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Can you see who viewed your Whatsapp profile?

The short answer is no, there is currently no built-in way to see exactly who has viewed your WhatsApp profile. WhatsApp does not have a view tracker or viewer history feature like other social media platforms such as Instagram or LinkedIn.

What profile information is visible to others on WhatsApp?

Your WhatsApp profile consists of your profile photo, status, and “About” information.

This profile information is visible to all of your WhatsApp contacts.

  • Profile photo – Your current profile photo is visible to all contacts who have your phone number saved in their phone’s contacts.
  • Status – Your status text, photos, and videos are visible to all contacts for 24 hours.
  • “About” info – This includes your name, bio, work info, etc. It is visible to all contacts.

Can you see who viewed your WhatsApp profile photo?

There is no way to see who exactly has viewed your WhatsApp profile photo.

Since your profile photo is visible to all your contacts, WhatsApp does not track views.

Some WhatsApp mods claim to show profile photo viewers, but this is not possible without access to WhatsApp’s backend data.

Most mods show random names of your contacts to make it seem like they are tracking views.

Can you see who viewed your WhatsApp status?

Unfortunately you cannot see who has viewed your WhatsApp status.

The list of status viewers is not available to users.

However, you can see the total number of views your status received in the past 24 hours. To find this:

  1. In WhatsApp, tap on your profile photo in the top left.
  2. Tap “Privacy”.
  3. Under “Status”, tap “Viewed by”.
  4. You will see the total number of views in the last 24 hours.

While this shows the total view count, it does not show who specifically viewed your status.

Does WhatsApp notify contacts when you view their profile or status?

No, WhatsApp does not send any notification when you view someone’s profile or status. It is completely anonymous.

For example, if you view someone’s WhatsApp profile photo or About info, they will not get notified. You can view anyone’s profile freely without them knowing.

Similarly, you can view someone’s status as many times as you want and they won’t know.

They can only see the total view count, not who specifically viewed their status.

How can I find out who stalks my WhatsApp profile?

Since WhatsApp does not have built-in profile viewer tracking, the only way to really know who views your profile is to use a third party WhatsApp mod.

Some popular mods like GBWhatsApp and FMWhatsApp claim to show exactly who viewed your profile.

However, most of these third party apps actually show random contacts instead of accurate viewer data.

This is because WhatsApp encrypts all profile data and does not store who views your profile on their server. So third party apps do not have access to your actual profile viewer analytics.

Risks of using third party WhatsApp mods

While WhatsApp mods can add more features like profile stalkers, they come with risks:

  • Against WhatsApp policy – Your account can get banned.
  • Security issues – Mods may steal your data.
  • Unreliable new features – Mod claims are often inaccurate.

The safest option is to use the official WhatsApp app from the app store.

Avoid third party mods even if they claim useful features like profile viewer tracking.

What online tools can show your WhatsApp profile and status viewers?

Some websites claim they can show your WhatsApp profile and status viewers by syncing your account.

However, these online tools do not actually have the technical capability to access your WhatsApp view data.

Many sites ask you to verify your phone number or scan a QR code under the pretense they will sync your account. In reality, these sites do not show real viewer analytics.

Like third party apps, they display random contacts from your WhatsApp list to make it seem accurate. But the profiles shown are fabricated.

Risks of WhatsApp web tools

These online WhatsApp viewer tools have risks including:

  • Security flaws – Your account can get hacked.
  • Spam and ads – You may receive unwanted messages.
  • Data privacy issues – Your info might get misused.

For your own safety, avoid any website that claims it can show your WhatsApp profile or status viewers. They cannot actually access or sync your WhatsApp account data.

What are some safe WhatsApp stalking techniques?

While you cannot see exactly who views your WhatsApp profile and status, there are some safe techniques you can use to make an educated guess on who your profile stalkers might be:

Monitor interactions – Notice who likes, comments on, or saves your status updates most often.

Check typing indicators – See who frequently goes in and out of typing when chatting with you.

Watch online status – See who often comes online or goes offline after you do.

Notice profile photo views – See whose profile pics get updated right after yours.

Combining these clues can give you an idea of contacts that interact with you and likely view your WhatsApp activity often. But there is no guaranteed way to know for sure.

Will WhatsApp ever add profile viewer tracking?

There is no definitive news from WhatsApp about adding profile viewer tracking.

Since WhatsApp emphasizes privacy and security, it is unlikely they will add a feature that exposes who views your profile.

Viewer tracking features on sites like LinkedIn and Instagram have led to concerns about stalking and privacy. WhatsApp aims for more anonymous messaging without exposing user actions.

The best option on WhatsApp continues to be using the security settings available, like controlling who can see your profile photo, About section, and status updates.