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Can the person see that I block it on WhatsApp?

Quick Answer

No, when you block someone on WhatsApp, they cannot see that you have blocked them. The person you blocked will stop seeing your profile photo, last seen status and any status updates. Your messages will no longer go through and calls will not connect. However, from their end it will seem like you may have deleted or deactivated your account, there is no notification that they have been blocked.

When You Block Someone on WhatsApp

When you make the decision to block someone on WhatsApp, it prevents them from being able to contact you or see most of your account information. Here is what happens when you block someone:

  • They can no longer send you messages or call you on WhatsApp
  • Your profile photo, last seen status and any status updates will no longer be visible to them
  • Any messages they send will show only one check mark and not deliver to you
  • If in a group together, they will not be able to tag or message you directly
  • You will not receive any notifications from them on WhatsApp

Essentially, blocking cuts off contact so you no longer see messages or updates from that person. It prevents them from reaching you on WhatsApp in any way.

What the Blocked Person Sees

When you block someone, they do not get any notification or message that they have been blocked. From the blocked person’s perspective, it will seem like either:

  • You deleted your WhatsApp account
  • You deactivated your account
  • You changed your phone number

There is no indication given that they have been blocked. Your last seen status and online status will no longer update. Any messages stay on “sent” and show only one check mark instead of two. The blocked person may find it strange that you suddenly stop responding or they can no longer see your profile photo, status etc. However, there is no definitive way for them to know they were blocked.

Why Blocked Person Sees No Notification

WhatsApp does not send any notice or alert to someone when they are blocked. There are a few reasons why WhatsApp designed it this way:

  • To avoid potential harassment if blocked person is notified
  • To maintain user privacy and prevent confrontations
  • To keep the block feature simple and straightforward
  • Notification could allow blocked person to easily circumnavigate the block using a different number

By not alerting the blocked person that they have been cut off, it provides a cleaner break and avoids unwanted follow up messages or calls. The lack of notification helps accomplish the main goal of blocking – preventing further contact.

When Blocked Person Tries to Contact You

When someone you’ve blocked tries to contact you, here is what happens on their end:

  • Messages will remain on “sent” and never show “delivered”
  • Calls will show as “cancelled” and not go through
  • New messages or calls do not generate notifications on your device
  • If in groups together, they cannot tag or message you directly
  • They will not see your profile photo, status or last seen

So calls don’t connect, messages remain undelivered, and your profile and status is no longer visible to them. As far as they can tell, you simply aren’t online or receiving their messages for some unknown reason. At most, they may wonder if you blocked them but cannot know for sure.

When You Unblock Someone

If you later decide to unblock a person, they similarly get no notification that the block has been removed. Your profile, status and last seen will suddenly become visible to them again. Any new messages or calls will go through as normal. Previous messages sent while blocked will remain undelivered.

Unblocking reopens the lines of communication so they can reach you again through WhatsApp. But again there is no definitive way for previously blocked person to know they had been blocked and were then unblocked. The changes are noticeable to them but could also be explained by you reactivating your account.

Can You Tell if You’re Blocked by Someone?

Just as others can’t directly tell if they’ve been blocked, you also cannot directly tell if someone else has blocked you. Some signs may indicate it though:

  • Your messages suddenly go undelivered and unread
  • Calls instantly cancel or disconnect
  • You can no longer see their profile photo or status updates
  • You stop getting notifications from them on WhatsApp

These cues suggest they may have blocked you, but you have no way to know for certain. They could always claim to have deleted, deactivated or changed their number instead. Only the person who initiated the block can know for sure that blocking occurred.

Confirming You’re Blocked on WhatsApp

While you cannot definitively confirm if you’ve been blocked by someone else, here are some steps you can take to investigate further:

  • Check if you can see their profile photo, status or last seen – if not visible they may have blocked you
  • Try sending new messages and see if they deliver – remaining on “sent” implies a block
  • Attempt to call them and see if the call instantly cancels or disconnects
  • See if you can still find them in any common WhatsApp groups
  • Ask a mutual friend if they can still contact the person normally

If your messages don’t go through, calls fail to connect, and your mutual friends can still reach them, it’s a strong signal that you may have been blocked. However, remember there is no definitive proof they have actually blocked you on WhatsApp.

