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How can I attract my crush on Whatsapp?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps for connecting with friends, family, and even potential romantic partners. If you have a crush that you want to attract over WhatsApp, there are some effective strategies you can use. The key is standing out from the crowd, being flirtatious but not overly aggressive, and showing your crush your attractive qualities through engaging conversation. With some effort and creativity, you can use WhatsApp to make a great first impression on your crush.

Use an attractive and intriguing profile picture

Your WhatsApp profile picture is one of the first things your crush will see when you start chatting. Make sure it’s eye-catching and presents you in the best possible light. Selfies and group pictures can come across as boring or confusing. Instead, use a photo that captures your style, interests, and personality. A picture of you doing an activity you love or showcasing your sense of humor can pique your crush’s interest and give them glimpses into what makes you unique. Just avoid selecting weird, offensive photos that might turn your crush off. You want to appear attractive yet approachable.

Personalize your greetings

When reaching out to your crush for the first time via WhatsApp, avoid bland greetings like “Hey” or “What’s up?” Instead, reference previous conversations you’ve had in real life or make jokes based on things you know about them. This shows that you’ve paid attention to what they like and are making an effort. You could say something like “Hey Sara, how did your volleyball tournament go last weekend?” or “What’s up Alfredo, did you watch the new episode of Stranger Things 3 yet?” Using personal details makes your crush feel special and like you truly care.

Initiate conversations around common interests

Once you’ve broken the ice, steer the WhatsApp conversation towards topics and activities you both enjoy. For example, if you both love hiking, you could say “I hiked Mount Major last weekend and the views were amazing at the top. Have you ever been?” If your crush is passionate about music, you could ask “Hey, are you going to the Taylor Swift concert in August? I’m so excited!” Focusing on common interests allows you to connect more deeply and share things about yourself as well.

Be positive and avoid negativity

In the early stages of getting to know your crush, you want to maintain an upbeat, positive tone in your WhatsApp messages. Excessive complaining, cynicism, or discussion of sensitive topics like exes can ruin the lighthearted vibe. Keep the conversation energized and fun by sharing funny memes, witty banter, and being playful. Flirtatious teasing or challenges like “I bet you can’t beat my high score in Candy Crush” create a bond without getting too serious too quickly. Avoid passive-aggressive or cynical statements to prevent turning your crush off.

Compliment them in a genuine, thoughtful way

An occasional compliment shows your romantic interest some affection without being overbearing. The key is keeping it specific and sincere instead of generic flattery. After your crush gets a new haircut or tweets a picture of their latest art project, you could say “Your new haircut looks so cool on you!” or “Wow, your painting looks incredible, you’re so talented!” This makes your compliments more meaningful and personalized. Just be sure not to go overboard with nonstop praise, which can feel disingenuous.

Suggest meeting up in person

Once you’ve developed some rapport on WhatsApp, propose meeting up in person to take your connection to the next level. Say something like “It’s been great chatting with you! Would you want to grab coffee together this weekend?” If they seem hesitant, you can keep the stakes low by mentioning a group hangout or activity, like “My friends and I are going bowling on Friday night, want to come?” Meeting up lets your crush get to know you beyond the phone screen and capitalize on your in-person charm.

Use flirtatious emojis strategically

Emojis can infuse your messages with extra meaning and provide safe opportunities to flirt. Send the kissing emoji when thanking them for a compliment, the winky face when teasing or challenging them playfully, or the blushing smiley when they say something that touches your heart. Just don’t overdo it with the kissy faces too soon. Also consider occasionally using emojis that reference inside jokes between you, like an ice cream cone if you bonded over your love of gelato. This builds intimacy.

Don’t be aggressive or obsessive

As you get more comfortable with your crush, avoid coming on too strong over WhatsApp. Bombarding them with constant messages, needy pleas for attention, or intense declarations of affection will most likely overwhelm them. Play it cool by matching the pace and frequency of their responses, giving them space between messages, and keeping your romantic feelings understated in tone. If your crush needs to focus on other things or isn’t responding, gracefully change the subject or pick up the conversation later.

Ask questions and listen attentively

Make an effort to ask your crush open-ended questions about who they are, what they enjoy, and their thoughts on different topics. Then actively listen when they respond with thoughtful follow-up questions and comments. This shows you sincerely care about them as a person, not just romantically. Some good examples include “What are your dreams for the future?”, “What’s your favorite childhood memory?” and “How has your week been?” Really pay attention to what they tell you and reference it later.

