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How do I fix no entry point found?

Encountering the “no entry point found” error can be frustrating when trying to run a Python program. This error occurs when the Python interpreter is unable to find the entry point into your program. The entry point is the first code that is executed when running a Python program, which is usually the main() function. There are a few common reasons why you may see the “no entry point found” error and some simple ways to fix it.

Common Causes of the “No Entry Point Found” Error

Here are some of the most common causes of the “no entry point found” error in Python:

  • Missing main() function – Python looks for a main() function to start executing your code. If your program doesn’t have one, it won’t know where to begin.
  • Incorrect main() function name – The main() function name is case sensitive. If you have “Main()” or “main” instead, Python won’t recognize it.
  • Using python directly instead of command file – Calling python directly on your script file runs the interpreter, not your distinct program with main().
  • Important modules not imported – If main() relies on certain modules that aren’t imported, it may cause issues finding the entry point.
  • Syntax errors before main() – Syntax errors earlier in the file can prevent Python from reaching the main() entry point.

Knowing these common causes can help you diagnose the specific issue with your Python program.

Fixing “No Entry Point Found” Error

Here are some tips for resolving the “no entry point found” error:

1. Define a main() function

The most straightforward fix is to just add a main() function, which serves as the entry point for execution. Here is an example:

def main():
  print("Hello World!") 

if __name__ == "__main__":

This provides Python with a clear main() function to start running your program.

2. Check main() name, case, and location

Be sure that the main() function is named properly with all lower case “main” and is at the global scope. It should not be nested inside another function or class.

Also verify that there are no typos or capitalization errors in the name:

# Wrong
def Main():
# Wrong  
def main():
# Correct
def main():

3. Run python [filename] instead of python [filename].py

When running your Python program, don’t run the .py file directly. Instead run the file name without the .py extension using python command.

For example:

# Wrong

# Correct 
python myprogram

This properly executes your program’s main() function instead of just running the Python interpreter.

4. Check module imports

If the main() function relies on any imported modules, be sure to import them at the top of your script.

For example:

import math
import sys

def main():

This avoids issues with missing modules when Python tries to execute main().

5. Fix syntax errors before main()

Any syntax errors earlier in your Python script can prevent proper execution of main(). Carefully check for any typos, formatting issues, or invalid Python code before the main() function definition.

Using linters and formatters like pylint and black can automatically catch syntax errors for you.

6. Reorganize code structure

If you have your main() function deeply nested inside classes or other logic, it can make it harder for Python to find the entry point. Consider restructuring your code so that main() is defined at the global scope.

You can also move helper classes and functions above main() to avoid import and execution issues.

Debugging Techniques for “No Entry Point”

In addition to straightforward fixes, there are some debugging techniques you can use to better understand and resolve “no entry point found” errors:

Add print statements

Add print statements before and inside main() to see if that code is reached:

print("Reached start of program")

def main():
  print("Inside main()")
print("Reached end of program")  

This can help you isolate where code execution is getting stuck.

Use a debugger or IDE

Debuggers like pdb or IDEs like PyCharm can set breakpoints and step through code execution. This allows you to see if main() is ever reached and pinpoint issues.

Check __name__

Temporarily add this code before your main() definition:


This will print the __name__ variable, which should be “__main__” when directly executing your script. If it’s something else, like the module name, that indicates your main() function is not being run as the entry point.

Use python -m

Run your program using python -m [module] syntax, which properly executes the __main__ module:

python -m myprogram

If this works where direct execution fails, it points to something wrong with how the entry point is being located in your script.


The “no entry point found” error arises when Python can’t locate your program’s main entry point, usually due to a missing or invalid main() function. Some common fixes include defining main() properly, correcting its name and case, running your program correctly with python command, importing all modules, and resolving syntax errors earlier in your code. Debugging techniques like print statements, debuggers, checking __name__, and using python -m can help further diagnose the specific issues in your code.

With the right approach, you can resolve “no entry point found” errors and have your Python programs running properly in no time.

