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How to ask a girl for her WhatsApp number in english?

Asking for a girl’s WhatsApp number can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! With the right approach, you can ask for her number in a polite, respectful and confident way. The key is to avoid being too pushy or aggressive when asking. Be casual, keep things lighthearted, and don’t put too much pressure on her to give you her number. With some preparation and practice, you’ll be ready to ask for that number smoothly and successfully!

Why Get Her WhatsApp Number?

Getting a girl’s WhatsApp number allows you to continue the conversation and get to know each other better outside of your initial meeting. WhatsApp provides a more personal way to chat than interacting on a dating app or social media. Once you have her number, you can text her directly to build rapport through friendly, engaging conversations. This helps establish a connection and opens the door for making plans to hang out in the future. Having her number also means she’s comfortable enough with you to give you her contact information. All in all, getting her WhatsApp number is a great step forward when you’re interested in a girl.

When to Ask for Her Number

Timing is important when popping the question for her digits. You’ll want to ask after having a pleasant conversation where you’ve established some rapport. Don’t ask right away before you’ve had a chance to interact. Conversely, don’t wait too long either where you risk the moment passing. The best time to ask is when you’re wrapping up an interaction that’s gone well. For example, if you’ve been chatting at a coffee shop or enjoyed friendly banter at a networking event. Take the cue as the conversation is winding down to smoothly ask for her number so you can continue getting to know each other.

How to Ask for Her WhatsApp Number

Here are some tips for asking gracefully and tactfully:

  • Wait for a lull in the conversation. Don’t interrupt her if she’s opening up. Look for a natural break where you can interject.
  • Make eye contact and smile. This creates warmth and shows your interest in continuing the interaction.
  • Compliment her. Say something nice about her personality that you appreciated connecting.
  • Keep it casual. Say something like “I’ve really enjoyed talking with you” or “It’s been nice chatting with you today.”
  • Make your request low-pressure. Say something like “Would you want to continue the conversation over WhatsApp?”
  • If she says yes, have your phone ready to exchange numbers. Don’t ask for her number without offering yours too.
  • If she politely declines, don’t take it personally. Say something like “No problem at all. It was nice meeting you!”

The key is being relaxed, polite and respectful when you ask. Making it a chill, low-pressure request takes the awkwardness out of the moment.

What to Say When Asking

Here are some examples of smooth ways to ask for her number:

  • “I’ve really enjoyed talking with you. Want to continue the conversation on WhatsApp sometime?”
  • “We seem to have a lot in common. Would you want to swap WhatsApp numbers?”
  • “It was great chatting today. Could I get your WhatsApp number so we can text?”
  • “I’d love to keep talking if you’re up for it. Maybe over WhatsApp?”
  • “You seem really cool! I’d enjoy talking more over WhatsApp if you’re open to sharing numbers.”

The phrasing can vary, but the key is keeping it casual and flattering. Avoid being too eager or formal. Polite interest and thoughtfulness is what you want to convey.

What to Do After Getting Her Number

Congratulations, you did it! Now that you’ve got her digits, here are some tips for after the fact:

  • Text her within 1-2 days. Don’t wait too long so she remembers who you are.
  • Reference your initial conversation. Say something like “It was great meeting you at [location] the other day!”
  • Start with small talk to reignite the conversation. Discuss lighthearted topics you chatted about before.
  • After some friendly banter, ask her out on a date. Suggest meeting for coffee, drinks, etc.
  • Keep your early WhatsApp interactions breezy and positive. Save deeper topics for when you know each other better.
  • Set up the date within a few days. Don’t drag out the texting forever before meeting up again.

The first text sets the tone. You want to come across as easygoing and interested in getting together, not bombarding her with constant communication. Keep things upbeat and moving towards plans for your next hangout.

What Not to Do

There are a few things you’ll want to avoid when asking for her number:

  • Don’t ask immediately without any prior conversation. Take time to establish rapport first.
  • Don’t be too pushy or keep repeating your request if she declines.
  • Don’t ask for her number in front of a large group which puts pressure on her.
  • Don’t be too formal or business-like. Keep things casual.
  • Don’t text constantly before the first date. Give her space between interactions.
  • Don’t make the first text conversation intense. Keep it light and friendly.
  • Don’t take too long to ask her out after getting her number.

The overall keys are being patient, calibrated in your approach, and avoiding seeming overeager. Let things progress naturally rather than forcing interactions.

How to Respond to Rejection

There’s always a chance she may politely decline giving you her number. If so, handle it gracefully:

  • Stay calm and don’t take it personally. There could be many reasons.
  • Say something kind like “No problem at all! It was nice chatting with you.”
  • Don’t beg or try to convince her. Respect her decision.
  • Don’t cut the conversation short in anger. If she wants to keep talking, continue politely.
  • Part warmly by saying it was nice meeting her and you enjoyed the conversation.
  • Reflect on the interaction afterward and consider if you could improve your approach.
  • Don’t dwell on it too long. Not every connection works out. Be positive as you move forward.

Handling rejection well demonstrates confidence and maturity. You’ll leave a good impression even if you didn’t get her number.

