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How do I create a promotional message?

Understand your goals

The first step in creating an effective promotional message is to clearly understand your goals. What are you trying to accomplish with this promotion? Are you hoping to generate leads, drive traffic to your website, or increase sales? Defining your goals upfront will inform the rest of your messaging and allow you to craft a targeted, results-driven promotion. Consider creating SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This will help provide focus and parameters around which to build your messaging.

Identify your target audience

Once you know your goals, the next key step is to clearly identify your target audience. Who are you trying to reach and influence with this promotional message? Understand your ideal customer’s demographics, psychographics, needs, pain points, and behaviors. The more you can understand your audience, the better you can craft messaging that truly resonates with them. Create buyer personas to represent your key customer segments and get clarity on their motivations and objections.

Determine your core message

With your goals and target audience defined, you can now focus on developing your core promotional message. This is the crux of your communication that conveys what you are offering and why the reader should care. To create an effective core message:

  • Focus on key benefits and value rather than just features
  • Highlight what makes your offer unique
  • Speak directly to the needs and desires of your audience
  • Communicate your competitive advantage
  • Include a strong, clear call-to-action

Your core message should be concise, compelling, and customer-focused. It’s what you want all readers to remember after seeing your promotion.

Choose appropriate messaging channels

Once you’ve developed your core message, you need to determine what channels you will use to reach your audience. Different channels have varying strengths when it comes to promotional messaging:

Channel Strengths
Email Allows personalization, detailed messaging, and calls-to-action
Social media Engages followers, drives brand awareness through sharing
Web banners Broad reach, visuals, links directly to landing pages
Print ads Branding, distribution in targeted locales, tactile impression

Choose channels based on your audience’s behaviors, your goals, and your budget. Using a combination of channels allows you to maximize impact.

Customize for each channel

While your core message should be consistent across channels, you will need to customize certain elements for each channel based on its particular strengths, limitations, and engagement approaches.


For email, emphasize personalization, segmentation, subject lines, preview text, and calls-to-action. Leverage the additional space for storytelling and persuasion. Send from recognizable, trusted sender names and email addresses.

Social Media

On social channels, use catchy, engaging copy suited for short text. Call out key benefits clearly. Use visuals, videos, captions, and hashtags strategically. Link to landing pages for conversions. Engage followers rather than hard-sell. Consider sponsored posts for extended reach.

Web Banners

Because banners have limited space, focus on one strong headline and visual. Lead the reader’s eye through graphic design. Link banners directly to relevant landing pages. Test banner size, design, messaging, and placement to optimize results.

Print Ads

For print, prioritize bold visuals, headlines, and copy. Include important details like location, dates, and contact info prominently. Use fonts and colors to draw attention. Maintain brand consistency across print ads, direct mailers, posters, and other collateral.

Create compelling, relevant visual assets

Visual assets like photos, illustrations, infographics, videos or gifs are critical for capturing attention and conveying key messaging across channels. Visual content makes your promotion more engaging, easier to digest, and more likely to be shared socially. When developing visual assets:

  • Ensure they align to brand style and imagery
  • Use high-quality, eye-catching photographs
  • Leverage the power of infographics to communicate data
  • Create custom illustrations to make concepts relatable
  • Produce videos to demonstrate products or tell stories

Visuals tailored to your target audience and core message will help your promotion stand out.

Test and refine your messaging

The work doesn’t end once you’ve created your promotional content. To maximize results, you need to continually test, analyze, and refine your messaging based on what resonates best with your audience. Some key ways to optimize your promo:

  • A/B test content variations to see what converts best
  • Review social and web analytics to identify engagement trends
  • Survey your audience to get direct feedback
  • Monitor reviews and comments for additional insight
  • Track conversions to see what messaging drives the most sales

Be prepared to regularly iterate on every aspect of your promotion – from imagery to calls-to-action – until you achieve your desired results. Ongoing refinement is the key to promo success.


Creating a high-impact promotional message requires upfront planning and a data-driven approach. By defining your goals, audience, and core message, strategically selecting channels, customizing content, incorporating visual assets, and continually optimizing based on data, you can craft promotions that truly resonate, engage your customers, and deliver results. The most effective promos combine compelling copy and design with a clear understanding of strategic objectives and audience preferences. With a thoughtful, targeted process, you can develop promotional content that drives meaningful business impact.