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Can you block unknown messages on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 2 billion users worldwide. Its ease of use, encrypted messaging, and ability to send texts, photos, videos, documents and make calls has made it a go-to communication tool.

However, one downside of WhatsApp’s popularity is the ability for anyone to message you, even if they are not in your contacts. This can lead to unwanted messages from strangers, spam, and scams. Thankfully, WhatsApp provides a way to block unknown contacts from messaging you.

What are unknown messages on WhatsApp?

Unknown messages on WhatsApp refer to messages you receive from senders who are not in your phone’s address book. These can include:

– Messages from phone numbers not saved in your contacts
– Messages where only a phone number shows up, without a name
– Messages from businesses promoting products/services
– Spam or scam messages

You may get unknown messages if your phone number was shared publicly or if a business or scammer got your number. While some may be legitimate, like notifications from businesses, many unwanted messages come from unknowns.

Should you be concerned about unknown messages?

Getting unknown messages may cause concern, as you don’t know the sender’s intention. Here are some risks of unknown messages:

Spam and scams

Spam campaigns and scammers often get phone numbers in bulk and send unsolicited messages. These may contain phishing links, request sensitive information, or try to trick you. Deleting or ignoring these is the best option.


An unknown person may have got your number and starts sending harassing or threatening messages. Blocking them is important in these cases.

Wrong number messages

Sometimes people message the wrong number by mistake. While usually harmless, it can lead to confusion or unwanted conversations with a stranger.

Businesses soliciting customers

Companies may send promotional or sales messages to numbers bought in bulk. If you are not an existing customer, these unknown business messages can be annoying.

So while not always malicious, unknown messages do pose some risks. The safest option is keeping your number private, being vigilant about scams, and blocking any unwanted messages.

How can you identify and avoid unknown messages?

Here are some tips to identify and avoid unwanted messages from unknown senders on WhatsApp:

Look for unknown numbers

Messages just showing phone numbers without names in your chat list indicate unknown contacts. Add such numbers to your contacts to see if a name appears.

Watch for generic greetings

Scam or promotional messages often start with generic phrases like “Hello,” or “Dear user” rather than using your name.

Don’t open suspicious links or attachments

Be cautious before clicking links or downloading files from non-contacts to avoid malware or revealing personal information.

Leave group chats

Exit any groups you’re added to with members you don’t know to prevent unwanted messages.

Don’t share your number publicly

Avoid posting your phone number on public forums or websites where anyone can access it. This reduces unknown messages.

Turn off “Everyone” visibility

In WhatsApp privacy settings, set your “Last Seen”, “Profile Photo”, and “About” options to not be visible to “Everyone”. This adds a layer of privacy.

How to block unknown contacts on WhatsApp

WhatsApp makes it simple to block unknown numbers and stop associated messages. There are two methods:

Block a number

1. Open the chat with the unknown number.

2. Tap on the contact name/number at the top.

3. Select Block Contact. This prevents them from sending you messages.

Blocked contacts list

1. Go to WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked > Add New.

2. Enter the phone number and tap Block. This blocks them.

3. You can view all blocked numbers under Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked. Tap on a contact to unblock them.

Should you reply to unknown numbers?

Replying to an unknown number lets them know your number is active. Here are some risks of replying:

– Scammers may try more attempts to get personal information from you once you respond.

– Spammers can send more promotional messages if they see you open or respond to messages.

– Strangers may continue messaging you unwanted or inappropriate things if you engage with them.

– Businesses may add you to mailing lists if you interact with their messages.

When replying may be okay

Some cases where cautiously replying could be fine:

– To ask a sender to stop messaging you.

– If you’re expecting a delivery notification or appointment reminder from a business.

– To let a wrong number sender know they have the incorrect person.

– To politely decline if asked for donations, sales, surveys etc.

How to report spam or abusive messages

If you receive harassment or inappropriate content from an unknown number, you can report the messages or number to WhatsApp.

Report an account

1. In the chat, tap on the contact name/number.

2. Scroll down and tap Report Contact.

3. Select why you’re reporting – spam, scam, or other reasons. Add details if needed.

Report messages

1. Long press on the abusive or spam message(s).

2. Tap Report.

3. Select why you’re reporting the message. Add details if needed.

WhatsApp reviews reports and takes action if messages violate their policies, including banning accounts.

Can you stop messages without blocking?

There are a couple other ways to limit messages from unknown numbers without fully blocking them:

Mute notifications

You can mute notifications from an unknown sender so you don’t hear alerts for new messages. To do this:

1. Open the chat.

2. Tap on the contact name/number.

3. Select Mute notifications.

You can still read new messages by opening the chat, but won’t get notified.

Turn on Ignore Archived Chats

If you archive a chat with an unknown number, WhatsApp won’t show notifications if the contact messages again. To enable this:

1. Go to WhatsApp Settings.

2. Tap Notifications > Ignore Archived Chats.

3. Toggle on Ignore Archived Chats.

Archiving unknown chats stops notifications while still letting you view messages.

Can you retrieve and view messages from a blocked contact?

Once you block a contact, any existing messages remain in the chat, but you will no longer get new messages from that number.

