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Can you edit sent text messages?

Once a text message is sent, many people wonder if there is any way to edit or delete it. With the rise in usage of messaging apps like iMessage, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and more, texting has become one of the main ways we communicate today. However, we’ve all had that moment after hitting send where we notice an embarrassing typo or autocorrect failure. So is there any way to edit or delete a text after you’ve already sent it?

Can You Edit Sent SMS Text Messages?

The short answer is no, you cannot edit SMS text messages after sending them. SMS (Short Message Service) has been around since the earliest cell phones and is still widely used today. When you send a standard green text bubble in iOS or an SMS on Android, it gets delivered almost instantly over the cellular network.

However, this means there is no way to recall or edit the message after it is sent. The SMS architecture is simple and lightweight by design, so once your message is transmitted to the recipient’s carrier it cannot be changed. Some apps may let you delete a sent SMS from your own view, but it will still be delivered and visible to the recipient.

So unfortunately, there is no native ability to edit or delete an SMS text message after tapping send. Once it’s sent, it’s out there for good!

Can You Edit Sent iMessage and Other App Messages?

Unlike SMS, many modern messaging apps and platforms do provide options to edit or delete sent messages under certain conditions. For example:


Apple’s iMessage service allows you to edit or delete sent iMessage texts in a thread as long as the other participants are also on iOS or Mac devices. You can access message options by long-pressing on a sent bubble and tapping Edit or Delete.

However, you only have a couple minutes to edit or delete an iMessage before it becomes permanent. If the recipient is offline, you get more time until they come back online. And of course, editing or deleting is only reflected on Apple devices.


On WhatsApp, you can delete messages for all participants in an individual or group chat thread. This will delete the message from both your view and the recipient’s view.

However, you only get 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 16 seconds to delete a WhatsApp message after sending it. After that time period, deletions are only reflected on your device. WhatsApp also clearly marks messages that have been deleted.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger allows you to delete sent messages from both your view and the recipient’s view, but there is a time limit. You get 10 minutes to remove a message for everyone in an individual chat. In a group chat, that window is only 5 minutes.

Other Apps

Many other messaging apps like Telegram, Signal, Slack, and Discord also provide delete options with varying time limits. The ability to edit sent messages is less common, but some apps support it.

Overall, while SMS texts cannot be edited or deleted, more advanced messaging platforms often provide options to do so within a short timeframe. This gives you a chance to fix any mistakes before it’s too late!

Why Can’t You Edit or Delete SMS Text Messages?

There are some technical and infrastructure reasons why SMS texting does not allow editing or deleting sent messages:

– SMS uses a store and forward architecture. Messages are stored briefly by your carrier before being forwarded to the recipient’s carrier. This makes recalls impossible since your message is no longer on your phone.

– There is no way to synchronize edits between carriers. SMS has no callback mechanism to notify a change.

– SMS messages have limited metadata. Unlike apps, there is no way to tag a message as deleted or edited.

– SMS delivery is designed to be fast and reliable. Building in recall or edit features would add complexity that could hurt performance and deliverability.

– SMS protocols are old and outdated. Updating all carriers worldwide to support new features would require universal standards adoption.

So in summary, SMS was designed decades ago as a simple messaging system with no consideration for editing. While modern messaging apps have more flexibility, SMS still has simplicity and universal reach on its side.

Are There Any SMS Text Editing Workarounds?

Because SMS texts cannot be edited or recalled, your only option is to send a follow up message acknowledging your mistake. Here are some workarounds:

– Send another text explaining you made a mistake or typo in your previous message. This is the simplest option, though it can lead to confusion.

– Ask the recipient politely to ignore your previous text. You can note it was sent prematurely or to the wrong person.

– If your text contained sensitive information, ask the recipient to delete it sight unseen. However, this is not enforceable.

– Offer to exchange the mistaken text for a replacement one of your choice. For example, offering to buy them a coffee.

– Use humor to acknowledge your mistake and move on. Most people will understand and not judge you for a simple typo.

– In extreme cases, you may want to just call the recipient to explain the situation and your mistake.

While you have no power to edit or recall an SMS text, owning up to your error and communicating about it is often the best move. We’ve all been there!

