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Does archiving chats on WhatsApp save space?

With WhatsApp being one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world, many users wonder if archiving chats can help save storage space on their devices. In this comprehensive guide, we will examine how WhatsApp handles chat data storage, whether archiving chats frees up space, tips for managing your WhatsApp storage, and alternative methods for saving space.

How WhatsApp Stores Chat Data

When you send and receive messages, media, and files on WhatsApp, all of this content gets saved locally on your device’s internal storage. WhatsApp creates a database on your phone that contains all your chats, messages, media files you’ve sent and received, such as photos, videos, voice messages, documents, etc.

Your WhatsApp media files get saved in the phone’s internal storage or SD card if you have external storage. The WhatsApp media folder is usually located in the DCIM or Pictures folder on Android devices. On iOS devices, it’s in the WhatsApp folder in Photos.

Apart from media, your WhatsApp chats and messages get stored in an encrypted database. This database contains text messages, contact info, chat history, chat settings and preferences. The size of this database depends on how heavily you use WhatsApp and the amount of content exchanged.

Does Archiving Chats Free Up Space?

When you archive a chat in WhatsApp, it removes the chat from your main Chats tab and hides it from view. Archived chats move to a separate Archived Chats section.

However, archiving a chat does NOT delete any of the messages, media or files exchanged in that chat. The entire chat history remains saved on your phone, along with all media files you have exchanged. So archiving a chat does not free up any storage space on your phone.

The only way archiving chats helps save space indirectly is by clearing up your Chats tab view, so you can focus on important active chats and ignore old ones. This may reduce needless messaging and media sharing in archived chats, thereby restricting new storage usage.

What Gets Removed When Chats are Archived?

Archiving a chat in WhatsApp only removes the chat from your Chats tab view. It has no other impact or function. Archived chats continue to occupy the same amount of storage space as before.

No messages, media files or documents get deleted when you archive a chat. Your entire chat history remains intact on your phone, even when a chat is archived.

The only data removed on archiving is minor interface data related to that chat in your Chats tab. This negligible amount of data savings does not free up any noticeable storage space.

Does Deleting Chats Free Up Space?

Unlike archiving, deleting chats in WhatsApp permanently erases the chat history and any media files exchanged within that chat from your phone’s storage.

When you delete a chat, the entire chat history is wiped out. Any photos, videos, documents or other files shared within that chat also get deleted. This frees up space used by that chat and media on your phone storage.

However, there are certain scenarios where deleting chats may not free up space:

  • If the media files from that chat were saved, backed up or forwarded elsewhere on your phone, then deleting the chat will not delete those files.
  • If the chat has been included in a recent Google Drive or iCloud backup, then your backup will still contain that chat history and media.
  • In WhatsApp Group chats, when you delete the chat, only your copy of the chat is erased. All other group participants still retain the full group chat history and media.

Apart from these edge cases, deleting chats and their associated media is an effective way to regain storage space used by WhatsApp data.

Tips to Manage WhatsApp Storage Usage

Here are some tips to proactively manage and limit the storage space used by WhatsApp on your phone:

Review and Delete Old Chats

Regularly go through your WhatsApp chats and delete old, inactive conversations that you no longer need. This will remove redundant chat histories and media that only consume storage space.

Delete Large Files and Media

Look for chats where large files and media like photos, videos and documents have been shared. If you don’t need them anymore, delete them from within the chat. Even a few large files can take up significant storage.

Clear Chat Backup

Your chat backup on Google Drive or iCloud may be consuming storage space unnecessarily. Delete old chat backups you don’t need to free up cloud storage.

Enable Auto-Delete Settings

Use WhatsApp’s auto-delete settings to automatically erase old chats after a specified duration so they don’t pile up endlessly.

Limit Auto-Download Settings

Restrict WhatsApp’s automatic media download settings to only when connected to Wi-Fi. This will prevent large media files from consuming mobile data allowance and phone storage.

Export Chats to Free Up Space

For important chats you want to retain, export the chat history to create a backup on your computer or cloud storage. Then delete those chats from your phone to free up space.

Other Ways to Free Up WhatsApp Storage

Apart from directly deleting chats and media within WhatsApp, here are some other techniques you can use to manage WhatsApp storage usage:

Use a File Manager to Delete Media

Use your phone’s file manager app to browse the WhatsApp media folder and delete files you don’t need. This allows deleting media without erasing the entire chat.

Clear App Cache and Data

Clear the WhatsApp cache and app data from your phone’s storage settings. This will remove temporary files and force the app to re-sync chats and media.

Uninstall and Reinstall WhatsApp

Uninstalling and reinstalling WhatsApp erases all local chat histories, messages and media files from your device storage. Make sure to backup chats before doing this.

Transfer Chats to Another Device

Migrate your WhatsApp account or transfer chats to another device. This will move storage usage away from your current phone.

Update to Latest WhatsApp Version

Updating WhatsApp to the latest version may help optimize storage usage and fix bugs that may be causing unnecessary storage buildup.

Storage Usage Breakdown in WhatsApp

To get more insight into exactly how your WhatsApp storage space is being utilized, you can view the Storage Usage section under WhatsApp Settings.

Here you can see a breakdown of storage space consumed across different categories:

  • Media Files: Photos, videos, voice messages, documents and other files sent/received on WhatsApp.
  • Chat Backups: Space used by any Google Drive or iCloud chat backups.
  • Managing Storage: Usage by any files or media you have chosen to delete pending cleanup.
  • Others: Databases, settings, preferences and other app data utilized by WhatsApp.

This breakdown allows you to identify the specific types of content consuming excess storage so you can delete them accordingly.


Does archiving a chat delete media files?

No, archiving a chat only removes it from your Chats list view. It does not delete any messages, media files or documents exchanged in that chat. These continue occupying your phone’s storage.

Do archived chats take up space on WhatsApp?

Yes, archived chats continue taking up the same amount of storage space as before. Archiving only removes the chat from view, it does not free up any storage space.

Should I archive or delete old WhatsApp chats?

If you want to free up storage space, it is better to delete old chats instead of just archiving them. Archiving retains the chats while deleting erases them from your phone’s storage.

What happens when I delete a chat on WhatsApp?

Deleting a chat permanently erases the entire chat history, messages, calls, media files and documents exchanged within that chat. This frees up the storage space used.

How do I recover deleted WhatsApp chats?

You can recover deleted WhatsApp chats from a previous local backup or Google Drive/iCloud backup if you had chat backup enabled. Use the Restore option to retrieve deleted chats and media.

Does WhatsApp media get deleted if I delete the chat?

Yes, deleting a WhatsApp chat also deletes all the photos, videos, voice messages, documents and other media files exchanged in that chat from your phone’s storage.


In summary, archiving old WhatsApp chats does not delete any messages, media or files exchanged in that chat. It simply hides the chat from view in your Chats tab. Archived chats continue occupying the same storage space as before.

To actually free up storage space, you need to fully delete old chats you don’t need. This will permanently erase the entire chat history and any associated media from your phone’s storage. You can also manage WhatsApp storage by adjusting auto-download settings, clearing cache/data, uninstalling the app, transferring chats or updating to the latest version.

Checking the WhatsApp storage usage breakdown allows you to identify the specific types of content consuming excess storage. You can then take action by deleting those chats, media files or backups to effectively manage your WhatsApp storage.