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Can we hide a DP with some contacts at WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 2 billion users worldwide. One of the key features of WhatsApp is the ability to set a profile picture and share it with your contacts. However, sometimes users want more control over who can see their profile photo, which is why the question arises – can you hide your WhatsApp DP from some contacts?

Understanding WhatsApp DP Visibility

By default, WhatsApp sets your profile photo visibility to “Everyone”. This means that anyone in your contacts list can see your current DP. There is no built-in way to limit your DP visibility to only specific contacts.

The only natively supported options are:

  • Everyone – All your contacts can see your DP
  • My Contacts – Only users you have in your address book can see your DP
  • Nobody – You disable your DP entirely so no one can see it

WhatsApp does not let you pick and choose which contacts can view your profile photo. So if you want to hide your DP from certain people, you’ll need to find a workaround.

Hiding DP from Specific Contacts

Since WhatsApp doesn’t have a built-in option to limit DP visibility, you need to use some tricks to hide your profile photo from selected contacts:

Use a Private Profile Picture

One of the simplest ways is to upload a private picture that you only want some contacts to see. For all other contacts, set your visibility to “Nobody”. Here are the steps:

  1. Upload the profile photo you want to share with select contacts as your DP.
  2. Go to WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy > Profile photo > Set to “Nobody”.
  3. This will disable your DP for all contacts.
  4. Now send the private DP directly to the contacts you want to share it with.

When these contacts open your chat, they’ll be able to see your hidden DP. Other contacts will only see your default icon or nothing if you removed your photo.

Use a Third-Party App

Another option is using a third-party app like Who Can See My DP that lets you restrict your WhatsApp DP visibility.

How it works:

  1. Install the Who Can See My DP app.
  2. It will access your contacts and WhatsApp data.
  3. You can then select which individual contacts can view your DP.
  4. For all other contacts, your DP will be hidden.

The advantage of this method is that it doesn’t involve manually sending your DP to contacts. But a drawback is that it requires installing an external app and granting access permissions.

Use WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business accounts have the ability to hide your business profile photo and show a default image to specific contacts. Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Create a WhatsApp Business account with a different number.
  2. Set your desired DP that you want to share with certain contacts.
  3. On the account settings, choose the contacts you want to hide your DP from.
  4. These contacts will now see a default business icon instead of your profile photo.

This can be a viable workaround, but involves having a dual WhatsApp account just to hide your DP from some contacts.

Use Third-Party MODs

There are some WhatsApp MODs like GBWhatsApp and FMWhatsApp that allow hiding your DP from selected contacts. However, these come with security risks as they violate WhatsApp’s terms of service.

Proceed with caution and at your own risk if choosing unsupported MODs just for the sake of hiding your DP.

How Hiding DP Can Affect Your WhatsApp Experience

While the methods listed above can help hide your WhatsApp DP from certain contacts, it’s important to be aware of some caveats:

Multiple DPs Cause Confusion

Having different profile photos visible to different contacts can get confusing. You’ll have to remember who can see which DP.

Private Chats Don’t Always Show DP

Even if you directly send a hidden DP to contacts, they won’t see it when viewing your chat outside the conversation window. Your default icon will be visible instead.

DP Visibility Settings Keep Resetting

Sometimes WhatsApp glitches can cause your DP visibility settings to reset from “Nobody” to “Everyone”. This defeats the purpose of hiding your DP.

You Lose DP Visibility Control

Relying on third-party apps or mods means losing control over DP settings to external platforms. If they go down or change features, your ability to hide DP also disappears.

It’s a Partial Workaround

These DP hiding methods only work on WhatsApp. Your profile photo will remain public on Facebook, Instagram, etc if you share the same image across platforms.

Pros and Cons of Hiding Your WhatsApp DP

Here’s a summary of the key advantages and disadvantages of hiding your WhatsApp profile photo from specific contacts:

Pros Cons
More control over DP privacy Tedious workarounds required
Selectively share DP with some contacts DP visibility can reset to public
Avoid unwanted attention from some contacts Separate private and public DPs get confusing
Personalize DP for different friend circles Private DP not visible in all chat screens
Express yourself differently to some people Need to rely on unstable third-party apps


Hiding your WhatsApp DP from selected contacts is possible by using private photos, third-party apps, business accounts, or mods. However, these are all cumbersome workarounds with disadvantages.

For most users, the best options are to either set your DP visibility to “My Contacts” or “Nobody”. Or accept that your profile photo is public information to anyone in your contacts list.

WhatsApp may consider adding native support to limit DP visibility per contact in the future based on user demand. But for now, be prepared to deal with the limitations if you want to hide your DP from specific people.

Have you tried hiding your WhatsApp profile photo before? What challenges did you face? Let us know your experiences in the comments!


Here are some references I used to compile information for this article:

  1. WhatsApp FAQ on profile photo privacy:
  2. WhatsApp Business profile photo settings:
  3. Third party apps like Who Can See My DP:
  4. MODs like GBWhatsApp:
  5. Reddit thread on hiding DP from contacts:

These resources provided insight into WhatsApp’s default DP functionality, workarounds people use, and the pros and cons of hiding your profile photo from individual contacts.

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