Inject humor and playfulness

Keeping things fun and playful in the early messaging stages is crucial for sparking chemistry. Use exaggerated emojis, witty banter, joking around, and friendly teasing to make your crush laugh. Laugh WITH them, not AT them, by avoiding mean or condescending humor. Also share funny memes, videos, or anecdotes related to inside jokes between you. Laughing together releases feel-good endorphins that strengthen your bond. But know when to balance humor with more thoughtful conversations.

Give thoughtful compliments

Occasional compliments show you find your crush attractive, but stay creative and avoid generic praise that applies to everyone. Compliment a specific new hairstyle, outfit they look great in, personality trait like kindness, or skill like their photography talent. Compare them playfully to a celebrity, like “You have Bradley Cooper’s smile.” Add humor by saying “Warning: shirt so cute it may cause fainting spells.” Use descriptive words like ravishing, captivating, radiant. Just don’t overdo it. Spread thoughtful compliments out between deeper conversations.

Be responsive but not obsessive

You want to show interest by responding in a timely manner, but avoid obsessively messaging your crush the second they come online. Wait about 10-15 minutes between responses to leave breathing room. If they haven’t responded for a few hours, it’s OK to follow up with something simple like “Hey, how’s your day going?” If your crush is online but not responding, do not bombard them with “???” or “Hello?” messages. Be patient and let the conversation flow naturally back and forth without demanded constant attention.

Surprise them sometimes

Keep your crush intrigued and delighted by surprising them periodically. Forward a song or article you think they’d like with a note explaining why you sent it. Reference an old inside joke or conversation from months ago – remembering details makes someone feel special. Mail them a small gift like their favorite candy “just because.” Come up with random challenges or hypothetical questions (“If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?”) These small surprises excitement and demonstrate effort.

Let your unique personality shine through

Don’t hold back parts of yourself or conform to what you think your crush wants. Let your quirky passions, sense of humor and authentic self shine through in your messages. Talk about your dreams, beliefs, and opinions. Share details that might seem odd or random, but offer genuine glimpses into what excites you. Quoting your favorite movies, nerding out over hobbies, or telling funny stories highlights your distinct traits. This helps your crush fall for the real you.

Balance romantic interest with learning about them

Flirting is important, but so is cultivating emotional intimacy by learning about who your crush is as a person. Ask about their passions, past experiences, family life, future goals. Listen without judgment and offer encouragement. Share advice for their struggles or celebrate their triumphs. Bonding over mutual self-disclosure strengthens the foundation for romance. Just make sure it’s a two-way street – don’t bombard them with facts about yourself and leave no room for them to open up in return.

Make plans for thoughtful in-person dates

As things progress, use WhatsApp to make concrete plans for dates that show you put care into impressing your crush. Suggest dinner at a restaurant you know they’ll love, tickets to see their favorite band, or an activity you think they’ll enjoy like mini golf or the zoo. Planning creative dates tied to your crush’s interests proves you know how to have fun together, not just chat online. And follow through by showing up ready to focus on them, keep conversation flowing, and create romantic moments like eye contact.

Occasionally leave them wanting more

A common texting mistake is smothering your crush with constant communication that leaves no mystery. Let anticipation build by ending conversations on an exciting cliffhanger and not always being available. After sharing a funny story, you could text “I’ll tell you Part 2 tomorrow!” Before you plan a date, say “I have a great idea for our date this weekend. I’ll let you know the details soon!” Leave them intrigued about your life outside the phone screen so they look forward to reconnecting.

Make your crush feel special, not like just another option

Compliment them in specific, unique ways that convey sincere appreciation. Reference inside jokes or memories only you two share. Put thought into asking questions about their life and listening attentively to responses. Make an effort with cute date ideas. Surprise them periodically with songs, quotes, or messages that reminded you of them. These personalized gestures and attention to detail make your crush feel like a priority, not just another ordinary person you’re messaging.


Attracting your crush on WhatsApp takes strategy, creativity and most importantly understanding them as an individual. By initiating fun, high-energy conversations around common interests, playfully flirting through humor and challenges, asking thoughtful questions, and planning creative dates, you can build an emotional bond that transitions from online chemistry to real life. Just remember to avoid negativity, neediness and generic compliments in favor of being your authentic, quirky self. With the right balance of expressing interest, listening, and letting anticipation build, you can make a great first impression via WhatsApp chat and turn your crush into so much more.