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How do you make chat heads appear?

Chat heads, also known as floating messenger bubbles or floating widgets, allow you to access certain apps and features quickly without having to open the full app. They float over other apps and can be moved around on your screen. Chat heads are especially useful for messaging apps, allowing you to respond to messages without leaving the app you’re currently using. There are a few different ways to enable chat heads, depending on whether you’re using an iPhone or Android device.

What are chat heads?

Chat heads, also sometimes referred to as floating widgets or bubbles, are small icons that float above your screen and allow quick access to certain features of an app without needing to open the full app. Chat heads can be moved around and tapped on to open a small overlay window where you can perform certain actions.

For example, Facebook Messenger’s chat heads allow you to view and respond to your latest messages without actually opening the Messenger app. You can tap on the chat head to view the message, type a reply in a small overlay window, and send it, all without leaving the app you’re currently using.

Other apps like WhatsApp and Telegram also have implemented chat heads for quickly accessing recent conversations. In addition to messaging apps, some other apps utilize chat heads for quick access to certain functions, like starting a voice search in Google Assistant.

Chat heads provide a convenient way to multitask and respond to messages without all the switching between apps required normally. They aim to save you time and make interacting with certain apps faster.

How do chat heads work?

Chat heads or floating widgets work by running a service in the background that creates an overlay window on top of any other apps you have open. This allows the chat head icon and overlay bubble to essentially float over your screen.

Tapping on the chat head then signals the background service to open up the small overlay window, where limited app functionality and information is displayed.

For messaging apps, this overlay window typically shows your recent conversations and allows you to view, respond to, and send new messages without fully loading the app.

Chat heads are rendered on top of your screen using system-level programming overlays. So they will hover above any app you have open. The chat heads can be freely dragged around your screen as well.

Closing the chat head overlay window simply minimizes it back to the small icon, but keeps the background service and functionality running. Fully closing out of the chat heads requires force stopping the app service powering it.

How to get chat heads on iPhone

Unfortunately, iPhone does not have an official API or framework that allows apps to create chat heads. Only Apple’s own Messages app has access to that kind of system-level overlay functionality.

So there is no way for third-party apps like Facebook Messenger to implement chat heads on iOS. However, there are still a couple of options to get chat head capabilities on iPhone:

Use an Android emulator

One option is to use an Android emulator for iOS like the Android IDE app. This will allow you to install Android apps with chat heads and use them overlaid on top of your iPhone apps and system. However, Android emulation requires jailbreaking your iPhone and performance may not be great.

Use the Floating Apps shortcut

Floating Apps is an iOS shortcut that lets you create floating widgets for various actions like messaging. To use it:

1. Download the Floating Apps shortcut.

2. Open the Shortcuts app and enable Allow Untrusted Shortcuts.

3. Tap on the Floating Apps shortcut to customize the actions and apps it can open in a floating window. For example, you can set a chat head to open Messages.

4. Open a floating widget from your home screen to test it out. Drag it around your screen and tap to open the overlay window.

The Floating Apps shortcut isn’t perfect and Apple restricts some functionality. But it does provide a way to mimic chat heads on iPhone.

How to get chat heads on Android

Getting chat heads on Android is easy since the platform natively supports system-level overlays. Here are the general ways Android apps implement chat heads:

1. Enable chat heads in the app settings

Many apps like Facebook Messenger have a setting to enable chat heads. Just open the app’s settings and look for an option like “Chat Heads” or “Floating Widget” and enable it. This will activate the chat head functionality.

2. Install apps with built-in chat heads

Some apps like Telegram come with chat heads enabled by default. So simply installing the app gives you access to the floating chat head for quick messaging.

3. Use third-party apps

If the app you want doesn’t have official chat head support, try third-party apps like Floating Apps or Chat Head Floating Browser. These add chat heads for other apps. Just enable the permissions and select which apps you want chat heads for.

The exact chat head implementation varies by app but the overall concept remains the same. Chat heads run as a background service and tapping them opens a floating window overlay.

