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How do you know if someone blocked you from viewing their status on whatsapp?

If someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, you won’t be able to see their profile photo, last seen, or status updates. There are a few signs that indicate a user may have blocked you from seeing their status updates:

Their profile photo disappears

If you previously could see someone’s profile photo in your contacts or chat list, but it suddenly disappears, that’s a strong indicator they may have blocked you. When a user blocks you, you’ll no longer be able to see their profile photo.

Their “last seen” status disappears

Along with the profile photo, a blocked user’s last seen status will also disappear from your view. Normally, you can see when a contact was last active on WhatsApp under their name in your chat list. But if you’ve been blocked, the last seen status will be hidden.

You can no longer see their status updates

The key sign a user has blocked you is that you’ll no longer be able to view any of their status updates. If you notice a certain contact’s status updates never show up anymore in your chat list, even though they used to post statuses frequently, chances are they have blocked you.

You can’t see if they’re online

In addition to last seen status disappearing, you also won’t be able to see if a blocked contact is currently online. Normally, you can see a green dot next to a contact who is active on WhatsApp. But if someone blocks you, you won’t see when they’re online.

Your messages will only show one check mark

When you send a message to someone who has blocked you, the message will remain on a single check mark and never get the second check mark to show it was delivered. This is because messages from blocked contacts go straight to the blocked user’s filtered messages and are never actually delivered to their main inbox.

You can’t call or video chat with them

WhatsApp won’t allow you to start a call or video chat session with someone who has blocked you. If you try making a voice or video call to their number, it will fail instantly. The call won’t go through and you’ll get disconnected right away.

Your contact info disappears from their phone

When you block someone on WhatsApp, their contact entry also gets deleted from your address book on the phone. Similarly, when someone blocks you, your contact info disappears from their phone. So if a contact tries to look up your info after blocking you, they won’t find your contact entry available anymore.

You’re added to their blocked contacts list

WhatsApp keeps a list of blocked contacts within the app’s settings. If someone has blocked you, your number will show up in their blocked contacts list. However, you have no way to view their blocked contacts list, so you’ll need to rely on the other signs to know if you’ve been blocked.

You get a “User not found” message

When you search for the contact who blocked you in WhatsApp’s contacts list, it will show a “User not found” message rather than displaying their info. This occurs because you no longer have access to view that user’s account details after being blocked.

Your WhatsApp group invites to them fail

If someone has blocked you, and you try to invite them to a new WhatsApp group, the invitation will fail to reach them. Only unblocked contacts can be added to groups, so a failed group invite could mean you’ve been blocked.

How to confirm if you’re blocked on WhatsApp

To get definitive confirmation that someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, you’ll need access to the person’s phone to check their blocked contacts list. Some other options include:

  • Ask a mutual friend to check if your number is in the blocked contacts list on that person’s phone.
  • Use a different phone number to message the contact and see if they reply to that new number.
  • Call the contact from a different phone number to see if the call goes through.

If you don’t have access to another phone number, you likely will need to rely on the signs of being blocked mentioned above to deduce whether someone has blocked you. While not guaranteed, if you notice several of the signs, it’s a strong indicator that you may have been blocked from seeing the person’s WhatsApp status updates or interacting with them on WhatsApp entirely.

Why would someone block you from seeing their WhatsApp status?

There are a few possible reasons why someone might block you specifically from seeing their WhatsApp status updates or block you fully on WhatsApp:

  • They want to avoid contact with you entirely.
  • They are upset with you or you had an argument.
  • They find your messages annoying or unnecessary.
  • They want to prevent you seeing details about their life.
  • You’ve had a falling out and they no longer consider you a friend.
  • They are in a new relationship and want to avoid uncomfortable questions.
  • They feel your behavior is inappropriate or toxic.
  • You’ve had a break-up and they want distance.
  • They feel you’re no longer a positive presence in their life.

In most cases, someone makes the choice to block you on WhatsApp when they feel having you in their digital life is causing negativity or toxicity. It’s often an effort to gain space from the relationship or fully cut contact.

What to do if you’re blocked

Getting blocked on WhatsApp can feel upsetting, especially if it comes out of the blue from a friend or someone close to you. Here are some tips for handling the situation:

  • Reflect on why it may have occurred: Think about recent interactions with the person and if there were any conflicts or incidents that could have motivated them to block you.
  • Respect their decision: Even if you feel hurt or disagree with being blocked, avoid trying to contact them through other means right away. Give them space.
  • Move forward: Focus on yourself and other positive relationships in your life. Don’t dwell on someone who clearly no longer wants contact with you.
  • Change your behavior if needed: If your actions contributed to them wanting to block you, use it as a wake-up call to improve your conduct.
  • Don’t retaliate or seek revenge: As frustrating as being blocked can feel, avoid retaliating or trying to get back at the person in unhealthy ways.

With time, the hurt of being blocked will fade. Use it as an opportunity for self-improvement and to build other fulfilling connections in your life. If the person who blocked you is someone you care about, politely express you’d like to resolve any misunderstanding between you – but only once sufficient time has passed after the blocking occurred.


Being blocked from seeing someone’s WhatsApp status updates or full profile can feel disheartening, especially when it comes out of the blue. However, in most cases it signals the relationship has turned unhealthy for the blocker. While the exact reasons they blocked you may remain unclear, take it as a cue to reflect on your recent interactions and focus your energy on other connections.

With the popularity of WhatsApp, blocking has become a common method for users to gain distance from certain contacts. If you notice the signs someone has blocked you, avoid escalating the situation. Give them space, practice self-care, and proceed positively. In time, any hurt feelings will pass and you can rebuild your self-confidence.