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Does clear chat in WhatsApp group delete for everyone?

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 2 billion users worldwide. One of WhatsApp’s key features is the ability to have group chats with multiple people. In a WhatsApp group chat, any member can delete their own messages after sending them. However, this raises the question – if one person deletes their message in a group chat, is that message deleted for everyone, or just for that person? Let’s take a detailed look at how message deletion in WhatsApp groups works.

How Message Deletion Works in WhatsApp Groups

When you delete a message you sent in a WhatsApp group chat, it is not deleted for all participants. The message will be deleted from your view of the chat, but all other members of the group will still be able to see the message.

So in summary:

– Deleting a message in a WhatsApp group only deletes it for you.
– Other group participants can still see the message you deleted.
– There is no feature to delete a message for everyone in a WhatsApp group.

This is different from how WhatsApp handles message deletion in private chats. In a one-on-one chat, you can delete a message for both yourself and the recipient by using the “delete for everyone” feature. However, this feature is not available for group chats.

Why Message Deletion Only Applies to You

There are a few reasons why WhatsApp designed message deletion in groups to only apply to the person who deleted the message:

– **Prevent misuse** – If any group member could delete messages for everyone, this power could be misused to delete important information before others see it.

– **Editing history** – Being able to delete messages just for yourself allows you to edit your own chat history, without impacting what others see.

– **Technical limitations** – On a technical level, deleting messages for multiple recipients adds complexity, especially in large groups.

So in summary, only allowing message deletion for the sender makes abuse more difficult, gives individuals editing power over their own messages, and is an easier system to implement.

Indications That a Message Was Deleted

Even though you can’t delete a message for everyone in a WhatsApp group, there are some signs indicating when a message has been deleted:

– **You see the message** – If you see the message in the chat, obviously it wasn’t deleted for everyone.

– **”This message was deleted”** – In the spot where a deleted message used to be, you’ll see the text “This message was deleted” if you still have the message available but the sender deleted it from their view.

– **Profile photo changes** – If the message had a profile photo beside it, the profile photo will be replaced with generic image icon when the sender deletes the message.

– **Reply clues** – If group members reply to a now-deleted message, you can infer from the replies that a message used to exist there.

So while the message content may not be visible, these clues can help group members realize when someone has deleted a message that still appears for them.

Workarounds to Delete a Message for Everyone

Since WhatsApp doesn’t have a built-in feature to let you delete messages for everyone in a group chat, is there any workaround to achieve a similar effect? There are a couple of tricky methods:

– **Delete & repost** – You could delete the message for yourself, then post a new message to the group asking everyone to also delete the message you originally sent. This relies on group members voluntarily complying.

– **Clear chat history** – A group admin can clear the full chat history, wiping all messages. This will delete everything, not just one particular message.

– **Leave & rejoin** – A member can leave the group then be re-added. When rejoining, the chat history will be cleared just for that user. Again, this deletes everything.

But overall, there’s no perfect solution within WhatsApp to delete a specific message for an entire group. The workarounds have downsides and don’t fully mimic the functionality.

Table summarizing workarounds

Workaround Description Downsides
Delete & repost Ask group to voluntarily delete your message Relies on group compliance
Clear chat history Group admin clears everything Deletes all messages
Leave & rejoin Resets chat for just you Still clears everything

Steps to Delete a Message You Sent to a Group

Although you can’t delete a WhatsApp group message for everyone, you can still delete it just for yourself. Here are the steps:

1. Open the WhatsApp group chat.

2. Tap and hold on the message you want to delete. This will bring up a menu.

3. On the menu that pops up, tap “Delete”.

4. Confirm you want to delete the message by tapping “Delete for me” on the next prompt.

And that’s it! The message will now be deleted from the chat on your device or WhatsApp Web session. Other group participants will still see the message in the chat thread.

This works the same way in both mobile and desktop versions of WhatsApp. The process is quick and straightforward to delete a message you’ve sent, as long as you only need it removed from your own view of the chat.

Third-Party Apps Claiming to Delete Group Messages

You may come across some third-party apps claiming they can delete WhatsApp messages for everyone in a group chat. Examples include WAMR and iMyFone. However, these apps do not actually have any special or direct access to WhatsApp’s systems. They cannot truly delete a message for an entire group.

Instead, what these apps actually do is use the “Leave & rejoin” workaround mentioned earlier. They will leave your phone from the WhatsApp group which clears the chat history just for you. Then the app rejoins you to the group.

But this does not delete the message for other participants – it only resets the history locally on your device. And it has the downside of clearing your entire chat, not just one message. So these third-party apps provide the illusion of deleting a specific message from a group, but cannot directly do so.

Deleting Messages in Other Apps

For comparison, it’s worth looking at how other major messaging platforms handle deleting group messages:

– **Facebook Messenger** – Lets you delete messages for everyone in both private and group chats.

– **Telegram** – Has a delete for everyone feature, but group admins can disable this permission.

– **Signal** – Also allows deleting messages for all group chat participants.

– **iMessage** – Can recall individual messages for everyone in iOS group chats.

So WhatsApp is one of the only apps that does not offer true delete for everyone capabilities in group messaging. The option tends to be available in most other modern chat apps.


In summary, clearing or deleting your messages in a WhatsApp group chat will only remove them from your view of the conversation. Other participants in the group will still be able to see the messages in their chat history.

Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to delete or recall a message for everyone in a WhatsApp group. The app was intentionally designed this way to prevent misuse. The only workaround is to have everyone voluntarily clear the message, or leave and rejoin the group which resets all messages.

So while you have control over removing your own messages in WhatsApp groups, you cannot force their removal for other members. Double check your messages before sending to a group chat, as they generally cannot be fully erased once sent!