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How to know if someone blocked you on whatsapp without messaging them?

If you suspect someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, there are a few simple ways to check without directly messaging them. Here are the top signs to look out for and methods to confirm if you’re blocked.

Clear Signs Someone May Have Blocked You

  • Their profile photo disappears – If you previously could see their profile photo but now it’s gone, they likely blocked you.
  • Last seen/online status is hidden – If you could previously see when they were last online but now it’s hidden, it’s a sign of blocking.
  • Messages remain undelivered – If your messages never show “delivered” and stay on “sent”, you’re probably blocked.
  • Calls go straight to voicemail – Attempted calls will go directly to voicemail instead of ringing if you’re blocked.
  • New group invites fail – If your attempt to add them to a new group chat fails, it’s because they’ve blocked you.
  • Removed from contacts – If you’re suddenly removed from their contacts list, that’s a clear sign of blocking.

Indirect Ways to Check if You’re Blocked

1. Check Their Active Status

Open your WhatsApp chat with the person you think may have blocked you. Look at the last time they were active or online. If you can no longer see it, and used to be able to view this, chances are you’ve been blocked.

When someone blocks you, your access to their active status gets automatically revoked. You’ll see “Last seen at” disappear. This is one of the simplest ways to know if they’ve blocked you, without directly contacting them.

2. Observe Changes to Their Profile Picture

Go to the chat, click on their name at the top and check if their profile photo is visible. If it has disappeared, it’s an obvious clue that you may have been blocked. When blocked, you lose access to view someone’s profile photo.

However, they could have also changed their settings to hide their picture from everyone. To confirm they blocked you specifically, check with a mutual friend if they can still see the profile photo.

3. Send a Message and Observe Delivery Status

Send them a test message. If your messages used to show “Delivered” under them, but now remain on “Sent”, this indicates you have likely been blocked. When blocked, your messages will never get delivered to the recipient.

However, if the status simply stays on “Sent” and eventually goes to “Delivered”, they may have just had poor connectivity. Give it some time before drawing conclusions.

4. Check If You’re Added to New Group Chats

Try adding the person who you think blocked you to a new group chat. Open an existing group or create a new one, then click the “Add participants” button to add contacts.

If you don’t see the option to add the person, it means you can no longer interact with or contact them – essentially confirming that you have been blocked.

5. Call Them and Listen for Voicemail

Attempt to call the person through WhatsApp’s voice calling feature. If the call goes straight to voicemail instead of ringing, chances are high that you’ve been blocked by them.

Blocked calls will skip directly to the person’s voicemail or a recording saying the person is unavailable. This avoids any interaction with the blocked person when a call is made.

6. Check Your Contact List for Their Number

Open your phone’s contacts list outside of WhatsApp. See if the number of the person who may have blocked you still appears in your contacts.

If the contact has disappeared, it’s because when you’re blocked on WhatsApp, you are automatically removed from the blocker’s contact list as well. Their number vanishing from your contacts is a clear sign of blocking.

7. Ask a Mutual Contact

Reach out to a mutual friend you share with the person in question. Ask if they can still view the profile picture and last seen status of the person who may have blocked you.

If the mutual contact can still see these items that are now hidden from you, it confirms that you have been specifically blocked while other contacts still have access.

Why You Might Appear Blocked When You’re Not

Sometimes it may seem like you’re blocked even when you haven’t been. Here are some reasons why:

  • They disabled their Read Receipts – Read receipts being disabled makes messages always appear as “Sent” instead of “Delivered”.
  • Poor network connection – Delayed “Delivered” status could just mean they have bad reception.
  • Account deactivated – Your messages may not deliver if they deactivated their account.
  • You’re blocked temporarily – Some apps allow blocking contacts for a limited time.
  • Settings changed – They may have changed privacy settings to hide status from everyone.

Give it some time and try the steps again later before assuming you’ve been blocked. Their profile photo and online status may reappear after some time if they had simply increased privacy settings temporarily.

What to Do If You’ve Been Blocked

If it becomes clear you have definitely been blocked, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Don’t make new accounts to contact them – Creating multiple accounts to get around being blocked will only make things worse.
  • Reflect on why you may have been blocked – Think if there’s something you did or shared that made them uncomfortable.
  • Respect their decision – Harassing them through other channels will only validate their decision to block you.
  • Move on – Accept that they do not wish to communicate and shift your focus elsewhere.
  • Ask a mutual friend to intervene – If absolutely necessary, request a trusted mutual connection talk to them.

Being blocked can feel disheartening, but the healthiest thing to do is give the person space and explore other connections. With time, the block may be lifted, but you should not pressure or stalk the person to reverse their decision.

When Should You Block Someone on WhatsApp?

If you’re considering blocking someone on WhatsApp, here are some signs it may be time to do so:

  • They send frequent unwanted messages or spam.
  • They share objectionable or abusive content.
  • Interactions with them make you uncomfortable.
  • They spread misinformation or rumors about you.
  • They attempt to scam or exploit you.

You are not required to remain in contact with anyone on WhatsApp. If someone makes you feel unsafe, anxious, stressed or compromised in any way, blocking them can be a smart option.

How to Block Someone on WhatsApp

Blocking another user on WhatsApp is simple:

  1. Open your chat with the person.
  2. Tap on their name at the top of the chat screen.
  3. Scroll down and tap “Block contact”.
  4. Confirm your decision to block the user.

You can always unblock someone later if you change your mind. But blocking immediately stops all communication until you manually unblock.


Checking if you’re blocked on WhatsApp doesn’t require directly contacting the person. Subtle signs like vanished profile pictures, hidden online status, undelivered messages, excluded group invites and removed contacts confirm you may have been blocked. However, technical issues could sometimes mimic blocking. If unsure, give it some time and check again later. Being blocked can feel upsetting but the best response is reflecting on what may have happened, and respecting their space. With the right perspective, it is possible to move forward.