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How can I get my boyfriends attention on whatsapp?

If you feel like your boyfriend isn’t giving you enough attention on WhatsApp, there are some simple tricks you can use to get his attention and improve your conversations. The key is to be creative, playful, and add an element of fun and excitement to your chats.

Initiate conversations

Don’t always wait for him to start the conversation. Be proactive and send the first message yourself sometimes. Ask him how his day is going, share something funny you saw, or bring up a topic you think he’ll be interested in. When you initiate, it shows you’re thinking of him and opens the door for a chat.

Send good morning/good night messages

Make your boyfriend feel special by sending him cute good morning and good night texts. These don’t have to be long – a simple “Good morning handsome” or “Sweet dreams” lets him know you’re thinking of him. Send these every day for an extra dose of attention.

Compliment him

Everyone loves getting compliments from their partner. Send your boyfriend a sweet text complimenting his looks, talents, or personality. Tell him you miss him or are thinking about him. Compliments make people feel good and will get your boyfriend’s attention.

Use emojis and GIFs

Emojis and GIFs help convey tone and emotion over text. Sprinkle in some cute emojis like hearts, kissy faces, or laughing ones. Find funny reaction GIFs to keep the convo lively. This makes your chats more fun and lighthearted.

Send voice notes

Hearing your voice is more personal than just text. Record short voice notes sharing your thoughts, feelings, or just saying hi. You can even sing or do a funny voice! Voice notes require him to stop and listen, getting his full attention.

Share photos and videos

Pictures and videos break up the monotony of texting. Send snaps of your outfit, work snacks, pets, view from your window, etc. For videos, you can film yourself telling a story or show him something cool. Visuals always grab attention.

Play little games

Games like 20 Questions, Would You Rather, or Two Truths and a Lie involve back-and-forth conversation. Having fun, lighthearted games gives you something entertaining to bond over and keeps the chat energetic.

Have engaging conversations

Don’t just stick to small talk – have deeper, more meaningful conversations to stimulate his mind. Discuss ideas, goals, feelings, passions or intellectual topics. This shows him you’re thoughtful and helps him see your captivating personality.

Flirt and be playful

Flirty banter keeps things exciting. Tease him, use pick up lines, joke around, or gently poke fun at him. A bit of playfulness and flirting mixes things up from everyday mundane chats. Just avoid negativity or meanness.

Find common interests

Having shared interests, hobbies or topics you both enjoy makes conversation flow naturally. When you chat about things you both like, it feels more fun and engaging. See what overlaps between your passions.

Reply in a timely manner

Be responsive in your chats. When he texts you, make an effort to reply within a reasonable time frame. If you take too long to get back to him, he may think you’re unavailable or ignoring him.

Double text if needed

If your boyfriend hasn’t replied to your initial message, don’t be afraid to double text. Send a follow up text with another question or thought. Sometimes people get busy and double texting shows you’re making an effort.

Ask open-ended questions

Questions that require more than a simple “yes/no” answer stimulate conversation. Ask him thought-provoking or deep questions that create dialogue. Listen actively and ask follow up questions to go deeper.

Make plans over text

Use WhatsApp to make plans for your next date, weekend get-together or phone call. The anticipation of seeing you will get him excited. Having something to look forward to gives you both something to chat about.

Send memes and links

Send funny memes, interesting articles, YouTube videos, or entertaining content you find online. Thoughtful sharing shows you’re invested in keeping the conversation fun and adds value.

Text good morning when he wakes up

Figure out when your boyfriend wakes up and send him a sweet “Good morning” text right when he starts his day. Knowing you’re the first person he talks to is a great feeling.

Occasionally use bitmojis

Bitmojis are cute, personalized cartoons of yourself. Sending funny or flirty bitmojis in chat adds your own flair. Just don’t overdo it or it looks immature.

Text him after a big meeting or event

If you know your boyfriend has an important work presentation, job interview or big game, wish him luck beforehand then follow up afterwards. Showing you care about the big moments in his life means a lot.

Say goodnight before bed

Make saying goodnight part of your regular routine. Right before going to sleep, send a quick “Goodnight, sleep tight!” text. It’s a nice way to end each day and lets him know he’s on your mind.

Have patience if he’s a bad texter

If your boyfriend isn’t big on texting, don’t take it personally. Some people just prefer real life interactions. Focus on the quality of your in-person time over how much you text. Judge the full relationship.

Text him just because

You don’t need a reason to text your boyfriend. Sometimes a simple “Thinking of you” or “Miss you” out of the blue will put a smile on his face. Random affection reminds him he’s on your mind.

Keep it positive

Negativity is draining over text. Try to keep things upbeat and supportive, even during disagreements. Keep your humor good-natured, not hurtful. Positivity makes conversations more enjoyable.

Schedule video chat dates

If you can’t see your boyfriend in person, schedule regular video chat sessions. Video feels more face-to-face than texting. Set up dinner dates, movie nights or just chatting over video.

Text him your thoughts and feelings

Open up over text by sharing your hopes, dreams, worries, emotions and inner thoughts. Deepening intimacy makes your relationship stronger. And it shows you trust him.

Bring up memories

Fondly reference fun memories you share like dates, trips, inside jokes or significant moments. This builds your unique relationship history and reminds you of the good times.

Be yourself

Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not over text. Quirky jokes, bad puns and random thoughts are part of your charm! If he doesn’t appreciate you for you, he’s not worthwhile.

Respect his boundaries

Avoid texting excessively if your boyfriend is busy at work or with family and friends. Everyone has different texting styles – respect his boundaries if he needs more space.

End each chat positively

Wrap up each convo on a positive note, even during disagreements. Ending with optimism leaves you both feeling good until the next chat.

With a bit of creativity and effort, you can grab your boyfriend’s attention and have meaningful conversations over WhatsApp. Focus on building intimacy, being your charming self, and having fun in your chats.