Customize chat heads

Once you have chat heads enabled, most apps provide customization options so you can tweak the chat heads to suit your preferences. Here are some of the common chat head settings:


Adjust the size of the chat head icon and overlay window, usually small, medium or large options. Smaller chat heads are more discreet while larger ones are easier to tap.


Choose whether you want the chat head at a fixed position or freely movable. Fixed position keeps it anchored to a spot on your screen.


Increase chat head transparency to make it blend into your wallpaper. Reduce transparency to make it stand out.


Configure whether you want notification counts, sounds, or vibrations when receiving a new message through the chat head.


Some apps allow changing the icon image and chat head colors/theme.

Adjust the settings until you have the size, position, transparency and notification behavior suited to your preferences.

Close or disable chat heads

If you want to temporarily close the chat heads or disable them completely, here is how to do it:

Temporarily close chat heads

Simply drag the chat head off screen or to an edge of the screen and leave it there. This will close the chat head while keeping the underlying service running.

Alternatively, fully close the chat head overlay window which will minimize it back to just an icon that can be ignored.

Force stop the app

Open your Android settings, go to Apps or Application Manager, select the app with chat heads enabled, and choose Force Stop. This will completely shut down the app and disable any chat heads or background services.

Revoke overlay permissions

Android 10 and higher allows revoking the Display Over Other Apps permission that enables chat heads:

1. Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > Advanced > Special app access

2. Select Display over other apps

3. Find the app name and toggle off the permission

This will prevent that app from being able to show any chat heads. Re-enable the permission when you want to use chat heads again.

Disable the feature in the app

Open the app’s settings and look for the option to disable or turn off chat heads/floating widgets and toggle it off. This is the best way to permanently disable chat heads in an app if you don’t want to use them.

Troubleshooting tips

If you are having trouble getting chat heads to work properly, here are some troubleshooting tips:

– Make sure the app you want to use has chat heads enabled in the settings

– Check that the app has the required permissions granted to draw over other apps

– Try force stopping the app and clearing its cache/data before re-enabling chat heads

– For third party apps, check they are updated to the latest version and try reinstalling them

– On Android 10 and above, enable Allow apps to draw over other apps in System settings

– Restart your phone and check if chat heads are working properly after a reboot

– Update your Android or iPhone software since bugs may prevent chat heads from working

– Try an alternate chat head app if the main one you want to use has issues

– Contact the developer of the problematic app and report the chat head problem

With some troubleshooting and app re configuration, you should be able to resolve most issues that may arise with chat heads not appearing correctly or overlay windows not opening.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get chat heads on iPhone?

There is no official support for chat heads on iOS. You can try using an Android emulator or the Floating Apps iOS shortcut to mimic the behavior of chat heads. But full system-level functionality is restricted by Apple on iPhone.

Do chat heads use more battery?

Chat heads require running a background service to function so they will use slightly more battery compared to not having them enabled. However, on modern phones the impact is usually marginal over the course of a full day.

Can I get chat heads for any app?

Only apps that have specifically implemented chat heads will have the functionality. For other apps, you can try using third party Android apps to add chat heads. iOS has no way to force chat heads on arbitrary apps.

Are chat heads safe to use?

When enabled in first-party apps from major developers like Facebook, chat heads are generally safe to use. Be cautious with third party apps asking for overlay permissions. As always, only install chat head apps from trusted sources like the Google Play Store.

Why are my chat heads not working?

Check the troubleshooting tips in this guide. Issues may arise from outdated apps, revoked permissions, OS bugs, or the feature being disabled. Toggling settings off and back on or reinstalling the app can often resolve problems if an app was previously working.


Chat heads provide a convenient floating overlay for quickly accessing messaging or app features without switching apps. While iPhone doesn’t officially support chat heads, Android users can enable them in app settings or download third party floating apps. Customize the size, position and transparency of chat heads to suit your preferences. Make sure to grant the app permission to display over other apps for full functionality. With chat heads enabled, you can boost productivity and streamline using your favorite messaging and voice apps.