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How can I send unlimited text on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps, allowing users to easily connect with friends and family. One of the key features of WhatsApp is the ability to send text messages, images, videos and more to other users. However, WhatsApp does limit the number of texts you can send in one go.

The default setting allows you to send up to 1000 texts at once. If you try to send more than that, you’ll get an error message stating “Message Blocked. Only 1000 messages can be sent at once”.

This can be frustrating if you need to send long text messages, announcements or other content to large groups or multiple recipients. But there are a few workarounds that allow you to get past this message limit and send unlimited texts on WhatsApp.

Why does WhatsApp limit texts?

WhatsApp introduced the 1000 text limit as a way to prevent spam and abuse. Sending a massive amount of texts at once could overload recipients inboxes and WhatsApp’s servers. The limit helps maintain the quality of the service for all users.

However, this restriction does make it harder to use WhatsApp for legitimate purposes like sending long articles, newsletters, or announcements to groups. Understanding why the limit exists can help you find ethical ways around it.

Ethical ways to send more texts

If you need to send long form content via WhatsApp, there are a few legitimate workarounds:

  • Break up your message into multiple smaller texts, staying under the 1000 character per message limit.
  • Use a WhatsApp management platform that can automate sending messages in batches under the limit.
  • Upload long text as a document or PDF, then share the file link via WhatsApp instead of copying and pasting the text.

These methods allow you to ethically get your content to recipients despite the limit. They prevent overloading recipients and WhatsApp servers while still meeting your communication needs.

Unethical techniques to avoid

You may come across various dubious tips and hacks for bypassing WhatsApp’s text limit. However, many of these unethical techniques can get you banned from WhatsApp or cause other issues:

  • Modded apps – Modded or hacked versions of WhatsApp contain code changes that lift restrictions. Using them violates WhatsApp’s terms of service.
  • Text bombers – Web services or apps that claim to bombard recipients with thousands of texts at once through WhatsApp. This not only overloads recipients but can overwhelm WhatsApp infrastructure.
  • Automated bots – Bots that use WhatsApp APIs to automatically send high volumes of texts. This behavior appears spammy and abusive to WhatsApp systems.

Avoid using these questionable methods to bypass WhatsApp limits. While they may work temporarily, they often result in accounts getting banned due to violating WhatsApp’s terms of service and abuse prevention policies.

The risks of sending too many texts

Trying to spam large numbers of texts through WhatsApp carries some significant risks beyond just getting your account banned. Here are some key issues to keep in mind:

  • You can overwhelm recipients inboxes with a flood of incoming texts.
  • Mass texts may be marked as spam, hurting your sender reputation.
  • WhatsApp could ban your phone number entirely from the platform for Terms of Service violations.
  • Your internet data provider may flag your activity as abusive resulting in service termination.
  • You may overload WhatsApp’s servers, damaging performance for all users.

These consequences impact not just you but potentially many others. That’s why it’s important to find alternative ethical solutions that don’t involve spamming texts on WhatsApp.

Tips for managing long texts within the limits

If you need to send long-form content via WhatsApp, here are some tips for responsibly managing it within WhatsApp’s 1000 character per message restriction:

Shorten and summarize

Look for ways to shorten your content and summarize the most important details. This helps you communicate the core message concisely within the limit.

Break into a series

Split your long text into a threaded series of smaller messages. Remind recipients at the start it’s a multi-part message.

Use formatting wisely

Formatting like bold, italics and bullet points can help break up walls of texts into more readable parts.

Share files for long content

For very long text, upload it as a PDF file or other format. Share the file via WhatsApp rather than the raw text.

Use WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp Business API allows automating sends in batches under the limit. Useful for major announcements and newsletters.

Test length before sending

Paste your text into a draft message and check you haven’t exceeded 1000 characters per message before hitting send.

Top WhatsApp management platforms

WhatsApp management platforms can make it easier to schedule and send messages while respecting WhatsApp’s limits. Here are some top options:

Platform Key Features
WhatsApp Business API Official API from WhatsApp, integrate into business systems
ChatFuel AI bot creation, auto-messaging, analytics
WATI Auto-reply bots, send scheduling, human takeover
MailerLite WhatsApp integration for newsletters and announcements
SMSBump Two-way messaging, subscriber management, analytics

Platforms like these help businesses manage communications while respecting WhatsApp’s valid text limits.

Can you get banned for sending too many texts?

If you try to spam a lot of texts on WhatsApp, there is a risk of getting banned. Here are some key points on WhatsApp bans:

  • Accounts may be banned for violating WhatsApp’s Terms of Service by spamming.
  • Ban durations depend on the severity of the violation, from hours to days or permanent.
  • Your specific phone number can be banned from WhatsApp entirely.
  • Banned accounts lose access to chat history and groups.
  • There is an appeals process, but success depends on the specific violation.
  • Avoid third-party apps that enable spamming, as they heighten ban risk.

Overall, it’s not worth risking a ban just to get around WhatsApp’s limits. Find compliant solutions that keep your account in good standing.

Does WhatsApp notify users of a ban?

If your WhatsApp account gets banned, whether temporary or permanent, the app does provide notifications about this action:

  • You’ll immediately be logged out of WhatsApp on your device.
  • Launching WhatsApp will display a notice that your account is “Temporarily banned” or “Permanently banned”.
  • The app may display reasons for the ban, e.g. “Spam and bulk messaging”.
  • A timer showing ban duration will be shown if it’s a temporary ban.
  • You’ll be unable to access your chat history and groups during the ban period.
  • Your contacts will see your profile photo and status text removed during the ban.

So if your account stops working suddenly, check for these ban notifications from WhatsApp itself. They make it clear your specific account has been barred from the service.

Should I try bypassing WhatsApp message limits?

In general, it’s not advisable to try bypassing WhatsApp’s reasonable text message limit of 1000 characters per message.

While you may need to send long messages, the risks outweigh the benefits:

  • Your account could get banned entirely from WhatsApp.
  • It’s considered spam/abuse and damages your reputation.
  • Your contacts can get overloaded with too many texts.
  • WhatsApp’s infrastructure may suffer from overload.

Instead, use legitimate methods to manage long messages:

  • Split over multiple shorter texts.
  • Upload content as documents to share file links.
  • Use an approved management platform for batch sending.

Working within WhatsApp’s reasonable limits ensures reliable messaging while avoiding issues.


WhatsApp’s limit of 1000 characters per text is meant to protect users from spam and maintain quality of service. While you may need to send long texts, it’s best to find ethical workarounds like using approved third-party tools or splitting messages. Trying to bypass the limit with spammy techniques can get you banned from WhatsApp entirely. Respecting WhatsApp’s valid restrictions lets you stay on the platform and keep messaging reliably.