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How do you tell if you are blocked on WhatsApp?

There are a few ways to tell if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp. Here are some signs that indicate you may have been blocked:

Your messages don’t deliver

One of the clearest signs that you’ve been blocked is if your messages to that person stop delivering. If you send a message to someone who has blocked you, it will show one check mark (meaning it was sent from your end) but never show a second check mark indicating it was delivered to the recipient. The messages will stay stuck on “Sent” and will never change to “Delivered.”

You can’t see their last seen or online status

If you’ve been blocked, you won’t be able to see the person’s last seen or online status in the chat window. Instead of showing the time they were last active, it will just say “online” with no further details. This is because they have disabled you from seeing their active status.

Your calls don’t go through

When you try calling someone who has blocked you on WhatsApp, the calls won’t connect. They will neither ring nor go to voicemail on the other end. The calls will fail instantly as if the number is switched off, indicating you can no longer contact that person.

You’re removed from groups

If you get blocked by someone who is an admin of a WhatsApp group you’re both in, they can remove you from the group. Suddenly getting kicked out of a group the person admins could mean you’ve been blocked by them.

Your profile photo disappears

In one-on-one chats, you can no longer see the profile photo of someone who has blocked you. Instead of their picture, you will see a generic gray avatar icon. This happens because they have prohibited you from viewing their personal info.

You can’t add them to groups

When you try to add a blocked contact to a WhatsApp group, you will get an error message saying “Couldn’t add participant.” This indicates the person has settings enabled to prevent you from adding them to any groups.

Their account seems to not exist

If you try searching for the contact who blocked you, it will show “No results found” rather than displaying their profile. This makes it seem like the person doesn’t have a WhatsApp account, while in reality they have just blocked you from finding or contacting them.

How to confirm if you’re blocked

If you’re seeing the signs above but want to confirm for sure whether you’ve been blocked, here are some methods you can use:

  • Ask a mutual friend to check if they can still contact the person and see their last seen status. If your mutual friend can still reach them normally while you can’t, it’s a sure sign you’ve been blocked.
  • Check if you can add the contact through their phone number. Go to your phone’s contacts, tap on their number, and try adding it to WhatsApp. If it says “User not found,” they have likely blocked you.
  • Report the message you sent them as undelivered and check the response. If WhatsApp says the report was sent but the contact never received it, that’s confirmation they blocked you.

Why would someone block you on WhatsApp?

Here are some common reasons why someone might block you on WhatsApp:

  • You sent unwanted or inappropriate messages
  • You were being abusive, aggressive, or harassing
  • They wanted to avoid further contact with you
  • You had an argument or major disagreement
  • The relationship ended badly
  • They are no longer interested in communicating
  • You were excessively messaging or calling
  • They found you annoying, toxic or irritating
  • They needed space or wanted privacy from you
  • You gossip about them or share private information

What happens when you block someone on WhatsApp?

Blocking someone on WhatsApp prevents any further contact or interaction with that person. Here’s what happens when you block a contact:

  • They can no longer message you and any new messages will not be delivered
  • They can’t see your profile picture, last seen, or online status
  • You stop receiving any messages or calls from them
  • Their chat screen will no longer show streaming indicators when you’re typing
  • They are automatically removed from any WhatsApp groups you’re admins of
  • You stop getting notified about any status updates they share
  • They are unable to add you to any new groups

Essentially, blocking cuts off all communication in both directions. You’ll stop seeing anything from each other on WhatsApp.

What to do if you’re blocked

If you find out someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, here are some tips on what to do next:

  • Respect their decision to block you and don’t try to contact them from a different number
  • Reflect on why they may have felt the need to block you
  • Give them space by not contacting them on other platforms
  • Don’t ask mutual friends about them or try to get information
  • Don’t make fake accounts to try and bypass the block
  • Take it as a sign the relationship has run its course
  • Move on and focus on other contacts who do want to engage

Getting blocked can feel upsetting but try not to react in unhealthy ways. Harassing the person or finding ways around a block will only make the situation worse. Accept it with grace and move on.

Can a block be undone?

A block on WhatsApp can be undone if the person who initiated the block decides to unblock you. When you unblock someone, communication will be restored as normal. Keep in mind:

  • You can’t unblock yourself if you were the one who got blocked
  • There is no time limit on how long a block lasts
  • The blocker has full control and only they can choose to remove the block
  • Pestering them to unblock you will often be counterproductive

If the relationship with this person is important to you, it may be worth politely reaching out in some time and asking if they’d reconsider unblocking you. But be prepared to accept if the block stays in place permanently.

Prevent getting blocked in the future

To avoid getting blocked again by contacts, keep these tips in mind:

  • Respect people’s boundaries and privacy
  • Don’t be a nuisance by spam messaging or calling excessively
  • Watch your tone and avoid aggressive communication
  • Don’t share private information or gossip about others
  • Apologize if you unintentionally offend or irritate someone
  • Don’t be clingy or needy in your communication style
  • Give people space if they seem to need it

Adjusting your communication habits can help ensure you don’t end up blocked by close contacts on WhatsApp.


Being blocked on WhatsApp means you can no longer contact or interact with that person. It cuts off communication entirely in both directions. While upsetting, try to move on positively if you get blocked. Respect the other person’s wishes and don’t harass them to unblock you. Learn from the experience and adjust your behavior to avoid repeating it in the future.