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How To Cancel/Postpone Your Wedding Due To Covid-19

As the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, many couples are facing an unprecedented challenge: having to cancel or postpone their wedding plans. The emotional and logistical implications of this decision can be overwhelming. To provide guidance and support during this difficult time, we spoke with Charlotte Ricard-Quesada, a seasoned international events and wedding planner, and founder of La Fête, to develop a step-by-step plan for navigating the situation.

With her expertise, couples can better cope with the uncertainty and make informed decisions about their special day.

Do We Cancel Or Postpone…

When faced with the daunting decision of whether to cancel or postpone your wedding, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons of each option. While postponing might be the recommended approach, it’s crucial that this choice is made jointly by the couple and any parties funding the celebration. If a new date doesn’t feel right to you, there’s no need to stress – vendors can often work with you to find a compromise, such as rolling over payments into a future credit when you do set a new date.

This arrangement benefits both parties, enabling you to support the businesses that played a role in your wedding plans while also avoiding the need for a complete re-planning of your special day.

When To Inform Your Guests…

When To Inform Your Guests...

When faced with the need to reschedule a wedding due to venue changes, Charlotte advises being proactive and informing guests as soon as possible. This notification should occur once the venue has confirmed that a change is necessary. Next, it’s essential to reach out to vendors to keep them in the loop, even if you don’t have a definitive new date yet.

Sharing tentative date options with your guests can help manage their expectations and provide something exciting to look forward to during these unusual times. With many people currently at home, this approach allows your guests to adjust their plans and make necessary arrangements for the revised wedding date.

Who To Contact First…

When handling a wedding postponement without professional assistance, prioritize open communication with your partner and immediate family first. Use this opportunity to share any concerns or frustrations you may have before tackling the rest of the process. After having these crucial conversations, reach out to your venue and caterer to discuss the postponement. As primary suppliers, they can offer valuable guidance and support throughout this challenging time.

They will likely go above and beyond to accommodate your needs, as their goal is to maintain a strong relationship with you once normal life resumes. Above all, Charlotte emphasizes the importance of avoiding cancellations, which could have devastating consequences for businesses, potentially forcing them to lay off staff or cease operations altogether.

Contacting Your Suppliers..

Contacting Your Suppliers..

When it comes time to communicate with suppliers about cancelling or postponing your wedding, emailing them is generally the recommended approach. This method provides a written record that can be easily referred back to later on, which can simplify the process compared to trying to recall a phone conversation. However, if you’re dealing with a time-sensitive situation and your wedding is just around the corner, it’s understandable to want to speak directly with vendors.

Just keep in mind that they may be experiencing a high volume of requests from other couples, so be prepared for a slightly longer response time as they work to accommodate everyone’s needs.

What About Mid-Year And Overseas Weddings…

While we’ve previously addressed the challenges of hosting a wedding during the COVID-19 pandemic, what if you’re planning an overseas celebration for mid-year? The reality is that there’s no crystal ball to predict when the wedding industry will fully recover. Charlotte’s advice is to acknowledge this uncertainty and consider postponing your special day.

With current border restrictions and travel limitations in place, it may be wise to delay your wedding by at least a year from its original date. Ultimately, the decision rests with you, but taking a cautious approach could prove to be the safest bet.

What About A Plan B Wedding Destination…

What About A Plan B Wedding Destination...

While excitement surrounding the big day is understandable, Charlotte cautions against hastily creating a backup plan. With uncertainty still lingering in the air, committing to an alternative destination may not alleviate concerns entirely. Furthermore, altering plans could lead to disappointment if it doesn’t align with the original vision. Instead of panicking, patients are advised to trust that their dream wedding will unfold as intended, despite any initial setbacks.

Guidance For Wedding Planners…

For wedding planners currently in the midst of planning nuptials, Charlotte advises hitting the pause button on all activities. Instead, take a step back and compile a comprehensive list of tasks that require attention. Additionally, maintain open lines of communication with all vendors to ensure a seamless and stress-free experience for your clients.

Dealing With Angry Customers…

Dealing With Angry Customers...

As a wedding planner or supplier, it’s crucial to acknowledge that both parties require empathy. A key takeaway from Charlotte’s insight is the significance of effective communication and transparency in managing customer expectations. By keeping clients informed about the current situation, you can effectively mitigate anger and frustration, which often stem from uncertainty.

In essence, open dialogue can be a powerful tool in preventing misunderstandings and ensuring a smoother experience for all parties involved.

Cancelling A Wedding…

When faced with the difficult decision to cancel or postpone your wedding, it’s essential to communicate this news to your guests in a clear and respectful manner. One of the most straightforward ways to do this is by sending a group email that effectively conveys your message. This approach not only saves you time but also helps minimize stress. However, it’s also important to consider those individuals who may not regularly check their emails, such as elderly or busy relatives.

In these cases, a brief phone call or text message can help ensure they’re informed of the change in plans.

Importance Of Wedding Insurance…

Importance Of Wedding Insurance...

When it comes to wedding planning, incorporating wedding insurance into your budget is a crucial consideration. Given the ongoing impact of COVID-19, it’s essential to understand what’s covered by various providers. According to Charlotte, if your venue closes due to the pandemic or a close relative is forced to self-isolate or passes away, you may be eligible for compensation. However, air travel, accommodation, and personal choice cancellations are not typically covered.

To mitigate risks, it’s vital to postpone and treat payments as vouchers or credit for future use. Be sure to review your insurance provider’s terms and conditions and discuss any questions with them directly, as policies can vary.

What About 2021 Weddings…

As uncertainty surrounds us, couples planning a spring 2021 wedding are left wondering what to do next. Charlotte advises caution, suggesting that rather than making hasty decisions, couples should wait and observe the situation unfold before committing financially. This approach allows for a more informed decision-making process, taking into account the inevitable backlog of rescheduled weddings and date changes that will require attention once restrictions ease.

In the interim, there’s no reason why wedding planning can’t continue in other areas, such as researching suppliers, creating Pinterest boards, and gathering inspiration – allowing couples to stay ahead of the game even as they wait for the right moment to make a commitment.

Some Advice For Impacted Couples…

Some Advice For Impacted Couples...
Some Advice For Impacted Couples...

As many brides around the world face the reality of postponing their wedding celebrations, we want to offer a dose of optimism and practical guidance. Rather than viewing this setback as a disappointment, consider it an opportunity to refine your original plans or explore new ideas altogether. Your new wedding can be exactly what you had envisioned from the start, or it can evolve into something even more extraordinary.

The key is to maintain a positive outlook and recognize that this delay is merely a temporary obstacle on the path to celebrating your special day. When the time comes, you’ll look back on this experience with clarity and perspective, and you’ll be thrilled to have had the chance to make your wedding dreams a reality.