Signs She Wants You to Ask

How do you know if she’s open to swapping numbers? Look for these positive signals:

  • She holds eye contact and smiles engagingly during your conversation.
  • Her body language is turned towards you and open.
  • She asks you follow-up questions about yourself.
  • She finds excuses to lightly touch your arm/shoulder in flirty ways.
  • She talks about wanting to visit places you mentioned.
  • She says “We should hang out sometime” or similar invitations.
  • When you have to leave, she says it was nice talking.

Green lights like these suggest she’s enjoyed connecting and is open to continuing the interaction. When you see such signals, it’s usually a good time to ask for her number.

Useful WhatsApp Tips

Once you start chatting on WhatsApp, keep these tips in mind:

  • Respond to messages within 1-2 days. Don’t make her wait weeks.
  • Avoid long walls of text. Break things up with line spacing.
  • Don’t overuse exclamation points, emojis, etc. Keep it cool.
  • Match her response times. If she texts back quickly, do the same.
  • Ask open-ended questions that allow deeper conversation.
  • Build rapport by mixing fun talk about hobbies/interests with deeper views.
  • Compliment her personality, style, humor etc.
  • If she doesn’t respond, don’t keep texting repeatedly. Give her space.

Following these tips will create positive, engaging conversations that continue building your connection off the apps.

Troubleshooting Issues

Here are some common issues and how to handle them smoothly:

She doesn’t respond to your first text: Don’t panic. Give it a few days then send a breezy message like “Hey how’s your week going?” If still no reply, she’s likely not interested. Don’t keep messaging constantly.

Conversation fizzles out: Try asking engaging questions about her deeper views and experiences to revive it. If she seems disengaged still, she may have lost interest. Don’t force conversations that clearly aren’t clicking.

She takes forever to respond: Match her pace. If she’s taking days, do the same rather than texting again right away. Give her space. If it continues, have an honest chat about communication styles.

She only gives one-word answers: She may be busy or distracted. Try changing topics. If she remains disengaged, say something polite like “I don’t want to bug you if you’re busy. Let me know if you want to catch up later.” Then give her space.

She talks constantly about other guys: This likely means she just sees you as a friend, unfortunately. Don’t get jealous. Pull back from constant communication and move on romantically.

Getting From Texting to a Date

Once you’ve built a texting connection, shift gears to asking her out again in person. Here are some smooth ways to do it:

  • “It’s been fun chatting on here! We should continue the conversation in person. Want to grab coffee this weekend?”
  • “I really enjoy our talks. We need to hang out again soon. Are you free Friday night? We could meet up for a drink.”
  • “I feel like we’re getting to know each other pretty well over text. Want to hang out in the real world again too? What’s your schedule look like this week?”

The key is to suggest a casual, low-key first date like grabbing drinks or coffees. This takes the pressure off. Don’t confess your love before even going on a date! Keep things lighthearted as you move towards meeting up again.

Date Conversation Starters

Once on the date, you can break the ice and keep conversation flowing with these openers:

  • “How has your week been?”
  • “Read any good books/seen any cool shows recently?”
  • “What do you like to do for fun on weekends?”
  • “How did you get into your career?”
  • “Where’s your favorite place you’ve traveled?”
  • “Do you have any fun trips coming up?”
  • “What are your hobbies outside of work?”

Avoidyes/no questions. Ask engaging questions that spark deeper discussion and storytelling. This keeps the date conversation lively and flowing smoothly.

Moving Things Forward

If the date goes well and you’re ready to take things to the next level:

  • Compliment her sincerely when saying goodbye. For example, say “I had a really nice time with you tonight.”
  • Suggest specific plans for Date #2 like a restaurant you think she’d enjoy.
  • Text her the next day referencing something funny from the date as an inside joke.
  • Aim to schedule Date #2 within the next week while momentum is high.
  • On the next dates, break the touch barrier in subtle ways – a hand on her arm when you make her laugh, etc.
  • Gain consent before escalating physically beyond touching – “Can I kiss you?”, etc.

Things may naturally progress to physical intimacy if you both feel comfortable. Most importantly, move things forward at a pace you’re both happy with. Stay communicative, attentive and respectful.

Long Distance Challenges

If you met on vacation or live in different cities, extra effort is required to stay connected:

  • Discuss eventual plans to visit each other again and start roughly planning.
  • Schedule regular video chat dates so you stay in touch face-to-face.
  • Text good morning/good night so you feel connected in daily life.
  • Mail small sentimental gifts and care packages full of inside jokes.
  • Set countdowns towards when you’ll reunite again for a trip.
  • Have an open discussion about expectations and needs regarding communication.

Long distance relationships require lots of trust and communication. With commitment and creativity, you can absolutely make it work!


Asking for a girl’s WhatsApp number can be a thrilling step forward when you’re eager to get to know her better. Approach it with confidence and tact. Chat to gauge her interest before smoothly asking in a friendly, low-pressure way. If she says yes, make plans to meet up off the apps soon. Then use your text conversations to build rapport before your next date. With the right mix of flirty banter, engaging questions and sincere compliments, you’ll be moving the connection forward in no time! Just remember to pace things appropriately and read her signals closely. With this advice in mind, you’ve got this!