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Can you send disappearing photos on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 2 billion users worldwide. One of the app’s key features is the ability to send photos and videos to your contacts. In recent years, WhatsApp has introduced new options for controlling the visibility of the media you share, including the ability to send “disappearing photos and videos” that expire after being viewed once.

What are disappearing photos and videos?

Disappearing photos and videos, also known as view once media, are photos or videos that self-destruct after being opened by the recipient. Once the recipient opens the photo or video, it is displayed on their screen. After the recipient leaves the chat screen, the media disappears and is deleted from the recipient’s phone.

Some key aspects of disappearing photos and videos on WhatsApp:

  • The sender can see when the recipient opens the photo or video, because the blue double check marks will turn blue.
  • The recipient can not forward, save, star, share, or screenshot the disappearing photo or video. This helps maintain the privacy of the content.
  • If the disappearing photo or video fails to send, the sender will be notified. The media will not vanish from the sender’s phone until it has been successfully opened by the recipient.

Disappearing photos and videos were introduced by WhatsApp in 2021 as an optional way to share visual content while maintaining control and privacy over the media. It serves as an alternative to standard media sharing, for situations where you want visuals to be viewable just once.

How to send disappearing photos and videos on WhatsApp

Sending disappearing photos and videos on WhatsApp is easy and straightforward. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the WhatsApp chat with the contact you want to send the disappearing media to.
  2. Tap the attach media icon (paperclip or + symbol).
  3. Select the photo or video you want to send.
  4. On the preview screen before sending, tap the icon with the “1” inside a circle.
  5. This enables the view once setting. The circle icon will turn blue.
  6. Tap send to complete sending the disappearing photo or video.

The steps are the same whether you are sending an existing photo/video from your camera roll or taking and sending a new photo directly within WhatsApp.

Once you activate the view once setting before hitting send, the photo or video will disappear after the recipient opens it a single time. The experience is seamless and identical to sending normal media, except for the disappearing aspect.

Can the recipient save disappearing photos you send?

No, the recipient cannot save, screenshot, forward or otherwise keep copies of your disappearing photos and videos. The media is deleted automatically from the recipient’s phone after they view it once.

Here are some key points on why recipients can’t save your disappearing WhatsApp media:

  • Screen recording and screenshots are automatically disabled when viewing disappearing photos and videos. This prevents manual saving.
  • The photos or videos are not actually saved to the recipient’s phone. They are decrypted and displayed on-screen only momentarily.
  • Forwarding and sharing options are disabled by WhatsApp for disappearing media.
  • WhatsApp utilizes encryption, local device settings, and other security practices to prevent saving.

There are no known workarounds that allow recipients to capture your disappearing photos. The only way is if the sender manually takes a screenshot before sending, as the sender can still view normally. In general, you can feel confident the media will not be retained.

Can you view disappearing photos more than once?

No, disappearing photos and videos can only be viewed once by the recipient. After the recipient opens the media for the first time, it is programmed to be deleted from their device. There is no way to retrieve or replay disappearing photos and videos again after the first view.

Some key points on the one-time only aspect:

  • The encryption keys are deleted immediately after the initial decryption, preventing decrypting again.
  • Re-sharing the media link simply says the media is unavailable.
  • Once the user leaves the chat screen, the media is removed from memory.
  • WhatsApp’s servers delete the media after the first view and no copies remain there either.

The one-time view limit is a core part of how disappearing messages work. It gives senders confidence that their privacy is maintained. The only exception is if the sender views the media on their own device before sending, where they can view normally.

How long do the photos stay before disappearing?

Disappearing photos and videos will be automatically deleted from the recipient’s device immediately after they are viewed for the first time. There is no time delay or duration before expiration.


  • As soon as the recipient opens and views the media, it starts expiring.
  • The moment they exit the chat screen, the media is erased from their device’s memory.
  • There is no persistence or caching of the photo or video after the first view.
  • No copies remain saved anywhere on the recipient’s device.

In essence, disappearing media is designed to last only as long as the recipient has the chat open with the media visible. Once they navigate away or close WhatsApp, it is gone for good.

There is no expiration timer or countdown. The media simply expires instantly when closed. This allows the media to remain private and temporary.

Can the sender see if you’ve opened disappearing media?

Yes, the sender can see when a recipient has opened disappearing media that was sent. This is indicated by the two blue check marks turning blue, similar to how read receipts work for texts.

Some key points about read receipts for disappearing media:

  • The sender can see when you open the media specifically, not just when you view the chat.
  • Viewing the thumbnail preview does not trigger the read receipt.
  • Read receipts sync across sender’s devices, like WhatsApp Web.
  • If you turn off read receipts, the sender won’t see if you opened disappearing media.
  • The sender can also see if the media expired after being viewed.