Why You Can’t Confirm a Block

WhatsApp does not allow you to confirm for certain if you’ve been blocked by someone else. Here are some key reasons why:

  • Preserves user privacy and avoids potential unwanted interactions
  • Avoids conflict or confrontations if blocked person is notified
  • Technical limitations since block is only recorded on blocker’s device
  • Notification could allow circumventing the block with a different number

By design, WhatsApp maintains secrecy around blocking other users. While this may lead to uncertainty, it prevents unwanted follow up conversations about why someone blocked you. The block is anonymous to avoid these types of confrontations.

Other Ways to Know if You’re Blocked

Beyond signs within WhatsApp itself, here are some other ways you may be able to confirm a block:

  • Try calling or messaging them through your phone’s normal cellular network
  • Reach out to them on another messaging platform like Facebook Messenger
  • Connect with them on another social media app like Instagram
  • Email them to see if they respond
  • Ask them in person if you can connect face-to-face

If they’ve only blocked you on WhatsApp but you can still contact them elsewhere, it’s a clear sign you’ve been blocked specifically on WhatsApp. However, be careful not to harass them through other channels, which could lead to full blocks.

What to Do If Someone Blocked You

Finding out you’ve likely been blocked can be disappointing. Here are some tips on what to do next:

  • Reflect on why they may have wanted to block you
  • Respect their decision and avoid trying to contact them on new numbers
  • Don’t take it personally – blocking is often to manage boundaries
  • Give them space by not reaching out through other channels right away
  • Focus on other positive connections in your life

The healthiest approach is accepting that the block likely signals they need distance or do not wish to communicate right now. While blocking can feel harsh, try not to retaliate or escalate the situation further. Move forward and surround yourself with supportive relationships.

Reasons People Block Others on WhatsApp

There are many reasons someone may choose to block a contact on WhatsApp:

  • Breakups and ending romantic relationships
  • Cutting off someone exhibiting harassing behaviors
  • Preventing spam messages from unknown contacts
  • Avoiding someone sending harmful or abusive content
  • Disconnecting from toxic friendships or family members
  • Taking a break from communicating after a disagreement
  • General need for setting boundaries and space

Blocking is a way to manage your digital boundaries and interactions. It often signals the relationship has broken down or the person needed protection from unwanted communication.

Is Blocking on WhatsApp Permanent?

Blocking someone on WhatsApp does not have to be permanent. You can unblock a contact at any time by:

  • Going into WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked
  • Tapping “Unblock” next to the contact you want to unblock

This will remove the block so they can message and call you again normally. Contacts remain blocked only until you manually unblock them.

There is no time limit or expiration on WhatsApp blocks. The block will stay in place indefinitely until the blocking user decides to lift it. They have full control to block and unblock again whenever they choose.

Key Takeaways

  • You cannot tell if you’ve been blocked by someone on WhatsApp
  • Blocked users get no notification or confirmation of the block
  • Signs like undelivered messages imply you may be blocked
  • WhatsApp designed blocks to be anonymous for privacy reasons
  • Respect someone’s choice to block you and avoid escalating the situation
  • Focus on nurturing positive relationships in your life

Blocking on WhatsApp is designed to be subtle yet effective. While it may seem ambiguous or uncertain, the system aims to give control to block contacts when needed, without fueling additional unwanted interactions.


In summary, when you block someone on WhatsApp they get no confirmation or notification of the block. While signs like undelivered messages may suggest a block, there is no definitive way for a user to confirm if they have been blocked by another person. WhatsApp’s blocking feature is anonymous by design to avoid potential harassment and respect users’ privacy. If you realize someone likely blocked you, accept their decision graciously, reflect on why it may have happened, and refocus on healthy relationships in your life. With its privacy-centric approach to blocks, WhatsApp empowers users to set their digital boundaries when needed.