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How do you know if someone is looking at your message on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 2 billion users worldwide. One of the key features of WhatsApp is the ability to see when a message has been delivered and read by the recipient. However, you may wonder how WhatsApp determines if someone has read your message, and how you can tell if someone is trying to ignore your message.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explain everything you need to know about WhatsApp’s read receipts feature, including how it works, its limitations, and tips for knowing if someone has read your message.

How WhatsApp’s Read Receipts Work

When you send a message on WhatsApp, it will show one check mark once it has been successfully sent from your device. When the message reaches the recipient’s device, a second check mark will show up. This indicates the message has been delivered.

Once the recipient opens the WhatsApp chat screen with your message, the second check mark will turn blue, indicating they have read your message.

So essentially, the read receipt lets you know when the other person has opened the chat screen and seen your message. It does not necessarily mean they comprehended or thoroughly read your message, but it does confirm your message was displayed on their device.

Limitations of Read Receipts

While read receipts provide useful information, there are some important limitations:

  • Read receipts only change when the chat screen is opened. If the recipient sees the message via a notification pop-up without opening the chat screen, it will still show as delivered.
  • It’s possible to open the chat screen without reading the latest message. For example, they may just scroll up through previous messages.
  • Read receipts tell you when the message was last seen, not how thoroughly it was read.
  • It’s easy to open the chat screen accidentally. So read receipts could suggest the message was seen even if the recipient didn’t really look at it.
  • Read receipts can be disabled. We’ll explain more about this next.

So while read receipts give a good indication, they don’t provide foolproof information. You can’t assume just because the message has been read, the person actually paid full attention to it.

How to Turn Read Receipts On or Off

If you don’t want others to know when you’ve read their messages, you can disable read receipts in your WhatsApp settings:

  1. Open WhatsApp and tap the 3-dot menu button in the top right corner.
  2. Go into Settings > Account > Privacy.
  3. Toggle the Read Receipts option off.

This will prevent your contacts seeing those blue check marks when you read their messages. However, you also won’t be able to see read receipts from your contacts.

Read receipts are enabled by default. So if you can see when contacts read your messages, it means they have read receipts switched on.

There are also options in WhatsApp to disable the following:

  • Showing when you’re typing – prevents contacts seeing when you are typing a message to them.
  • Showing when you’re online – prevents contacts seeing when you were last using WhatsApp.

Disabling these can make it harder for others to know your WhatsApp activity and availability.

How to Know if Someone is Ignoring You on WhatsApp

Even if read receipts are enabled, people may still ignore or avoid your messages in various ways. Here are some tips for knowing if someone is trying to ignore you on WhatsApp:

They read but don’t reply

If you can see they’ve read your message but they haven’t replied, it likely means they don’t feel like responding. Of course, sometimes people open messages without properly reading them, or they intend to reply later. So you shouldn’t assume every unanswered read message means you’re being ignored. But if this happens repeatedly, it’s usually a sign they’re not interested in the conversation.

They turn off read receipts

If someone suddenly turns off read receipts after viewing your messages, they probably want to avoid you seeing when they’ve read your texts. This could mean they want to ignore you.

They leave you on ‘seen’

Being left on ‘seen’ means the person has opened your chat, but not responded. Leaving someone on seen for long periods suggests you’re not a priority for them. But leaving messages on seen can also happen accidentally if they open chats without reading properly. So look for patterns – if you’re regularly left on seen for days, it’s likely they’re avoiding you.

They view your stories but don’t reply

On WhatsApp, you can see who views your status stories. If someone consistently checks your stories but ignores your messages, they probably want to avoid direct conversations.

Delayed responses

If their replies suddenly become much slower, it can be a sign you’re not a priority and they’re reluctant to talk. Delayed responses may be a step before completely ignoring messages.

Short, low effort replies

If their messages change from thoughtful conversations to blunt one-word answers, it suggests they’re no longer interested in keeping the conversation going. Short replies like “K” or “OK” show low enthusiasm.

Excuses for not responding

Common excuses like “Sorry I was busy” or “I didn’t see this message” may cover up the fact they’re avoiding you. These kinds of excuses can become predictable if they happen too often.

You’re restricted from seeing online status

On WhatsApp you can block specific contacts from seeing your online and typing statuses. If someone restricts you it’s a sign they want to avoid interactions and hide their activity from you.

Replying to group chats but not your private messages

If someone engages in group conversations but ignores your personal chats, it shows they don’t want one-on-one communication.

Profile picture changes but not replying

If they update profile pictures but leave your messages on read, it means they’re active on WhatsApp but choosing not to respond to you.

Reasons Why People Avoid or Ignore Messages

There are many reasons why someone may intentionally ignore messages or avoid responding. Some of the common ones include:

  • They’re too busy to keep conversations going.
  • You’ve said something to upset or annoy them.
  • They’re going through a stressful time and don’t have capacity for chatting.
  • They feel harassed or pressured by your constant messaging.
  • They find you boring or your conversations uninteresting.
  • Your conversations have become emotionally draining for them.
  • They’re talking to other people they consider higher priority.
  • They don’t feel comfortable communicating frequently.
  • They want distance from you or the relationship.
  • They’ve lost romantic interest in you.
  • Your conversations bring up feelings they want to avoid.

Of course, there are also times when being left on read happens accidentally. It’s important not to jump to conclusions or assume you’re being ignored. But if it becomes a consistent pattern, they are likely avoiding communicating for some reason.

What to Do If You’re Being Ignored on WhatsApp

If you suspect someone is ignoring you or avoiding your messages on WhatsApp, here are some tips for handling it:

  • Don’t bombard them with more messages – This will just annoy them further. Give them space.
  • Have an honest conversation – Politely ask if they’ve been too busy to respond or if there’s another reason, without getting accusatory.
  • Reflect on your behavior – Think about whether you’ve done anything that may have irritated them or caused distance.
  • Give them time – People go through ups and downs. They may become more responsive again after a few days.
  • Focus on other connections – Don’t dwell on one person’s lack of response. Nurture relationships with friends who reciprocate.
  • Take the hint – At a certain point, you may need to accept they don’t want to communicate right now and move on.

The more you message someone who is ignoring you, the more desperate or clingy you may appear. Have self-respect, give them space, and focus your energy on other connections. If the person wants to reach out again, they will.


WhatsApp’s read receipts feature provides a useful indicator of when your messages have been seen. However, there are still many ways users can avoid responding while showing they’ve read your texts. Signs like leaving you on read, using excuses, and blunt responses suggest someone is ignoring you.

If you’re being ignored, it’s best not to bombard the person with follow-up messages. Give them space, reflect on your own actions, and focus on nurturing other connections. With time, the person may be ready to engage in conversation again. But take the hint if they seem to consistently avoid replying – they likely need distance.

While being left on read can feel frustrating, don’t make assumptions about why the person isn’t responding. Focus on the connections who do reciprocate rather than obsessively checking your message status. With the right mindset, you can maintain healthy relationships even when communication lags.