise caution when opening GIFs, especially from unknown sources.

Does WhatsApp compress GIFs?

Yes, WhatsApp does compress GIF files when sending them between users. Here are some key points about WhatsApp’s GIF compression:

  • Reduces file size by 50-90% – Makes transfers faster
  • Lossy compression – Sacrifices some image quality
  • Maximum resolution 720p – Reduces load on servers
  • Maximum frames – 100, reduces max gif length
  • Maximum file size – 5MB even after compression

The compressed GIF retains enough image quality for mobile screens while significantly reducing file size and data usage. This compression also allows WhatsApp to more easily scan GIFs for malware before delivering them.

Do WhatsApp GIFs expire?

No, there is no expiration date for GIFs sent on WhatsApp. The GIF media will remain available for viewing indefinitely after it is sent and received, unlike disappearing photos or videos.

Even if the original sender deletes the GIF from their device, it remains visible to all recipients within their chat history. The GIF can only be deleted from recipients’ chat logs if every person in the chat deletes their copy of the message.

There are a few scenarios where GIFs may become inaccessible on WhatsApp:

  • User deletes chat history or leaves group – GIF is deleted
  • User is banned or loses access – GIF inaccessible
  • Compressed GIF exceeds 5MB size limit – Cannot be delivered

Otherwise, a sent GIF will always be available unless manually removed by all chat participants. There is no automated expiration for GIF media.

Can GIFs be deleted for everyone?

Yes, any GIF media sent on WhatsApp can be deleted for all recipients using the “Delete for Everyone” feature within 7 minutes of sending. This will fully remove the GIF from all participants’ chats.

To delete a GIF for everyone:

  1. In the chat, long press the sent GIF you want to delete.
  2. Tap “Delete” then “Delete for Everyone.”
  3. The GIF will be removed from all recipients’ chat history.

However, after 7 minutes have passed, the “Delete for Everyone” option will no longer be available. At that point, the GIF can only be deleted from your own chat history.

Do WhatsApp GIFs save to your phone’s gallery?

By default, WhatsApp is set to automatically save all photos and videos to your phone’s gallery. This includes GIFs.

So whenever you receive a GIF on WhatsApp, a copy is saved to this folder:

  • Android – WhatsApp Images folder in Gallery
  • iPhone – WhatsApp Photos folder in Photos

You can disable auto-saving media in WhatsApp’s Settings:

  1. Go to WhatsApp Settings > Chats > Media Visibility
  2. Toggle off “Save to Camera Roll”

However, even with auto-saving off, any GIFs you download or forward will still be saved to your camera roll. There is no option to completely stop saving WhatsApp media.

The only other way is to manually delete GIFs from your phone’s local folders after receiving them. But this has to be done each time you receive a new GIF.

Is there a limit on how many GIFs you can send on WhatsApp?

No, there is no limit to the number of GIFs that can be sent over WhatsApp. Users are free to send as many GIFs in a chat or group as they want.

The only limits are on the size of each GIF:

  • Maximum file size before compression: 30MB
  • Maximum file size after compression: 5MB

As long as each GIF is within the size limit after compression, you can send an unlimited quantity of GIFs.

Some additional points about sending WhatsApp GIFs:

  • Sending too many GIFs may slow down messaging performance
  • Recipients can mute notifications if too many GIFs received
  • Groups may limit GIF usage through moderation

While unlimited GIFs are allowed per chat, excessive GIF usage may be disruptive for recipients. But there are no hardcoded limits or restrictions set by WhatsApp.

Should you send GIFs to professional contacts on WhatsApp?

It’s best to avoid sending GIFs to professional contacts like coworkers, bosses, clients or job interviewers on WhatsApp unless you know they are comfortable with it.

Here are some risks to consider when sending GIFs to professional contacts:

  • May seem unprofessional or childish
  • Could distract from serious conversation
  • GIF content may be inappropriate
  • Recipient may find it annoying

However, GIFs may be appropriate in some professional situations:

  • Casual office culture where GIFs are commonly used
  • As humorous icebreakers or expressions of team spirit
  • To portray enthusiasm, excitement or positivity

When in doubt, it’s safest to avoid GIFs in professional chats, unless you know the recipient’s preferences. With close colleagues in a relaxed environment, brief, tasteful GIFs may be fine. But take extra care with bosses, clients or in formal situations.

Are WhatsApp GIFs end-to-end encrypted?

Yes, WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption for all messages, calls and media transfers. This includes GIF files sent between users.

End-to-end encryption means that only the sender and recipient can view the content – not even WhatsApp itself. Some key aspects:

  • Encryption keys only stored on user devices
  • All data encrypted before transferring between devices
  • Decryption only occurs on recipient’s device
  • Prevents interception of data during transfer

The encrypted data flows:

  1. User 1 sends GIF – Encrypted by their key
  2. Encrypted GIF transfers across WhatsApp servers
  3. User 2 receives GIF – Decrypted by their key

This prevents hackers, internet providers, WhatsApp or anyone else from accessing the GIF content during transit. Only the two users in the chat can access the media.

However, end-to-end encryption does not apply once the GIF reaches the recipient’s device. At that point, the user must rely on their device’s security and privacy settings to protect the GIF.

Can you send large video GIFs on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp limits GIF files to a maximum size of 30MB before compression, and 5MB after compression. So very large video GIFs may be too big to send.

Some key size limits to keep in mind for WhatsApp GIFs:

  • Maximum uncompressed size: 30 MB
  • Maximum compressed size: 5 MB
  • Maximum dimensions: 1280 x 1280 pixels
  • Maximum frame rate: 100 FPS

So in summary:

  • GIFs under 5MB can be sent
  • Over 30MB cannot be compressed small enough to send
  • Sizes between 5-30MB may work if compressed sufficiently

To send large cinemagraphs, short videos or animations, it’s better to use Mp4 or other video formats which have a 100MB size limit on WhatsApp.

For brief animated GIF memes and clips, the 5MB compressed size is sufficient in most cases. But very long or high-resolution GIFs may be too large to send.

Should you send GIF selfies on WhatsApp?

GIF selfies can be fun and creative ways to interact on WhatsApp. However, there are some privacy risks to consider:

  • May reveal more than intended if animated
  • Looping effect draws attention to flaws
  • Compression decreases image quality
  • No control if recipient screenshots or shares

GIF selfies are often created from short video clips, which can capture unintended angles, expressions and movements when condensed into a looping animation.

Also, GIF conversion compresses images, resulting in decreased image quality. This may make flaws and imperfections more noticeable.

Finally, you lose control over the image once sent. While useful for silly selfies with close friends, think carefully before sending GIF selfies – or any sensitive media – to wider audiences.


While GIFs are fun to share on WhatsApp, they do come with security and privacy risks – especially from unknown senders. However, WhatsApp provides encryption and scans files for malware to help protect users. To be safe:

  • Only install GIFs from trusted contacts
  • Avoid clicking unknown links in GIFs
  • Be cautious of sensitive content in GIFs
  • Delete embarrassing GIFs for everyone quickly

By being careful about which GIFs you view and share, the animated stickers can be a fun addition to conversations without compromising your security.