Read receipts give the sender confirmation their disappearing photo or video reached you and expired as expected. Like normal chats, you can turn off read receipts in your WhatsApp settings if you do not want senders to see when you view their disappearing media.

Can you see if someone screenshot your disappearing photo?

No, there is no way to detect if someone takes a screenshot of your disappearing photos or videos on WhatsApp. Since capturing screenshots is prevented when viewing disappearing media, there is no record or notification shown if the recipient attempts it.

Key points about screenshot notifications:

  • WhatsApp does not show any message if a screenshot is attempted.
  • You will not see the screenshot indicator (camera icon) for disappearing content.
  • There are no capture notifications due to screenshots being disabled.
  • The normal screenshot detection does not apply for these messages.
  • You do not receive any kind of alert that someone tried taking a screenshot.

While recipients are unable to take screenshots due to WhatsApp’s protections, if they did somehow circumvent the system, you as the sender have no way of knowing. WhatsApp does not provide any screenshot detection or notifications for disappearing media.

Can the recipient recover expired photos?

No, recipients cannot recover or retrieve expired disappearing photos and videos once they are viewed in WhatsApp. The media is programmed to be permanently deleted from the device and servers.

Some reasons expired media can’t be recovered:

  • No copies are saved on recipient’s device after viewing.
  • Media is immediately deleted from WhatsApp servers after the first view.
  • The encryption keys needed to decrypt the media are also deleted.
  • WhatsApp does not provide any way to retrieve expired media.
  • The automatic deletion after viewing cannot be reversed.

Due to strong encryption and deletion practices, neither the sender nor recipient have ways to recover the content after expiration. Recipients will only have the brief viewing window to see the media before it is erased forever.

Can you save or export disappearing photos yourself?

As the sender, you can save and export disappearing photos and videos before you send them. However, this defeats the purpose of sending disappearing content in the first place.

Here is what you can do as the sender:

  • You can view and re-view disappearing media normally before sending.
  • You can take screenshots or screen recordings to keep copies.
  • You can use device features to save the photo/video to your camera roll.
  • Third-party apps may allow you to export media from WhatsApp.

However, capturing or exporting disappearing media locally reduces the privacy for the recipient. It also indicates you may want to simply send the media normally if you intend to keep copies yourself.

Ideally, if you want the media to be temporary and private, it is best not to retain copies yourself as the sender either.


WhatsApp’s disappearing photos and videos allow visual content to be shared while remaining ephemeral and private. Though recipients cannot save, screenshot, or recover the media once viewed, as the sender you retain more control and access.

Disappearing media is intended to let you share temporary moments that expire after viewing. This prevents the content from being accessed again or spreading further, providing peace of mind to both sender and receiver.

Overall, disappearing photos and videos can be a useful communication tool when you want visuals to be viewable just once, but not stored permanently, adding an extra layer of privacy and control to your WhatsApp usage.

Summary of Key Points

  • Disappearing photos and videos expire after being viewed once by the recipient.
  • Recipients cannot screenshot, save, or recover the media after viewing.
  • The media is automatically deleted from devices and WhatsApp servers.
  • Senders can see when recipients open disappearing media.
  • As the sender, you can keep copies before sending the media.
  • Disappearing media adds privacy and controls for temporary sharing.

WhatsApp’s disappearing photos and videos feature provides a convenient option for visual sharing while maintaining user privacy and control. By preventing recipients from retaining copies, it enables ephemeral communication without compromising security.

With over two billion users, WhatsApp’s focus on improving privacy, encryption, and options like disappearing media help cement its position as a leader in modern messaging. As digital communication evolves, expect more innovations that enhance user controls and options for temporary sharing.

Disappearing photos and videos are ultimately about trust between sender and recipient. Used conscientiously, they can enable more open, honest, and authentic conversations, even those meant just for the moment. As the saying goes, “pictures speak a thousand words” – even if they’re designed to disappear into the ether after conveying their message.

Whether sharing a silly selfie, surprise party invite, or inside joke meant for one person’s eyes only, the ability to have visuals evaporate forever after serving their purpose provides new avenues for communication. And as disappearing messages become more commonplace across apps and social media, they reinforce the growing recognition that not everything we share digitally needs to have permanence.

Sometimes the most powerful connections are formed over moments shared spontaneously, enjoyed briefly, and then put to rest. With disappearing photos and videos, WhatsApp has created a space for those ephemeral experiences, where the only afterimage is a warm feeling between sender and recipient as the pixels fade into oblivion.