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Can an admin remove the creator of a group?

Whether an admin can remove the creator of a group depends on the platform and the specific group settings. In most cases, the creator of a group has special privileges and cannot be removed by other admins unless they willingly give up their role. However, there are some exceptions and nuances to be aware of.

The Creator Usually Has Special Status

On most social media platforms and community sites, the user who creates a group is automatically given admin privileges and recognized as the original group owner. They initiated the group and are seen as having a special status.

As the original admin and creator, they cannot usually be removed involuntarily by other admins. The ability to remove the creator is typically restricted even if other users are also designated as admins. This prevents coups or sudden overthrows of established group leaders.

For example, on Facebook Groups, only the original creator can remove fellow admins. Other admins cannot remove the creator unless they voluntarily leave the position. Similarly, on Reddit, the “founder” and original admin cannot be involuntarily removed by moderators they appoint.

Platform Rules Vary

However, different platforms have different rules around removing group creators:


As mentioned, Facebook does not allow other admins to remove the original creator. Only if the original admin willingly gives up the role can they be removed.


The Reddit founder is also protected and cannot be involuntarily removed. However, if a founder deletes their account, the top mod automatically becomes the new owner.


In Slack, workspace owners hold the top status. But owners can voluntarily give up their role to another user. Other admins cannot remove an unwilling owner.


Discord offers more flexibility. Admins have the power to remove other admins, potentially even the original server creator. However, the owner usually has the ability to then simply rejoin and regain admin status.

When a Creator Can Potentially Be Removed

There are some cases where a group creator or owner could potentially lose their admin status:

– They voluntarily step down or abandon the group. If the creator willingly gives up the role, they relinquish special status.

– Extended inactivity. On some platforms like Reddit, if a founder is completely inactive for a long time, admins may be able to remove them.

– Violating platform rules. If the creator severely breaks rules, some platforms may intervene with removal.

– Transferring ownership. The creator can intentionally transfer the owner role to someone else in some cases.

– Site policy changes. Platforms can change their stance on removing creators over time.

So in most normal circumstances, admins cannot remove an unwilling creator. But there are exceptions if the creator chooses to relinquish the status or ignores responsibilities.

Reasons for Protecting Creators

There are good reasons platforms restrict removing creators, even if they later become inactive or make controversial decisions:

– Recognizes their initiation of the group. The creator put in effort to start the community, so they are given special recognition.

– Prevents drama or coups. Keeping creators in place provides stability and prevents angry members from deleting them.

– Allows founders to make long-term plans. It gives creators the confidence to develop long-term goals without fear of removal.

– Rewards creativity. The special status rewards users for coming up with ideas for new groups and communities.

– Provides identity. The creator gives a sense of identity and foundation to the group that can be lost if they are deleted.

Best Practices Around Removing Creators

If you want to remove an inactive, problematic or difficult group creator, some best practices include:

– Discuss issues respectfully with the creator. Calmly explain any concerns and try to reach solutions.

– Ask the creator to voluntarily step down. Appeal to their reasonableness in wanting the best for the group.

– Build consensus among members for removal. Get broad support from members to add weight to requests for the creator to leave.

– Assume good intent from the creator. They likely started the group for good reasons; avoid making assumptions.

– Review platform policies carefully. Be aware of exactly what is allowed before taking removal action.

– Transfer ownership officially. If possible, have the creator officially sign over ownership to a new leader.

– Contact platform admins. If all else fails, reach out to the platform for guidance on what can be done.

With patience and strong communication, many difficult situations with creators can be resolved. But involuntary removal is tricky.

The Decision Comes Down to Platform Policy

Ultimately, the ability for an admin to remove the group creator comes down to the specific policies of the platform or software being used. For example:


Does not allow creator removal by other admins. Only voluntary departure.


Founders cannot be involuntarily removed except by Reddit itself under special circumstances.


Owners cannot be removed without agreeing to step down. But ownership can be transferred.


Admins can remove other admins including the owner. But the owner can simply rejoin.

So check the official moderation policies carefully before attempting to remove a difficult creator. Each platform handles it differently.

Other Options if the Creator Stays

If the group creator refuses to step down and platform policy protects them, you still have options:

– Reduce their permissions. Leave them as a figurehead but restrict powers.

– Form a separate admin team. Build your own admin structure that operates independently.

– Migrate the group. Move members to an entirely new group with fresh leadership if needed.

– Live with their leadership. Accept their authority unless it becomes seriously problematic.

Even if a creator stays, your power is in building strong connections with members. That gives you influence regardless of titles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Facebook group admin delete the group creator?

No, on Facebook the group creator cannot be deleted or removed by any other admins. Only if the creator voluntarily leaves can they be removed from the role.

Who is the real owner of a Facebook group?

The original creator of a Facebook group is considered the true owner and holds the highest level of authority that cannot be involuntarily revoked.

Can you remove someone from a Facebook group if they created it?

No, the original creator of a Facebook group cannot be removed from the group nor have their admin privileges taken away without consent.

Can a Reddit moderator remove the subreddit creator?

No, on Reddit a moderator cannot remove the original subreddit creator or ‘founder’ from their position. Only Reddit admins would have that authority.

Who takes over when the owner of a Discord server leaves?

If the owner of a Discord server leaves, the next highest admin would take over. However, unlike on other platforms, Discord admins can remove the server owner.


While group creators and founders hold special status, they are not always untouchable. Platform policies provide varying levels of protection against removal by other admins. Knowing exactly what is allowed can avoid wasted effort.

In many cases, patient discussion and building consensus is smarter than attempting to forcibly overthrow stubborn founders. But if they are inactive or problematic enough, you may have recourse through voluntary transfer of ownership or help from the platform itself.