Mistakes to Avoid When Texting

Since text messages are permanent once sent, it’s important to text carefully and avoid common errors:

– **Double check recipients** – Make sure you’re texting the right person before hitting send, especially when texting sensitive info.

– **Read it aloud** – Verbalizing your text can help you catch typos or other issues.

– **Avoid anger** – Never text out of anger or impulse. Give yourself time to cool down if needed.

– **Watch autocorrect** – Proofread texts carefully to catch incorrect autocorrections. Disable autocorrect if it’s frequently wrong.

– **Clarify confusion** – If a text conversation gets confusing, call the person to clarify instead of prolonging confusion.

– **Consider context** – Messages can be misinterpreted without tonal context, so text thoughtfully.

– **Be concise** – Get your point across clearly and concisely to avoid confusion.

– **Don’t text and drive** – Never text when operating a vehicle, even at stop lights. It’s dangerous and illegal in most states.

Following best practices for mindful texting can help you avoid sending messages you’ll later regret!

Text Editing Features Coming Soon

Though you currently can’t edit sent SMS messages, this functionality may be coming down the pipeline.

The GSMA, which represents mobile carriers globally, has been working on a new messaging standard called RCS (Rich Communication Services) to replace SMS. RCS would incorporate many features standard in messaging apps today, including read receipts, better photo sharing, group chats, video calls, and more.

Importantly, RCS will also allow users to request to delete or modify sent messages during a limited time period. However, broad RCS adoption is still a work in progress, with fragmented carrier support. But hopefully editable messaging will arrive universally in the coming years.

Using a Third-Party SMS App

In the meantime, there are some third-party SMS and dialer apps for iOS and Android that claim to allow deleting, editing, or scheduling text messages before they are sent. Examples include Textlicious, Scheduled, and Unsend for SMS.

However, functionality varies by app and reliability can be hit or miss. Most require convincing recipients to install the same app. Reviews are mixed, with some users reporting messages still going through as normal. Proceed with caution and manage expectations with these workaround apps.

Key Takeaways

– You cannot natively edit or delete sent SMS text messages on iOS or Android. Once it’s sent, it’s permanent.

– Many messaging apps like iMessage, WhatsApp, and Messenger allow deleting (and sometimes editing) texts within a short time window after sending.

– The outdated SMS infrastructure was designed decades ago with no concept of editing or recalling messages.

– Your only SMS workaround is to send a followup message owning your mistake. Use caution when texting to avoid errors.

– Future RCS messaging standards aim to allow editing sent messages, but carrier adoption is slow. Third party texting apps offer mixed results for recalls and edits.

So while current SMS systems leave our embarrassing texts out there for good, the future may offer better solutions. Until then, text carefully and avoid the need to edit messages you send!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you edit a text after you send it?

No, you cannot directly edit or modify a sent SMS text message. The SMS protocol does not support editing or deleting messages after they are sent. However, some messaging apps like iMessage allow editing for a brief window of time.

Can you delete a text after you send it?

You cannot delete or recall a sent SMS message. But many messaging apps allow deleting sent texts within a time limit that varies by platform. iMessage gives you just a couple minutes, for example.

How long can you edit a text after sending?

On iMessage you have just 2 minutes to edit or delete a text after sending before it becomes permanent. The time window on other apps ranges from 1 hour on WhatsApp to 10 minutes on Messenger. SMS provides no edit window at all.

Can you edit text messages that were sent years ago?

No, there is no way to edit text messages retroactively years later. Once a text is sent via SMS, it cannot ever be modified. What’s sent is permanent.

Will we ever be able to edit SMS texts in the future?

Possibly! The new RCS messaging standard intends to allow editing sent texts within a limited time window. But RCS is still rolling out slowly. For now, SMS cannot be edited once sent.


The inability to edit sent text messages is an annoyance we’ve all experienced. While native SMS provides no way to modify or recall sent texts, newer messaging apps and platforms increasingly offer delete or edit options if you catch your mistake quickly. Looking ahead, future messaging standards like RCS hope to bake in short windows for editing.

But until then, extra caution when texting remains your best defense against the embarrassment of a text message gone wrong. Proofread carefully, clarify confusion quickly, and own up to mistakes politely. We’ve all been there!