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How to flirt with a girl on WhatsApp?

Flirting with a girl over WhatsApp can seem daunting, but it’s easier than you think! WhatsApp provides the perfect platform to get to know someone better. With some charm, wit, and the right attitude, you can make a lasting impression and capture her interest.

How to Start a Conversation

When starting a conversation, be casual, cool, and confident. Don’t overthink it. Starting with a simple “hey” or “hi” is fine. You can also try commenting on something in her profile photo or status. For example: “That looks like an awesome vacation pic, where was it taken?” This shows you took the time to notice her and opens the door for more conversation.

Ask questions to get to know her better, but avoid anything too personal or serious early on. Keep it light and friendly. Talk about everyday things like music, movies, food, hobbies, etc. Find some common interests you can bond over.

Sprinkle in some harmless compliments about her style, smile, sense of humor, etc. But don’t overdo it or come on too strong.

Do Don’t
– Be casual and confident – Overthink it or be nervous
– Comment on something in her profile or status – Start with anything too personal or serious
– Ask light, friendly questions – Compliment her excessively early on

Keep the Conversation Flowing

Once you’ve started a conversation, keep it moving forward. Ask open-ended questions that require more than a yes/no response. Follow up on things she mentions and ask for examples or stories. This shows active listening.

Share a few personal anecdotes or stories of your own so she gets to know you too. But don’t ramble on about yourself. Make sure the focus stays mostly on her.

Throw in some safe humor when appropriate. Funny memes, witty banter, inside jokes, and gentle teasing build rapport. But avoid anything that could offend.

Compliment her sincerely when she shares something about herself. But don’t come on too strong.

Do Don’t
– Ask open-ended questions – Give short yes/no responses
– Listen actively and follow up – Rammble extensively about yourself
– Use humor appropriately – Tell offensive jokes
– Compliment sincerely – Shower endless flattery

Flirt Subtly

Flirting is an art. It’s all about subtlety. If you come on too strong, you’ll scare her away. Drop small hints you’re interested without declaring your undying devotion.

Tease her playfully about little quirks. Send funny memes only the two of you would understand. Misinterpret her texts as flirting. Say she’s “smooth” or “slick” if she says something witty. Break the touch barrier by starting to use emojis like 😉.

Work up slowly to explicitly calling her cute, pretty, sweet, etc. Watch her reactions to see how she responds. Flirting is a gradual escalation. Pull back if she seems uncomfortable.

Late at night is an easier time to get a bit more forward, but stay classy. Don’t sext or say anything raunchy.

Do Don’t
– Tease playfully – Declare your love
– Send inside jokes – Send overtly sexual memes
– Break the touch barrier slowly – Sext or say anything vulgar
– Pull back if she seems uncomfortable – Keep pushing if she’s not reciprocating

Ask Her Out

Once you’ve developed a flirty rapport, take the next step and ask her on a date. Suggest meeting for coffee, drinks, mini-golf, a museum, or another low-pressure first date. Pick a public place where she’ll feel comfortable.

Make your intentions known by using the word “date.” She’ll appreciate the confidence. Say something like, “You seem really cool. We should grab dinner together some time. Like a date.”

If she says yes, get her number (if you don’t have it already) and work out the details over text. If she politely declines, be gracious, say you understand, and you still enjoy chatting as friends.

Even if she says no at first, don’t give up hope. Sometimes women just prefer to talk a bit more before meeting up. Continue building attraction, and try again after a week or two.

Do Don’t
– Suggest a simple, public first date – Suggest anything private like your place
– Use the word “date” to make intentions clear – Just vaguely suggest “hanging out”
– Accept a polite no graciously – Get upset or angry if rejected
– Try again after more conversation – Badger her if she already said no

Avoid Common Mistakes

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when flirting on WhatsApp:

Don’t be pushy. If she’s not responding, give her space. Being too aggressive will only drive her away.

Don’t be needy. Don’t send a barrage of unanswered texts. Wait for her to respond before reaching out again.

Don’t be inappropriate. Avoid overtly sexual comments and avoid sending unwanted explicit images.

Don’t be boring. Sprinkle in humor, wit, and excitement. Monotonous small talk won’t capture her interest.

Don’t come on too strong. She’ll get scared away if you seem obsessed, infatuated, or start planning your future together.

Do Don’t
– Give her space if she’s not responding – Be overly pushy and aggressive
– Wait for her to respond before texting again – Bombard her with needy texts
– Keep conversation PG and appropriate – Make sexual or vulgar comments
– Be fun, witty, and exciting – Be monotonous and boring
– Take it slowly and subtly – Come on too obsessive or strong


Flirting with a girl over WhatsApp takes finesse, but pays off in building attraction. Start conversations casually, get to know her, break the touch barrier slowly, and ask her out when the time feels right. Avoid common mistakes like neediness, aggression, vulgarity, and dullness.

With the right mix of charm, humor, subtle flirting, confidence, and conscientiousness, you can make a lasting impression and capture her interest. Just be yourself, take it slowly, listen actively, and have fun getting to know each other!