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For what purpose this WhatsApp group is created?

WhatsApp groups have become an integral part of our daily lives. Most of us are members of multiple WhatsApp groups – for family, friends, work, interests etc. WhatsApp groups make communication easy and convenient, especially for sharing information, collaborating on projects, coordinating meets, discussions etc. The purpose behind creating a particular WhatsApp group depends on its members and intended use. In this article, we will explore some common purposes for creating WhatsApp groups.

Keeping in Touch with Friends and Family

One of the most popular reasons to create a WhatsApp group is to stay connected with friends and family. Whether the members are in the same city or spread across the world, WhatsApp groups allow them to share their lives, exchange messages, share photos and videos, plan meetups and stay in touch regularly. The intimacy of small WhatsApp groups makes them ideal for close friends and cousins to share their day-to-day experiences. Furthermore, WhatsApp groups for entire extended families create a virtual family space for bonding.

Work Project Teams

WhatsApp groups are enormously useful for work project teams. Team members can share files, documents, spreadsheets, discuss ideas, brainstorm solutions, assign tasks and give updates on work progress through WhatsApp groups. The availability of all team members in real-time makes the collaboration seamless. Whatsapp groups foster quick communication and decision making, helping teams meet deadlines. No more long email threads or scheduling meetings. Project teams of all sizes benefit immensely from WhatsApp collaboration.

School Groups for Students & Parents

WhatsApp groups are being extensively used in schools to connect students and parents. Class groups allow students to discuss lessons, share notes, organize study groups and interact outside school. Parent WhatsApp groups facilitate parent-teacher interaction, dissemination of school notices and building parent communities. During emergencies like COVID, WhatsApp enabled schools to inform, support and engage students and parents for online classes. WhatsApp groups make school communication convenient, transparent and prompt.

Community Groups

WhatsApp is a powerful tool for building communities and coordinating community initiatives. Localities can have WhatsApp groups for safety and security, civic issues, emergency response, neighbourhood events and meetups. Interest communities like cycling groups, book clubs, alumni groups, NGO groups, business networking groups also thrive on WhatsApp. Non-profit organizations and social change movements greatly benefit from WhatsApp groups for organizing volunteers, amplifying messages, coordinating events and creating positive impact.

Business Promotion

Many businesses are leveraging WhatsApp groups for sales, marketing, customer engagement and service. Business owners are creating WhatsApp groups to send promotional messages, share product catalogs, take orders and retain customers. Customers can be added to company WhatsApp groups to receive updates, offers, know-hows and build brand loyalty. WhatsApp groups aid targeted communication and interactive feedback for businesses. They are also cost-effective compared to SMS or Email marketing.

Benefits of WhatsApp groups

WhatsApp groups provide the following benefits:

Real-time communication

WhatsApp’s real-time messaging enables instant communication to group members when needed. This facilitates quick information sharing and collective decision making.

Active participation

In WhatsApp groups, members can have lively discussions and active participation. WhatsApp’s interactivity promotes engagement of all members unlike one-way communication mediums.

Knowledge sharing

Members can easily exchange ideas, notes, documents, guides, learning material etc. This supports collaborative learning and knowledge sharing.

Democratic space

WhatsApp groups give an open platform for all members to express themselves and contribute. This makes problem solving inclusive and discussions enriching.

Creates community

Group interactions build relationships and nurture a sense of community. WhatsApp groups foster team spirit, bonding and motivation levels.


Chatting on WhatsApp is convenient as the platform is mobile-based, has useful features and is user-friendly. Coordinating on WhatsApp requires less effort.


Since WhatsApp works perfectly across basic smartphones and networks, it allows group communication with anyone easily. WhatsApp penetration is very high even in remote areas.


Participating in WhatsApp groups is free. It does not involve any meeting or communication costs for members. This makes it ideal for group coordination.

Records conversations

As conversations are documented, important details are not lost. Members can refer back to previous discussions if needed.


Members can choose to mute notifications, exit group etc. This flexibility makes WhatsApp group experience personalized.

Effective WhatsApp Group Management

While WhatsApp groups offer many benefits, they need effective management for optimal utilization. Some tips for managing WhatsApp groups:

Have a clear objective

Be clear about the group’s purpose – is it for family, work, school or community use? Define the objectives and agenda before creation.

Limit group size

Keep the group size optimal for its purpose. Large groups are unmanageable. For close friends 15-20 is ideal. For work 30-50 members works well.

Add relevant members

Add only those members who can contribute meaningfully and align with the group’s aims. Avoid spamming random contacts.

Have group rules

Define guidelines like etiquette, frequency of posts, type of content allowed etc. This maintains discipline.

Have active admins

Have 2-3 active admins to manage posts, remind rules, address conflicts and take decisions.

Encourage participation

Keep discussions constructive. Prompt quieter members for views. Prevent domineering by a few.

Resolve conflicts

Handle differences maturely through civil discussion. If needed, consult admins to resolve matters.

Review periodically

Keep assessing if the group is serving its purpose. Make changes in rules or members if required.


Enable privacy settings and data security to prevent misuse by external parties.

Things to Avoid in WhatsApp Groups

Some practices should be avoided in WhatsApp groups:

Irrelevant content

Stick to topics aligned to the group’s purpose. Don’t post unrelated forward messages or spam content.

Abusive language

Maintain decorum in chats. Avoid profanity, hate speech or derogatory remarks about members.

Fake news

Do not forward unverified content or rumors which can misguide members. Always fact check before posting.

Controversial topics

Avoid discussing sensitive political, religious or social issues which can flare up arguments.

Copyright content

Do not share photos, videos or articles whose copyright is held by others without permission.

Selling products

Avoid posting marketing messages or listing products for sale unless it is an approved business group.

Private info

Refrain from posting any private or confidential information about members without consent.

Altering names

Admins should avoid renaming members as per their own whims in a way that may offend.

Deleting members

Only admins should remove members if needed, after consulting other admins and members.

Things to Avoid Reason
Irrelevant content Violates group’s purpose
Abusive language Creates toxicity
Fake news Spreads misinformation
Controversial topics Incites arguments
Copyright content Infringes rights
Selling products Looks spammy
Private info Breach of privacy
Altering names May seem offensive
Deleting members Alienates members


WhatsApp groups have emerged as a powerful medium for communication, collaboration, networking and outreach. They offer the benefits of real-time interaction, active participation, community feeling and convenience. However, WhatsApp groups require thoughtful management and discipline to prevent misuse. By having clear objectives, optimal size, relevant members, group rules and active administration – WhatsApp groups can be used constructively for family, friends, work, school, community or business engagement.