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How do you keep only admins can send messages?

There are many situations where you may want to restrict sending messages in a system, application, or website to only administrators or privileged users. For example, in a social media site, you may want to allow only moderators to send broadcast messages to prevent spamming. Or in a support portal, you may want to allow only admins to reply to tickets to maintain quality control.

Implementing admin-only messaging can improve security, cut down on abuse, and enable better oversight over communications. But how exactly do you configure systems to enable this admin-only messaging capability? There are a few common techniques:

Using User Access Levels

Many applications and platforms allow setting a user access level or type, such as “admin” or “moderator”. By default, only admin users may be allowed to send messages. You can configure the system to check a user’s access level before allowing messaging.

For example, in a web application, you can check if a user has an “admin” role on their account before displaying or enabling messaging functionality in the UI. You can implement similar access controls in a mobile app, API, or other systems.

Assigning Messaging Permissions

Alternatively, you can assign granular permissions that control access to messaging features. For instance, you can have a “can_message” permission that is granted only to admin accounts.

With this approach, you explicitly check for the “can_message” permission before allowing the send message action. This provides precise control over who can message.

Using API Keys or Tokens

For API-based messaging, you can require users to provide a valid API token or key to send a message. The tokens can be generated only for admin users.

Requiring the API key means regular non-admin users won’t be able to figure out how to call your messaging API endpoints. The token acts as a form of authentication and authorization.

Setup on Common Platforms

Most popular frameworks, platforms, and communication channels provide ways to implement admin-only messaging:

– **Web apps** – Use user roles and permissions in your code or identity provider to restrict messaging UI/routes.

– **Mobile apps** – Add access checks before allowing messaging features. Validate user roles from your backend.

– **APIs** – Require API keys and implement authorization middleware.

– **Email/SMTP** – Limit SMTP credentials to admins. Alternatively, use a middleware service to filter emails.

– **Social media sites** – Built-in moderator features. Check for admin/moderator badges on accounts.

– **Instant messaging** – Add validation logic in chat bots or integrations. Limit admin UI access.

– **Comments systems** – Moderation features to manually approve comments. Auto-filtering based on roles.

The implementation details vary but the concepts are similar across platforms.

Controlling Access in Code

Let’s explore some example code for different platforms to see how to limit messaging to admins:

Web Applications

In a web app using Node.js and Express, you can check the user role on the request object before allowing a message to be sent:

// Import dependencies
const express = require(‘express’);

// Create Express app
const app = express();

// Sample user data with “admin” role
const users = [
id: 1,
email: ‘[email protected]’,
role: ‘user’
id: 2,
email: ‘[email protected]’,
role: ‘admin’

// Send message route handler‘/send-message’, (req, res) => {
// Get user from database
const user = users.find(u => ===;

// Only allow if admin user
if (user.role !== ‘admin’) {
return res.status(401).send(‘Unauthorized’);

// Otherwise send message
res.send(‘Message sent!’);

// Start server

This checks the user role on the request and only continues if the role is “admin”. Otherwise it blocks the request.

Mobile Apps

In mobile apps, you can make API calls to your backend to validate the user role before performing messaging actions:

// Import Flutter packages
import ‘dart:convert’;
import ‘package:http/http.dart’ as http;

// Make API call to check if user is admin
Future isAdminUser() async {

final url = Uri.https(‘’, ‘/api/user/role’);
final token = await getUserToken();

final response = await http.get(url, headers: {
‘Authorization’: ‘Bearer $token’,

final body = jsonDecode(response.body);

return body[‘role’] == ‘admin’;

// Send message method
void sendMessage(String message) async {

// Check if user is admin
final isAdmin = await isAdminUser();

if (!isAdmin) {

// Send message
final url = Uri.https(‘’, ‘/api/messages’);
await, body: {
‘message’: message,

print(‘Message sent!’);

This makes an API call to validate the user role before sending the message. The backend would implement the authorization logic.


