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Do messages get delivered if archived?

Whether messages get delivered if archived is a common question for many email users. The short answer is yes, archiving emails does not prevent delivery. Emails will still be sent and received as normal when archived. However, archiving can impact how messages are accessed and interacted with on the receiving end.

What happens when you archive an email?

Archiving an email simply moves it out of the main inbox into a separate archive folder. The original message is still on the email server. Any replies, forwards, or actions taken on the message will function the same. Archived emails can also still be searched and retrieved as needed. The main difference is the message is categorized and removed from the inbox view.

On most email platforms like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc., there is an Archive button that lets you archive individual messages with one click. Email apps may have automatic archiving enabled after a set period of time to help keep inboxes uncluttered.

Do archived emails still send and receive?

Yes, archiving has no effect on the sending or receiving of emails. When you hit send on a message, it will be delivered to the recipient’s inbox as normal regardless of whether you subsequently archive it. And incoming messages sent to you will still arrive in your inbox first before potentially getting archived.

The only way archiving would prevent delivery is if the receiving mailbox has automatic archiving enabled to act on messages right away before the user sees the inbox. Even then, the message is still technically delivered.

What happens when an archived message is replied to?

Replies to archived messages will still be properly sent and received by both parties. However, the behavior of the archived original message may be different depending on the email service.

On some platforms like Gmail, replying to an archived email will automatically unarchive it and move it back to the inbox. The incoming reply will also appear in the inbox per normal. The message stays unarchived for the duration of the reply thread.

On other platforms, the original archived email may stay archived when replied to. The incoming replies would still be delivered to the inbox, but the user would need to view the archives folder to see the original message thread.

Can recipients tell if you archived an email?

No, there is no indication to recipients that an email has been archived. From their inbox perspective, it will appear no differently than if the message were in your main inbox still.

Email archiving is a client-side action that simply categorizes messages for the sender. But it does not alter anything on the receiving end in terms of delivery, open/unread status, etc. Recipients would only know a message was archived if the sender explicitly told them.

Should you archive sent emails right after sending?

Archiving sent messages right away is a personal preference that can help keep your main sent folder clean. However, it may make replying and finding sent messages more difficult.

A common practice is to periodically archive older sent items that are unlikely to need further action. For example, archiving sent items older than 3 months. This clears out your active sent folder while still allowing easy access to recent messages if needed.

Do emails get auto-archived after a period of time?

Many email services offer automatic archiving options users can enable. Common settings include:

  • Archive sent mail over X weeks/months old
  • Archive inbox messages over X weeks/months old
  • Auto-archive messages marked as read
  • Auto-archive messages from certain senders

Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo and other providers let you customize these settings so emails get automatically archived per your preferences. This helps keep your inbox clutter-free over time.

Can you access archived emails on multiple devices?

Yes, most email providers sync archived messages across linked devices. For example:

  • Emails archived on your Gmail web browser will appear in your Gmail mobile app archives.
  • Messages archived via Outlook on your PC will show in the archive folder on Outlook mobile.
  • Yahoo mail archived on Android will be archived in iOS as well.

As long as you are accessing the same email account on all devices, the archived messages should be viewable system-wide regardless of where you archived them initially.

Do different email services handle archiving the same way?

The core archiving functionality works similarly across different providers and email clients. However, there are some differences in how archived messages are handled:

Email Service Archiving Behavior
Gmail Replying unarchives message back to inbox
Outlook Replying leaves original email archived
Yahoo Manual archiving only; no auto-archive
Apple Mail Can have multiple custom archive folders

So you may notice differences when archiving across web, desktop, and mobile apps. But core send/receive functionality remains the same.

Should you permanently delete emails instead of archiving?

Permanently deleting emails removes them entirely from the email server, while archiving simply categorizes messages for easier access. Reasons you may want to permanently delete include:

  • Sensitive messages you don’t want stored anywhere
  • Very old emails you will never need to reference again
  • Large attachments taking up excess storage space

However, permanent deletion means losing access to that message and any future search capabilities. Archiving still allows you to find and view emails as needed.

Can you archive messages from a mobile device?

Yes, all popular email apps and mobile platforms support archiving from mobile:

  • iOS Mail – Swipe left on message, tap Archive
  • Gmail mobile app – Tap Archive icon
  • Outlook mobile – Tap folder icon, Move, Archive
  • Android native email app – Tap menu icon, Archive

The process looks a bit different on each, but all provide a straightforward way to archive from your smartphone or tablet.

Do archived emails still show up in search results?

Yes, archived messages will still appear when searching your email account. Email archiving simply removes the message from your inbox view for organizational purposes, but does not delete them or make them inaccessible.

When you search your email on web, mobile or desktop email clients, archived relevant messages will show alongside results from your inbox, sent folder, etc. The search tool scans across all available messages regardless of what folder they are currently in.

Should you archive or delete spam emails?

It is best practice to delete obvious spam messages instead of archiving them. Reasons you’ll want to delete spam include:

  • Prevent spam from taking up storage space
  • Remove unwanted/malicious messages entirely
  • Keep your archives folder relevant

However, make sure your email provider’s spam filtering is properly identifying spam. Legitimate messages incorrectly flagged may still be worth archiving.

Can you archive from a computer browser?

Yes, all major webmail providers allow archiving emails from a desktop web browser inbox:

  • Gmail – Checkbox next to message, click Archive button
  • Outlook/Hotmail – Checkbox, click Archive icon
  • Yahoo – Checkbox, click Archive button
  • Apple iCloud – Hover over message, click Archive link

The steps vary slightly between services but generally involve selecting the message(s) and clicking an Archive or Move to Archive button.


In summary, archiving emails has no impact on the sending or receiving of messages. Emails will be delivered as expected regardless of being archived on the sender’s end. Archiving simply cleans up and organizes your inbox by categorizing older messages.

However, recipients may interact differently with incoming messages that are replies to their archived emails depending on each email service’s functionality. Overall archiving remains a useful organizational tool for managing your inbox while keeping all messages accessible as needed.