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Does security code change when blocked on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion users. It provides end-to-end encryption for messages, voice calls, and video calls between users. This encryption ensures that messages can only be read by the sender and recipient. However, many WhatsApp users have experienced being blocked by contacts on the platform. This raises an important question – when you get blocked on WhatsApp, does your security code change?

What is the WhatsApp security code?

Every WhatsApp account is associated with a unique 6-digit security code. This code is generated automatically when you register your phone number with WhatsApp. It helps verify that your messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted and not being intercepted by anyone else.

Your security code is visible in your WhatsApp account settings under the “Account” section. You can also access someone else’s security code by tapping on their contact name or profile picture within an individual or group chat. This allows you to verify that the messages you are exchanging are encrypted and going to the correct recipient.

Sharing security codes between contacts is recommended when you first start chatting to confirm that there is no interception or impersonation happening. The codes must match on both ends to ensure integrity of the conversation.

Does your security code change when you get blocked?

Getting blocked on WhatsApp prevents any further communication between you and the contact who blocked you. You will no longer be able to see their last seen, online status, or send any messages to them.

However, your security code does not change when someone blocks you on WhatsApp. The 6-digit number remains the same even after blocking occurs. There are a few reasons for this:

  • Security codes are tied to your phone number and WhatsApp account, not individual chats. Getting blocked does not impact your overall account.
  • Your encryption keys stay the same so you can continue chatting securely with other contacts.
  • If codes changed when people blocked each other, it would require re-verification and be inconvenient for users.
  • Frequent code changes could indicate potential security issues to your contacts.

So in summary – no, your security code does not change when you get blocked by a contact on WhatsApp. It remains static for your account unless you re-register your phone number with WhatsApp.

When does your security code change?

There are only a few scenarios where your WhatsApp security code will change:

  • You get a new phone number – deregistering your old number and reregistering will give you a new code.
  • You change your phone device – installing WhatsApp on a new phone will generate a new code.
  • You reinstall WhatsApp after deleting it – this resets the app and settings.
  • You restore your phone to factory settings – erasing all apps and data.

In all these cases, the change happens because your WhatsApp account gets dissociated and recreated. This requires new encryption keys and thus a new security code.

As long as you continue using WhatsApp on the same phone number, your code will remain unchanged. Blocking or getting blocked does not trigger a code reset.

How to check if your security code changed

If you suspect your security code has changed due to any of the reasons above, you can easily check it:

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to Settings.
  2. Tap on Account > Security.
  3. View the 6 digit security code under the ‘Verify security code’ heading.
  4. If this code looks unfamiliar, it has changed. If not, it remains the same.

You can also ask a mutual contact to check your code from their end by opening your chat and tapping your name at the top. A mismatch in codes from your end and their end indicates that your code has changed.

Why you should share your new security code

If your security code has changed due to a reason like changing devices, it is recommended to proactively share your new code with important contacts after re-verifying it matches theirs. This maintains the end-to-end encryption of your future chats.

Some reasons to share your new code:

  • Confirming that interception is not taking place and chats remain private.
  • Maintaining trust that your device has not been compromised.
  • Preventing contacts from thinking your account has been hacked.
  • Allowing verification of encrypted backups if you switch devices again.

While it may seem tedious, taking the effort to share your new security code is worthwhile to strengthen WhatsApp’s security and your peace of mind.

What if someone else’s security code changed?

If you notice a contact has a different WhatsApp security code, there are a few steps you should take:

  1. Verify the code change was intended by asking them directly via a secondary communication method like SMS, phone call or email.
  2. If they confirm it was intentional due to a device change or reinstall, you can trust the new code.
  3. If they deny changing it, advise them to enable two-step verification on their account to prevent unauthorized access.
  4. Going forward, be cautious about sensitive information you share on WhatsApp until you reconfirm keys.

An unexpected code change could mean their account has been hacked. So it is important to communicate outside WhatsApp and reverify keys to restore trust.

How blocking works on WhatsApp

Now that we’ve explored security codes, let’s take a quick look at how blocking works on WhatsApp and its implications:

  • You can block any contact to stop receiving their messages and calls.
  • Go to their chat, tap their name, and select Block. Confirm when prompted.
  • A blocked contact will no longer be able to see your Last Seen, Profile Photo, or Status.
  • Any messages sent by a blocked contact will not go through and they will see one checkmark.
  • You can still see a blocked contact’s messages in group chats you mutually participate in.
  • Blocking is unilateral – you will not be notified if you are blocked by someone.
  • You can unblock contacts at any time to restore communication.

In summary, blocking allows you to restrict contact in one direction. It does not provide any notification to the other user or change your security code.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some common FAQs about WhatsApp security codes and blocking:

Can I see someone’s security code without them knowing?

Yes, you can silently view a contact’s WhatsApp security code by opening your chat with them and tapping their name or profile picture at the top. This will display their 6-digit number. They will not receive any notification that you have viewed their code.

Will my messages still be encrypted if I’m blocked?

Yes, your end-to-end encryption continues functioning even if you’re blocked by a contact. New messages to other contacts will remain securely encrypted with your unchanged security code.

Can I find out who has blocked me on WhatsApp?

No, WhatsApp does not directly reveal who has blocked you. However, signs like not being able to see someone’s profile photo or online status may indicate blocking. The only way to definitively know is to ask the contact directly from a different platform.

Is it bad if someone blocks me on WhatsApp?

Not necessarily. Contacts may block others to limit distractions, unwanted communication, or harassment. It does not necessarily mean you did something wrong, as long as you respect their privacy and messaging preferences.

Should I share my security code publicly?

No, you should only share your WhatsApp security code privately with trusted contacts for verification purposes. Posting it publicly could allow strangers to impersonate you or intercept your encrypted messages.


To conclude, your WhatsApp security code does not automatically change when you get blocked by a contact. It only changes when you re-register your phone number, change devices, reinstall the app, or reset your phone. This allows you to maintain trusted encryption keys with your other non-blocking contacts.

If you discover your own code has changed unexpectedly, or a contact has an unfamiliar code, take steps to promptly reconfirm and restore your communication security. Blocking is simply a unilateral action to restrict messaging that does not modify encryption parameters.

Following best practices around security code verification, blocking contacts judiciously, and enabling two-step verification will help keep your WhatsApp account and conversations protected.