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Can I reply in notification on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 2 billion users worldwide. One of the handy features of WhatsApp is the ability to quickly reply to messages directly from notifications without opening the app. But does this feature work for both iOS and Android devices? Let’s take a closer look at replying to WhatsApp notifications.

Replying to Notifications on Android

The ability to respond directly in notifications is natively supported on Android. When you receive a WhatsApp message, you will see the notification pop up as usual. There will be a ‘Reply’ button underneath the message preview.

Tapping on the ‘Reply’ button will let you type out a response in a text box that appears. Once you are done, hit send and your message will be delivered, without ever having opened the WhatsApp app. This quick reply feature works for both individual and group chats.

Android also gives you the flexibility to choose how you want your WhatsApp notifications to show up. Under Settings > Apps & Notifications > WhatsApp > Notifications, you can choose between three notification styles:

  • Conversations – Names only
  • Conversations – Names and messages
  • Messages only

The ‘Conversations – Names and messages’ option will enable quick replies from notifications. The other two options only show the name of the sender and not a preview of the message itself, so no quick reply feature.

Steps to Reply to WhatsApp Notification on Android

  1. Receive a WhatsApp message notification
  2. Notification will show message preview and ‘Reply’ button
  3. Tap on ‘Reply’ and type your message in the text box
  4. Hit the send button once done

And that’s it! The message will be delivered immediately without needing to open the WhatsApp app itself. This makes replying to messages super quick and easy on Android.

Replying to Notifications on iOS

The ability to respond directly from notifications is an Android-only feature, unfortunately. On iOS devices like iPhones, you cannot reply to WhatsApp (or any messaging app) from notifications.

When you receive a WhatsApp message notification on iPhone, it will only show the name of the sender, not a preview of the message content. There is no reply option.

Tapping on the notification will open the WhatsApp app directly to the chat screen with that person. You can then read the message and type out your reply as normal. But there is no way to respond directly from the notification itself.

Apple does not allow third-party apps to utilize quick reply for notifications on iOS due to privacy and security policies. WhatsApp for iOS adheres to these guidelines.

Steps to Reply to WhatsApp Notification on iPhone

  1. Receive a WhatsApp message notification
  2. Notification will only show sender’s name
  3. Tap on notification to open WhatsApp app
  4. Go to the chat and read the message
  5. Type and send your reply as normal within WhatsApp

So while not as seamless as on Android, replying to WhatsApp messages from notifications on iOS is still straightforward. Just open the app from the notification and respond as you normally would.


Replying directly from notifications is an Android-exclusive WhatsApp feature. Thanks to customizations in Android, WhatsApp can show message previews and quick reply buttons in notifications. But Apple’s tighter restrictions prevent this on iOS.

iPhone users will have to tap the notification to launch WhatsApp and then reply as normal from within the app itself. While slightly less convenient, this process on iOS still only takes a few extra seconds.

Being able to respond from notifications can save time and make message workflows more seamless. Hopefully Apple will permit more interactive notifications in the future so iPhone users can also take advantage of this handy messaging feature.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I reply to WhatsApp notifications on iPhone?

No, iOS does not allow replying directly from notifications for WhatsApp or other messaging apps. You have to tap the notification to open WhatsApp, then reply as normal from within the app.

Does WhatsApp quick reply work on Android?

Yes, Android natively supports replying to WhatsApp and other messaging app notifications without opening the app, thanks to customizations in Android.

How do I enable WhatsApp quick replies on Android?

Make sure notification settings for WhatsApp are set to ‘Conversations – Names and messages’ to see message previews and the reply button in notifications.

Can I reply to WhatsApp group notifications?

Yes, you can quickly reply to notifications for both individual chats and WhatsApp groups on Android. iOS does not support replying from notifications.

Will WhatsApp add quick reply for iOS?

Unfortunately no, because of Apple’s restrictions, WhatsApp cannot add native quick reply features for iOS notifications. This is an Android-only capability for now.

Key Takeaways

  • Android natively supports replying to WhatsApp notifications without opening the app.
  • iOS does not permit replying directly from notifications due to Apple restrictions.
  • iPhone users must tap the notification to launch WhatsApp and reply normally.
  • Quick reply works for both individual and group chats on Android.
  • This handy feature remains Android-exclusive for now due to iOS limitations.