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How do you write professional messages on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has become an integral communication tool for both personal and professional purposes. With over 2 billion users worldwide, it is one of the most popular messaging apps. For many professionals, WhatsApp is a convenient way to communicate with colleagues, clients, and business partners.

However, writing professional messages on WhatsApp requires some tact. Unlike personal chats, professional messages demand a certain etiquette and style. Careless writing can portray unprofessionalism and leave a bad impression on recipients.

Here are some tips on how to write professional WhatsApp messages:

Be concise yet polite

When writing professional messages, get straight to the point but remain polite. Avoid using shorthand and chat acronyms like “LOL”, “BRB”, etc. These are fine for personal chats but not professional correspondence. Also, don’t use emojis or stickers in professional messages.

Keep your messages short but include all relevant details. Use polite language and maintain a professional tone even in difficult conversations. Say thank you when required and avoid being blunt or rude.

Check for errors

Proofread your messages before hitting send. Check for typos, grammatical errors, incorrect information etc. Professional communication leaves an impression on the recipient, so make sure your messages are error-free.

Read your messages aloud to catch silly mistakes. Correct any autocorrect errors or typos. Double check dates, numbers, names and other key details. An error-free message conveys attention to detail.

Add subject line for important messages

Use a clear, concise subject line when sending long or important messages. This gives the recipient context even before opening the message. For example, “Meeting notes – Client ABC” or “Request for appointment.”

Avoid vague subject lines like “Hi” or “Important.” Only include a subject if required, not for every single message.

Use formal greetings and sign offs

Start professional WhatsApp messages with “Dear [Name]” or “Hi [Name]”. Avoid just saying “Hey” or “Hello”, unless you know the recipient well. Similarly, end with “Best Regards” or “Thank you” instead of “Bye” or no sign off.

Using formal greetings and sign-offs establishes a professional tone. They show respect for the recipient and imply this is an official correspondence.

Reply promptly

Due to WhatsApp’s real-time nature, replies are expected promptly, especially if it’s work-related. Set notifications and check WhatsApp regularly to avoid leaving professional messages unanswered.

If you cannot reply immediately, send a quick acknowledgement like “Thanks for the message. I’ll get back to you by 3 pm today.” This shows you value the person’s time.

Avoid using only WhatsApp for official communication

For important or sensitive discussions, use WhatsApp only for brief conversations, not extensive official communication. Follow up over email or phone if required.

WhatsApp does not provide documentation or audit trail. So avoid making decisions or having in-depth discussions solely over WhatsApp. Keep it for quick updates and supplement with more formal communication.

Be mindful of your status

Your WhatsApp status is visible to all your contacts. Be thoughtful about what you put in your status if you use WhatsApp for work. Avoid controversial, inappropriate or unprofessional status content.

Also turn off read receipts if needed. Being conscious of your online status and last seen time can prevent unwanted messages during off-work hours.

Create work and personal contacts lists

Separate work contacts from personal contacts on WhatsApp. This allows you to easily find work chats and ensures you don’t message colleagues accidentally on your personal account.

Create a “Work Contacts” list with phone numbers of all professional contacts. likewise, add a “Friends & Family” list on your personal account.

Don’t message colleagues after work hours

Avoid messaging colleagues outside of work hours unless it’s important. WhatsApp makes it easy to message anytime but don’t contact co-workers unnecessarily during their personal time.

If you must message, be polite and apologetic, example: “Apologies for the late message, but I needed to confirm tomorrow’s meeting time. Please let me know when you get a chance.”

Set boundaries and mute when necessary

To maintain a work-life balance, set boundaries for work messages during your off hours. You can mute work chats temporarily if needed. Also turn off notifications from non-urgent work groups.

Let colleagues know your unavailable hours or suggest alternate contacts for urgent queries. Making your boundaries clear avoids expectation of 24/7 availability.

Don’t make assumptions based on WhatsApp activity

Don’t assume someone is ignoring you if your WhatsApp messages show as delivered but not read. There are many reasons this can happen. Extend the benefit of doubt before jumping to conclusions.

Also don’t presume colleagues are always available because they are online on WhatsApp. They may be using it for personal chats. Follow up via alternate channels if needed.

Handle confidential information carefully

Avoid sending confidential company information like financial data, client details, or trade secrets over WhatsApp. The encryption helps but there are still risks.

If necessary, mention it’s confidential and ask the recipient to delete immediately after reading. But try to avoid it completely if you can.

Save important conversations

Back up important work conversations on WhatsApp to create a record. WhatsApp allows you to export chats as email attachments. Or take screenshots for future reference.

Having a saved transcript prevents miscommunication and provides proof of correspondence if ever needed.


WhatsApp can increase productivity and communication when used properly for professional purposes. Follow the etiquette tips outlined above to ensure your messages portray you as courteous, prompt and responsible.

With some thoughtfulness and care, WhatsApp can be a useful professional communication tool while still maintaining boundaries between work and personal life.

Sample WhatsApp Conversation

Sam Hi John, confirming tomorrow’s 9 AM client meeting. Please let me know if you need me to send across any material beforehand.
John Hi Sam, thanks for the confirmation. I’ve shared a brief presentation with key points to discuss. Let’s quickly go over it before the meeting. Talk tomorrow!
Sam Sure, will go through the presentation and call you at 8:30 AM tomorrow. Looking forward to the meeting. Have a good evening.
John Likewise! Speak tomorrow.

Do’s and Don’ts

Do’s Don’ts
Use formal greetings Use chat acronyms like LOL, BRB
Proofread for errors Reply bluntly without politeness
Add a subject line when required Message colleagues unnecessarily after working hours
Reply promptly Discuss confidential company information
Maintain separate contacts lists Make assumptions based on WhatsApp activity