So you can still view and read previous messages exchanged with a blocked contact by unblocking them:

1. Go to Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked.

2. Tap on the blocked contact and select Unblock.

3. Open the chat – you will now be able to view all previous messages.

4. If you want to re-block them, just repeat the steps to block the contact again.

Retrieving past messages from blocked contacts can be helpful to:

– Review conversation history or important details that were exchanged

– Provide screenshots or evidence of harassment/spam

– Understand the context of previous conversations if the contact was blocked by mistake

However, unblocking temporarily re-enables messaging until you block again, so proceed with caution.

What happens when you block someone on WhatsApp?

Blocking a contact on WhatsApp prevents them from:

– Calling or sending you any new messages

– Seeing your profile photo, last seen, and online status

– Adding you to groups

– Viewing any updates to your profile bio or About info

So blocking provides control over a contact’s ability to reach you or view your WhatsApp activity and info.

However, when you block a contact:

– They can still see if messages they send are delivered to your number

– Previous messages with them remain in your chat history

– Your old messages remain visible to them

– They are not notified or alerted that you blocked them

So while blocking stops new communication, it does not delete chat history or notify the contact.

Can a blocked contact still view your WhatsApp status?

When you block someone on WhatsApp, they can no longer see any updates to your profile information. However, they still remain able to view your WhatsApp status updates.

This is because status posts are considered more public. So even if a contact is blocked, they can check your status if they visit your chat.

To prevent specific contacts from seeing your WhatsApp status:

1. Go to WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy

2. Tap Status > My Contacts Except.

3. Select the contacts you want to exclude.

This ensures your status is visible to all contacts except those you blocked or selected. An alternative is setting your status to be visible to “My Contacts” only, but then it won’t be public.

Can you get messages from blocked contacts in WhatsApp groups?

If you block a contact, they will be automatically removed from any WhatsApp groups that you are both members of. This ensures you won’t receive messages from a blocked contact through shared WhatsApp groups.

However, if the blocked contact creates a group or is added to a group by another member, they have the ability to message in that group.

Even if you blocked them, you would be able to see the messages they post in this group chat. Their messages would show up for all members except you.

So while one-on-one messaging is stopped when blocking a contact, group messaging limitations depend on if it is your group or not.

Should you let contacts know if you block them?

It is generally not necessary to inform contacts if you block them on WhatsApp. Some reasons you may opt to not notify them:

– They are able to continue messaging without getting any indication from WhatsApp that they are blocked.

– Notifying them can lead to further unwanted communication or backlash.

– If they are spammers/scammers, informing them confirms your number is active.

– Harassers may escalate inappropriate behavior if they know you blocked them.

However, in some cases it may be appropriate or prudent to let a contact know they are blocked such as:

– To stop a wrong number sender contacting you again

– Making a blocked business/salesperson aware you refuse more messages

– Preventing them from assuming they have a device/network issue

So while optional, informing a blocked contact can provide closure in select situations.

What happens if a blocked contact tries to message you?

If someone tries to message you after being blocked on WhatsApp, it will appear to deliver successfully from their end.

But you will not actually receive any of their messages or notifications. This prevents the blocked contact from knowing you cannot see their messages.

On Android, blocked contacts may see one check mark after sending a message, indicating it was transmitted. But the second check mark for delivery will never appear, since you cannot receive it.

On iPhone, blocked contacts see an empty message thread when they try to chat. They have no indicators if messages are sent or delivered, but assume they went through.

So while the blocked contact is unaware, all their messages and calls go nowhere since you cannot receive them after blocking. They may continue messaging with no errors, but you will no longer see anything.

Can you get legal help for harassment from blocked numbers?

If you are receiving threatening, harassing or abusive messages from an unknown number, even after blocking them on WhatsApp, there are legal remedies available for help:

File a police complaint

Depending on the laws in your region, you can file a complaint with the police detailing the harassment. Provide screenshots as evidence and request intervention to identify and stop the harasser.

Get a restraining or protection order

For serious cases of stalking or threat, you can legally pursue a restraining or protection order from a court against the harasser with help of a lawyer, forcing them to stop contact.

Report to WhatsApp

As mentioned before, report unknown abusive numbers and messages to WhatsApp through in-app reporting. Continued violations can get accounts banned.

Change your number

As a last resort, you can change your phone number and limit sharing it publicly to avoid further unwanted messages if harassment persists even after complaints and blocking.

Pursuing legal action can help escalate and address serious harassment from unknown contacts, though evidence is required.


Unknown messages on WhatsApp can range from benign to troublesome, but the platform provides settings to limit contact from strangers. The simplest option is blocking unknown numbers, which stops notifications and messaging capabilities.

Being vigilant against potential spam and scams, not engaging with suspicious senders, tweaking privacy settings, and reporting abuse are other ways to secure your account from unwanted communication. In extreme cases of harassment, legal assistance can also force a contact to cease messaging you.

Handling unknown messages properly keeps WhatsApp engaging with friends and family, not frustrating with strangers. With its extensive user base, WhatsApp will likely remain flooded with unknown contacts trying to connect. But the tools to control your experience and connect on your terms make WhatsApp’s popularity worthwhile, not a pain.