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How do I stay away from WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 2 billion users worldwide. While WhatsApp offers convenient features like messaging, voice and video calling, and group chats, spending too much time on it can be detrimental.

Understand the risks of overusing WhatsApp

Constantly checking WhatsApp can make you distracted, less productive, and addicted to your phone. Some potential downsides of WhatsApp overuse include:

  • Distraction from work/studies: The constant notifications and temptation to check WhatsApp makes it harder to focus and be productive.
  • Fear of missing out (FOMO): You may constantly worry about missing messages, news or events happening in your WhatsApp groups.
  • Addiction: Checking WhatsApp frequently can become a habit or addiction, making you obsessively check your phone.
  • Procrastination: Mindless scrolling through WhatsApp chats and groups causes procrastination and time wastage.
  • Social isolation: Over-reliance on virtual connections sometimes leads to neglecting real relationships and interactions.
  • Exposure to misinformation: Forwards and links on WhatsApp groups often spread misinformation and fake news.
  • Harmful comparisons: Obsessive social media use is linked to feelings of depression and anxiety in some individuals.

Being aware of these potential issues can motivate you to take steps to distance yourself from WhatsApp.

Delete WhatsApp from your phone

Completely removing WhatsApp from your smartphone is the most effective way to stay away from it. Here is how to delete WhatsApp:

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to Settings.
  2. Tap on Account > Delete My Account.
  3. Select Delete My Account again to confirm.

Once your account is erased, WhatsApp will no longer work on your device. You won’t get notifications or be able to access your chats. This is the most extreme step to take if you feel WhatsApp is severely impacting your productivity or mental health.

Disable Notifications

If completely deleting WhatsApp seems too drastic, you can disable notifications as a small step to distance yourself.

On Android:

  1. Open WhatsApp Settings > Notifications.
  2. Turn off all notification sounds and vibrations.

On iPhone:

  1. Go to Settings > Notifications > WhatsApp.
  2. Turn off Sounds and Badge App Icon.

With notifications off, you won’t get alerted every time you receive a WhatsApp message. You can also hide the WhatsApp chat tab so it’s not visible on your home screen.

Limit WhatsApp Checking to Set Times

Rather than aimlessly checking WhatsApp whenever you unlock your phone, limit yourself to certain times of day for catching up on WhatsApp messages. For example:

  • Only check WhatsApp 3 times a day – morning, afternoon, and night.
  • Only use WhatsApp on your commute to and from work/college.
  • Avoid using WhatsApp for the first hour after waking up and the last hour before bed.

You can also use app blocking tools to restrict WhatsApp usage during busy work hours or late at night. The goal is to check WhatsApp intentionally rather than mindlessly whenever you have free time.

Leave Busy WhatsApp Groups

Groups with constant activity and notifications can make WhatsApp addictive. Evaluate your group memberships and consider leaving groups that:

  • Have too many members
  • Don’t serve an important purpose
  • Have spammy or irrelevant conversations

Stay only in groups that are useful, small, and well-managed. Mute notifications from groups that you don’t want to leave entirely.

Replace WhatsApp Usage with Other Activities

Whenever you get the urge to check WhatsApp, replace it with a more productive task. Here are some ideas:

If you want to: Try this instead:
Mindlessly scroll through chats Go for a short walk or stretch
See what friends are up to Read a book or listen to a podcast
Chat with friends/family Call them directly to have a real conversation
Check notifications Focus completely on your work or studies
Waste time on WhatsApp Do a hobby like painting, singing, coding etc.

Whenever you mindlessly open WhatsApp, stop and choose to do something more meaningful instead.

Delete WhatsApp When You Don’t Need It

Consider deleting WhatsApp during exams, important work projects, or times when you need to be 100% focused. You can always reinstall it later. This gives you a break from the constant stimulation WhatsApp provides.

If you only use WhatsApp while traveling abroad, delete it when you are in your home country. Don’t keep it on your phone out of habit if you aren’t actively using it.


Distancing yourself from WhatsApp requires commitment and conscious effort, but it pays off through improved concentration, productivity, relationships, and mental well-being. Start by turning off notifications and checking WhatsApp only at set times during the day. Leaving busy groups and replacing mindless usage with other activities will also help curb your WhatsApp habit.

While WhatsApp can be useful in moderation, uncontrolled usage has many downsides. Take steps to prevent WhatsApp from becoming an unwanted distraction and obsession. Learn to give your time and attention to more meaningful real-world activities instead.