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Can we do video call on Twitter?

In the opening paragraph, to quickly answer the question posed in the title, no, currently it is not possible to directly make video calls within Twitter. However, Twitter has been expanding its audio and video capabilities, so the ability to video chat may be added in the future.

Twitter’s Audio and Video Features

While you cannot video chat on Twitter yet, the platform does offer some options for audio and video communication. Here are some of the current features:

  • Live Audio Rooms – Hosts can create audio chat rooms that users can join live to participate in discussions by speaking or just listening.
  • Twitter Spaces – Similar to Live Audio Rooms, Twitter Spaces allow users to gather for audio conversations in real-time.
  • Voice Tweets – Users can record and post voice messages up to 140 seconds long as tweets on their feed.
  • Video Tweets – Native video recording and posting is supported within the Twitter app and in tweets.

So Twitter is clearly expanding its implementation of audio and video capabilities. This shows that video calling could be on the horizon someday, even if the platform doesn’t currently support it.

Are There Any Workarounds for Video Calls?

While you can’t natively video chat within Twitter, there are some workarounds using third-party apps and integrations. Here are a couple of options for pseudo video calling on Twitter:

Group Video Chats via Twitter’s App Integrations

The Twitter mobile app supports integrations with other apps that do provide video calling functionality. For example:

  • Group video chats – Apps like Houseparty, Discord, or Telegram can be opened directly from someone’s Twitter profile or tweets to start a group video chat with them.
  • One-on-one video calls – Similarly, apps like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger can be opened from Twitter to initiate individual video calls.

While not full Twitter integration, using these third-party apps in conjunction with Twitter can allow forms of video chat based on Twitter conversations.

Screen Sharing Live Video Broadcasts

Another workaround is to use the live video broadcasting capabilities Twitter does have to simulate video chatting. This can be done by:

  • Going live from your camera feed via Periscope or Twitter’s native video broadcasting.
  • Screensharing your screen to functionally stream a video call’s visuals.
  • Communicating via the live video comments or a separate voice call/chat program simultaneously.

Again, this isn’t a true direct video call, but does leverage Twitter’s existing features to approximate the experience.

Will Native Video Calls Come to Twitter?

Here is some analysis on whether direct video calls are likely to become an official Twitter feature someday:

Factors Suggesting Twitter May Add Video Calling

  • Expanding audio/video features – As mentioned earlier, Twitter is clearly invested in expanding audio and video capabilities as evidenced by recent rollouts of voice tweets, Spaces, etc.
  • Acquisition of Quill – Quill is a messaging platform focused on seamless sharing. Its acquisition could help Twitter build out a richer messaging product potentially incorporating video chat.
  • Competitive pressure – Other social platforms like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram offer native video calling. Twitter may feel pressure to follow suit.

Factors Suggesting Twitter May Not Add Video Calling

  • Mission is real-time text conversations – Twitter’s core purpose has always been real-time text conversations in a public, open format. Video calling doesn’t align with that quite as well.
  • Technical challenges – Retrofitting video calling into Twitter’s infrastructure designed for text, images, and limited video could pose engineering challenges.
  • Ample workarounds exist – As covered earlier, there are already decent workarounds for pseudo video chats on Twitter, reducing urgency.


In summary, here are the key points about video calling capabilities on Twitter currently:

  • Native video calls are not yet directly supported on Twitter.
  • Twitter does offer some audio/video features like voice tweets and group audio rooms.
  • Workarounds exist using third-party apps integrated with Twitter or screensharing broadcasts.
  • Twitter may add native video calls someday based on product roadmap, but no definitive plans announced yet.

So while you can’t truly video chat on Twitter today, there are some substitutes available now, and the future potential for Twitter to expand into video calling as part of its growth into a richer social media platform. But the core DNA of Twitter still focuses primarily on public text-based conversations rather than private video chats. Only time will tell if Twitter ever evolves to fully incorporate video calling capabilities natively into its platform.

Year Twitter Active Users
2012 500 million
2016 319 million
2020 353 million
2022 237 million

This table provides data on Twitter’s number of active users over the past decade. As you can see, Twitter saw significant growth in its early years, peaking at 500 million active users in 2012. However, growth stagnated and even declined in more recent years with the advent of competing platforms. In 2022, Twitter has around 237 million active users, showing a decrease from its peak but stabilization in recent years. This user data provides helpful context about Twitter’s current scale and growth trajectory as we consider the future of video calling features on the platform.

Twitter’s lack of explosive growth in active users in the past 5-10 years compared to competitors like Instagram or TikTok may reduce the urgency or pressure for Twitter to add new features like video calling capabilities. The workarounds using integrated third-party apps may provide good enough video chat functionality for Twitter’s purposes if the core user base and usage patterns remain stable. However, if Twitter wants to boost growth again, enhancing features like video calling could potentially help attract new demographics of users or increased engagement from existing users. Integrating video chat features natively could also help Twitter retain users and prevent losing more people to alternative platforms.

In conclusion, while native video calling does not currently exist on Twitter, the platform’s growing multimedia capabilities and need to remain competitive with other social platforms means there is certainly potential for Twitter to add direct video chat support down the road. However, it’s unclear if that will become a priority any time soon, especially as Twitter focuses on stabilizing its business and core functionalities under new ownership. But the use cases and demand for video conversations among Twitter’s hundreds of millions of existing users worldwide will likely drive increased consideration of integrating video calling in some form over time.

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