Common Cause Fix
Missing main() function Define a main() function
Incorrect main() name Use all lowercase “main”
Running .py file directly Run python filename without .py
Unimported modules Add necessary imports
Syntax errors Fix errors before main()

This table summarizes the common causes and fixes for “no entry point found” discussed in the article.

Debugging Techniques

Here are some useful debugging techniques for tracking down “no entry point” errors:

  • Add print statements before and inside main()
  • Use a debugger or IDE to step through code
  • Check the __name__ variable
  • Run program with python -m

Employing these debugging techniques can help home in on why Python is failing to find the entry point into your program.

More Examples

Valid main() Function

Here is an example of a properly defined main() function:

import sys

def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":

This follows the standard convention by checking __name__ == "__main__" before calling main().

main() with Arguments

You can also define main() to accept arguments like a normal function:

import sys

def main(args):

if __name__ == "__main__":

Then run passing arguments:

python arg1 arg2

Nested main() Function

This nested main() function will be harder for Python to find and execute properly:

def do_stuff():
  def main():

It’s better to define main() globally.

Multiple Entry Points

You can define multiple functions to serve as entry points, although main() will still be executed first:

def main():

def secondary():
if __name__ == "__main__":

The key is that main() is called in __main__ check.

Troubleshooting Examples

Here are some examples of troubleshooting “no entry point found” errors:

Using Print Statements

print("Start of program")

def main():
  print("In main()")

print("End of program")

If “Start of program” prints but not the others, it indicates main() is not being reached.

Checking __name__ Variable


def main():

If this prints the module name instead of “__main__”, it means main() is not being run as entry point.

Using pdb

import pdb


def main():

This will enable stepping through statement by statement using the debugger to see if main() is reached.

Other Errors

While a missing entry point is one common cause of errors when running Python code, there are other potential issues to be aware of:

Syntax Errors

Any Python syntax errors such as incorrect indentation, unmatched brackets, etc will cause your program to fail before reaching main().

Import Errors

If you are importing non-existent or invalid modules, you will see errors about not finding those module names.

Name Errors

Using undefined variables will lead to name errors as the interpreter tries executing your main() function.

Type Errors

Performing unsupported operations like adding a string and integer will produce type errors.

Carefully going through any messages about syntax, imports, names, types, etc can help uncover other problems outside of just the entry point.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I suddenly getting “no entry point” after no changes?

This can happen if you are now running the Python file directly rather than using python filename. Be sure to execute your programs with python command.

Can I have more than one main function?

You can only have one main entry point function in a Python program. Multiple main() functions will cause an error.

What if I’m not using main()?

Without main(), Python will look for any executable code at the global scope. But it’s best practice to define a main() function.

How do I fix “module has no attribute main”?

This specific error means Python found your module but could not find the main() attribute within it, so just carefully defining main() should resolve it.

Why use __name__ == “__main__”?

This checks if the file is being run directly before calling main(). It allows your code to be reused as a module without executing main() in that case.

Example Code

Here is some complete code demonstrating valid entry points:

# Correct main() function

import sys

def main(args):

if __name__ == "__main__":

# Multiple entry points

def main():
  print("Main code")

def secondary():
  print("Secondary code") 

if __name__ == "__main__":

# Nested main() function

def run():
  def main():


Study these examples for properly defining entry points and calling main() inside __main__ check.

Common Debugging Steps

Here is a summary of common debugging steps for “no entry point found”:

  1. Add print statements before and inside main()
  2. Use python -m to execute module correctly
  3. Check for syntax errors earlier in code
  4. Verify main() is defined at global scope
  5. Ensure main() name is lowercase with correct spelling
  6. Check all required modules are imported
  7. Use IDE or debugger to step through code
  8. Simplify nested code structure if needed

Following these systematic debugging steps can help uncover what is preventing Python from finding the entry point.


The “no entry point found” error in Python arises when the interpreter cannot find the start of your program execution, which is typically a main() function. Some solutions include:

  • Defining main() properly at global scope
  • Correcting the name and case of main()
  • Executing your code with python command
  • Importing all required modules
  • Fixing syntax errors before main()
  • Debugging with print statements, IDEs, __name__ check

With the right troubleshooting approach, this common Python error can be quickly resolved.