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How do I share a Whatsapp GRP link?

Sharing a WhatsApp group link allows you to easily add new members to your WhatsApp group chat. Here are some quick answers to common questions about sharing WhatsApp group links:

What is a WhatsApp group link?

A WhatsApp group link is a URL that allows anyone to join a WhatsApp group chat simply by clicking on the link. Every WhatsApp group has a unique link that can be shared with others. When someone clicks on the shared link, they will be prompted to join the group if they have WhatsApp installed on their phone.

How do I find the group link to share?

To find the invite link for your WhatsApp group:

  1. Open the WhatsApp group chat
  2. Tap on the group name at the top of the screen
  3. Tap on “Invite to group via link”
  4. Tap on “Group invite link”
  5. This will generate a link that you can share with others to join the group

How do I share the group link?

Once you have generated the group link, there are a few ways to share it:

  • Copy and paste the link into a message or email to send to contacts
  • Share the link directly from WhatsApp by tapping the share icon next to the link
  • Post the link publicly on social media sites or forums to allow anyone to join
  • Send the link through other messaging/chat apps

Can I share the link on social media?

Yes, you can share a WhatsApp group link publicly on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. This allows anyone who comes across the link to join your WhatsApp group. However, sharing the link publicly means anyone can join, so use discretion when posting a group link publicly.

Does the group link expire?

WhatsApp group links generally do not expire. However, group admins can reset the group link at any time to generate a new link. Resetting the link will make the old link invalid. Group admins may choose to reset the link periodically if they want to restrict access to the group over time.

Can I prevent invalid links from joining?

As an admin, you can restrict who can join your WhatsApp group via link by following these steps:

  1. Open the WhatsApp group and tap on the group name
  2. Tap “Edit group info”
  3. Tap on “Group settings” > “Edit group info”
  4. Change the “Who can add members?” option to “Admins only”

This will prevent anyone from joining using old or invalid links. Only those invited directly by admins can join.

Is there a limit to how many can join via link?

WhatsApp currently limits group sizes to 256 participants maximum. However, there is no limit on how many can join specifically through the group invite link. The only limit is the 256 member cap per group.

Can I join a group without the link?

You cannot join a WhatsApp group chat without the invite link or being directly added by a group admin. The only way to get access to the group is if someone in the group shares the invite link with you or adds you as a participant.


Sharing WhatsApp group links provides an easy way to expand your group membership. By generating a shareable group invite link within WhatsApp and spreading the link to contacts, you can quickly add new participants. Remember to use discretion when publicly posting the link to avoid unwanted joins. As admin, you can always reset the link or restrict link sharing to control group growth.

Question Answer
What is a WhatsApp group link? A URL that allows anyone to join a WhatsApp group chat by clicking on the link
How do I find the group link to share? Tap on group name > “Invite to group via link” > “Group invite link”
How do I share the group link? Copy/paste link into messages, share via WhatsApp, post publicly on social media, etc.
Can I share the link on social media? Yes, you can post the link publicly but anyone can join the group
Does the group link expire? No, it doesn’t expire but admins can reset the link at any time
Can I prevent invalid links from joining? Yes, restrict joining to “Admins only” in Group settings
Is there a limit to how many can join via link? No limit, only the overall group limit of 256 members
Can I join a group without the link? No, you need the link or be added by an admin to join

Key Points

  • Every WhatsApp group has a unique invite link that can be shared to add members
  • Generate the link by tapping on the group name and selecting “Invite to group via link”
  • Share the link via messages, chat apps, social media, etc. Public links allow anyone to join
  • Links don’t expire but can be reset by admins at any time
  • Limit joining through links by changing “Who can add members?” to “Admins only”
  • There is no limit on how many can join specifically via link invites
  • You can’t join a private WhatsApp group without the link or admin approval

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a WhatsApp group invite link?

Open the WhatsApp group chat, tap the group name, tap “Invite to group via link”, then tap “Group invite link” to generate a shareable link for the group.

Where do I find the WhatsApp group link to share?

The group invite link can be found in the Group Info screen. Tap the group name, tap “Invite to group via link”, then tap “Group invite link” to see the link.

Can someone join with an old link after I reset the link?

No, resetting the group link will invalidate any previously shared links. Anyone tapping an old link will not be able to join after the link is reset.

How do I completely prevent others from joining by link?

Group admins can change “Who can add members?” to “Admins only” in Group settings to restrict joining to invite-only by admins.

Is there a limit to how many can join with the link?

No, there is no limit on members joining specifically via the link. The overall group member limit is 256 people.

Can I share the link on public platforms?

Yes, you can share the invite link publicly on social media, websites, forums etc. But be aware this allows anyone to join your group.

How do I join a WhatsApp group without an invite link?

You cannot join a closed WhatsApp group without the invite link or being directly added by an admin. Groups require either the link or admin approval.

Does WhatsApp notify users when sharing the link publicly?

No, WhatsApp does not directly notify group members when sharing a public invite link. Group members will only see new users join.

Can I join if I’m not on WhatsApp yet?

No, you need to have an active WhatsApp account to join any group. Click the invite link will ask you to install WhatsApp if you don’t have an account.

Will resetting the link kick out existing members?

No, resetting the group invite link only invalidates the current link. Existing members will remain in the group after the link is reset.

Can I share a WhatsApp group link on Facebook?

Yes, you can post a WhatsApp group invite link publicly on Facebook. Copy the link and paste it into a Facebook post or message to share it.

Is there a WhatsApp link to join without admin permission?

No, all private WhatsApp groups require either the invite link or admin approval to join. Public groups may allow joining without admin permission.

How to Create and Share WhatsApp Group Links

Step 1: Generate the Link

Open your WhatsApp group chat and tap on the group name at the top of the screen. This will open the Group Info screen. Here tap on “Invite to group via link” then tap “Group invite link” to generate the invite link.

Step 2: Copy the Link

Tap and hold on the link to copy it. You can also share it directly from this screen via other apps. The link will look something like below:

Step 3: Share the Link

Now you can share the link however you want to invite others to join your WhatsApp group. Here are some ways to share it:

  • Paste it into an email, text message, or chat app
  • Share it through social media by pasting it into a post
  • Physically show someone the link on your phone to scan
  • Print it out and hand out flyers
  • Share it on public forums or websites

Step 4: Joining via the Link

To join a WhatsApp group using the invite link, simply click the link on the device where you want to join the group. This will open WhatsApp and prompt you to join the group. Tap “Join” to be added.

Step 5: Resetting the Link

If you want to reset the link and generate a new one, go back to the Group Info screen. Tap “Revoke link” to invalidate the existing link. Then tap “Create link” to generate a fresh link.

WhatsApp Group Link Sharing Tips

  • Be selective when publicly posting a group link on social media or websites. This allows anyone to join your group chat.
  • Reset the invite link periodically if you want to limit the duration a link can be used to join your group. New links will be required.
  • Change “Who can add members?” to “Admins only” in Group settings to restrict joining to invites from admins only.
  • Always preview your group’s profile photo and description before sharing links publicly. You want to put your best foot forward.
  • If you want a wider audience to follow you on WhatsApp without joining your group, consider creating a WhatsApp Business Profile.
  • Remind members not to share group links publicly unless authorized by admins. This avoids unwanted joins.
  • Use a URL shortener if you need to compress long WhatsApp group links to fit into social media posts.


Sharing WhatsApp invite links provides a quick, easy way for you to grow your groups. While posting links publicly can help reach more potential members, always keep group privacy in mind. Limit misuse by resetting links frequently and restricting joining to admins only. With thoughtful sharing of WhatsApp group links, you can expand your group’s reach and membership.