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Does deleting a WhatsApp chat delete it for both people?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world, with over 2 billion users. One of the key features of WhatsApp is the ability to have one-on-one chats and group chats with other users. A common question that arises is: If I delete a chat on my device, does it delete the chat for the other person (or people) I was chatting with too?

Quick Answer

The short answer is: No, deleting a chat on your device does not delete it for other participants in the chat. When you delete a chat, it is only deleted locally from your device. The chat history still remains on the devices of all the other chat participants. So if you delete a chat, while it will disappear from your view, the other people in the chat will still be able to see the entire chat history.

Exploring How WhatsApp Deletes Chats

To understand why deleting a WhatsApp chat does not delete it for all participants, it helps to know a bit about how WhatsApp handles chat data and deletions.

When you send a message on WhatsApp, it goes to WhatsApp’s servers where it is then pushed to the devices of all the chat participants. This means that each person involved in a chat has a local copy of the chat history stored on their own device. There is no single central repository holding the chat history. Rather it is decentralized across the devices of the chatters.

So when you choose to delete a chat, the app simply removes the local copy of the chat from your device. It does not communicate with the WhatsApp server to tell it to delete the chat history for all other participants. It also does not delete the chat history stored locally on the devices of the other people you were chatting with. The deletion is isolated to just your device.

You may be wondering, doesn’t WhatsApp delete chats from its servers after a period of time? The answer is yes, but on a different timeframe. WhatsApp deletes old chats from its servers after 30 days if the chat data has not been accessed in that time. However, as long as any chat participant accesses the chat periodically, the data on WhatsApp’s servers will persist beyond 30 days.

In summary, WhatsApp chat deletions are a local operation confined to just your device. The app does not communicate deletions across devices or try to actively delete chat history from the servers or other users’ devices when you delete a chat.

When Are Chats Really Deleted for All Participants?

Given what we know about how WhatsApp chat deletions work, are there any cases where a chat could be deleted for all participants? There are a couple scenarios where this could occur:

  • All participants delete the chat locally – If all people in a one-on-one or group chat delete the chat history from their devices, it will be as if the chat was deleted for all. However, this relies on every single participant actively choosing to delete their local chat history.
  • 30-day server deletion – As mentioned above, WhatsApp deletes inactive chats older than 30 days from its servers. So in a case where a very old chat has not been accessed by any participants in over a month, the server copy would get deleted after 30 days. However, any local copies on users’ devices would still remain.

In most real world cases though, a WhatsApp chat continues to exist for other participants even after you delete it on your device.

When Are Media Files Deleted?

A related question is what happens to media files like photos, videos, and documents that are shared over WhatsApp chats when you delete a chat. Does deleting a chat also delete those files for the other participants?

The answer is no. Just like with chat histories, media files exchanged over WhatsApp are also stored locally on each user’s device. So if you delete a chat with photos in it on your device, while those photos will be deleted locally, the other chatters will still have the photos stored on their devices.

The same 30-day rule applies here as well. Any media files not downloaded and accessed by any user for 30 days could potentially be deleted from WhatsApp’s servers. But as long as someone has accessed and downloaded the media file within the last 30 days, it will continue to persist on WhatsApp’s servers and remain available for download on user devices, even if one of the users has deleted their local copy.

Does Deleting Chats Free Up Space?

One motivation for deleting WhatsApp chats is to free up storage space on your device. Since chat histories and media files can build up over time, deleting old or large chats you no longer need can help regain some storage capacity.

When you delete a WhatsApp chat, it will immediately free up space on your phone proportional to the size of that chat history and any associated media files. So yes, deleting WhatsApp chats can directly free up local storage space on your device.

However, keep in mind it does not affect storage used on other participants’ devices or WhatsApp’s servers. But since you likely care most about available space on your own device, deleting WhatsApp chats can be an effective way to clear out some storage when needed.

Can You Recover a Deleted Chat?

Since deleting a WhatsApp chat only removes it from your local device, an important question is: Can you recover or restore a deleted WhatsApp chat after deletion?

The answer is maybe, but it depends. For very recent deletions, you may be able to recover the deleted WhatsApp chats using the apps built-in backup and restore functionality:

  • Android – WhatsApp automatically backs up your chats daily to Google Drive. You can restore chats from the most recent backup.
  • iPhone – WhatsApp backs up your chats to iCloud. You can restore your most recent iCloud backup to recover deleted chats.

However, this will only work for very recent deletions before your next daily backup. If you delete a chat and your phone has already created a new backup, that chat will not be able to be restored from backup.

For older deleted chats, your only option may be to attempt to extract chat histories from a local device backup using third-party software. However, this requires an unencrypted local backup file which can be difficult to obtain from locked devices. And success is not guaranteed.

So try to recover recently deleted chats quickly from your normal WhatsApp backups. But the longer ago a chat was deleted, the lower the chances you’ll be able to get it back.

How to Permanently Delete Chats

Given that regular WhatsApp chat deletions only remove them from your local device, you may be wondering how can you permanently delete a chat so that no trace of it remains in anyone’s chat history?

There is no built-in WhatsApp feature that lets you selectively and permanently delete a chat from all devices and WhatsApp’s servers. However, there are a couple manual steps you can take to achieve a similar effect:

  1. Delete the chat locally from your device.
  2. Ask all other chat participants to also delete the chat from their devices.
  3. All participants should refrain from making any WhatsApp backups until after the chat has been deleted by everyone.
  4. Wait at least 30 days for the deleted chat to be purged from WhatsApp’s servers.

Following this process will wipe the chat data from all known locations. While not foolproof, it maximizes the chances that no records of the chat history will remain across the various user devices and WhatsApp storage points.

Key Takeaways

To summarize the key points on how WhatsApp chat deletions work:

  • Deleting a chat on your device does not delete it for other chat participants.
  • The chat continues to exist in the history of all other participants unless they also delete it.
  • Media files exchanged in chats will persist for other users even if you delete your local copies.
  • You can potentially restore recently deleted chats from WhatsApp backups.
  • Permanently deleting a chat requires coordination with all participants and avoiding backups.

So be aware that deleting a WhatsApp chat provides a false sense of security. While it may seem like it’s gone for good, the reality is that records of the chat likely continue to exist in the chat history stored on other user’s devices and within WhatsApp’s infrastructure.


WhatsApp has become a hugely popular messaging platform, but its chat deletion process is not necessarily intuitive. Deleting a chat only removes it locally from your device and does not delete it for other chat participants or from WhatsApp’s servers.

The chat data continues to be retained in the chat history on the devices of the other people (or groups) you were messaging with. Media files also persist for other users. So be careful what you send via WhatsApp, as deletions only provide the illusion of removing a chat and do not completely wipe the data across all devices and backups.