For API messaging, you can implement a middleware to verify an API key before accepting requests:

// API key lookup
const apiKeys = {
‘abc123’: {
role: ‘admin’

// Require API key middleware
function requireAPIKey(req, res, next) {

const apiKey = req.header(‘Authorization’);

if (!apiKeys[apiKey]) {
return res.status(401).send(‘Invalid API Key’);

// Bind user details to request
req.keyInfo = apiKeys[apiKey];


// Send message route handler‘/send-message’, requireAPIKey, (req, res) => {

if (req.keyInfo.role !== ‘admin’) {
return res.status(403).send(‘Forbidden’);

// Send message

res.send(‘Message sent!’);

Here the middleware checks the API key against known admin keys before allowing the request. Unauthorized users cannot access the route.

You can implement similar authorization logic across frameworks and platforms. The key ideas are:

– Check the user role/permissions on every messaging request or action.
– Block the action if the user does not have admin/moderator access.

This will ensure only authorized users can send messages in your system.

Sending Notifications Only to Admins

A common scenario is sending notifications or alerts only to administrators, not regular users.

For example, you may want to send emails or push notifications about system issues, flagged abusive content, or urgent support tickets only to the admin team.

Some techniques to achieve this include:

Using Separate Endpoints or Queues

Have dedicated API endpoints, queues, topics, or channels for admin notifications. Use them only from your backend for sending admin-specific messages. Do not expose them to regular users.

For instance, you can have a separate internal API endpoint or queue listener that sends email only to configured admin addresses.

Filter by User Role/Permissions

When sending notifications, filter users to determine if they have the admin role. Then only send notifications to matching users.

You can apply this filtering on emails, push notifications, chat/IM tools, and other channels.

Create Admin User Groups

On notification platforms like SendGrid, Pushover, Slack etc., create specific admin user groups. Send messages only to those admin groups instead of all users.

For example, create an “Admins” Slack channel or an admin user segment in SendGrid. Post to them using their group ID/handle instead of broader distribution.

Limit Access to Admin UI

For self-service admin UIs that can send notifications, limit access only to admin users. This prevents regular users from abusing notification features.

You can use similar access control techniques – like API keys or permission checks – to secure admin dashboard routes and tools.

By leveraging one of these approaches, you can easily ensure notifications are delivered only to internal admin teams, without notifying regular end users.

Securing Admin Accounts

To truly limit messaging to only admins, you also need to properly secure admin user accounts in your system.

Some best practices include:

Use Strong Credentials

Enforce strong, complex passwords for all admin accounts. Enable multi-factor authentication for additional protection.

Limit Account Permissions

Admin accounts should be granted the minimum permissions needed. Avoid overprivileging admin roles.

Monitor for Suspicious Activity

Track admin login attempts, location, IPs, etc to detect account compromise and misuse. Use anomaly detection systems where possible.

Rotate Credentials Regularly

Require admin users to periodically reset their passwords and access tokens. This limits unauthorized access should credentials be leaked.

Be Sparing When Granting Admin Access

Only grant admin access to select trusted individuals. Review permissions regularly and revoke if no longer needed.

Use Access Control Best Practices

Follow identity and access management best practices, like using password managers, principals of least privilege, and separation of duties.

Employ Layered Security Defenses

Combine multiple defensive strategies like anomaly detection, network security, endpoint protection, and account controls.

By proactively securing admin accounts, you make it much harder for an unauthorized person to gain access and send messages while posing as an admin. This complements technical controls.

Other Considerations

Here are some other considerations when implementing admin-only messaging:

Provide an Emergency Process

Have an emergency process so someone can send critical messages if all admins are unavailable. For example, provide a breakglass access procedure.

Document Policies and Controls

Document the policies, procedures, and technical controls in your system design and admin guides. Educate your admins on proper protocols.

Audit Message Sending

Audit who is sending messages by logging key details like the admin username, time, authorization granted, IP address, etc.

Apply Principle of Least Privilege

Carefully evaluate and grant the minimum permissions needed. Avoid granting universal admin privileges if narrower permissions suffice.

Test Authorization Checks

Thoroughly test that your access control checks are working as intended for both admin and non-admin users.


Restricting messaging capabilities to only administrators requires:

– Using built-in user roles, permissions, and access controls in your platforms and code.

– Having structured authorization checks on messaging features and notifications.

– Securing admin accounts appropriately.

– Following security and access best practices.

Properly implementing these strategies will allow you to limit messaging powers only to the admin team, helping manage communications and prevent abuse.

But always ensure there remain emergency measures in case all admins are locked out. With planning and testing, you can enable admin-only messaging securely and effectively.