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How to know if someone is hiding their online status on whatsapp?

If you suspect someone may be hiding their online status from you on WhatsApp, there are a few ways you can try to find out if they really are. The main options are looking for signs when you directly message them, monitoring their ‘last seen’ time, and checking if you see them come online or not.

Direct Messaging

One of the easiest ways to check if someone may be hiding their online status is by directly messaging them and looking for these signs:

  • They respond to your messages very quickly, within a few minutes, even if it’s late at night or early morning. This could indicate they were already online and saw your message pop up.
  • Their chat bubbles immediately show “online” after you send your message. If you don’t see them come online but their chat bubble goes green, they were likely already online unseen.
  • They respond saying they were “just about to message you” or “I was just thinking about you!”. If it seems like an unlikely coincidence, they may have already been active on WhatsApp.

However, do keep in mind that fast replies don’t definitively mean someone was hiding their online status. Some people simply respond quickly by habit or because they currently have time to chat. Look for a pattern of fast replies rather than a one-off occurrence.

Monitoring Their ‘Last Seen’

Another clue that someone may be hiding their online status is if you notice discrepancies between when they were last seen online and when they last responded to you.

To check someone’s ‘last seen’, open your chat with them and look under their name. You’ll see options like “Last seen today at 9:30PM” if they have that setting turned on. Now pay attention to the following:

  • Does their ‘last seen’ time seem outdated compared to how recently they replied to you? For example, if you sent them a message at 11PM and they replied instantly but their ‘last seen’ still shows 8PM, they were likely online unseen at 11PM.
  • Does their ‘last seen’ jump around randomly or seem inconsistent with normal sleep/work hours? The inconsistent times could indicate they are going online unseen and then re-enabling ‘last seen’ visibility at random times.

However, the ‘last seen’ indicator is not completely foolproof either. Sometimes people reply from notifications outside the app, or have the app running in the background which won’t update ‘last seen’. So again, look for a pattern rather than one-off discrepancies.

Noticing When They Come Online

The most definite way to confirm if someone is hiding their status is by directly observing when they come online and go offline. Here is how you can try to notice if their online status ever shows up for you:

  • Open the chat with them and actively watch to see if the status circle next to their name ever turns green. Keep monitoring for at least 10-15 minutes to get a reasonable idea.
  • If you have desktop notifications enabled for WhatsApp, check if you ever get notifications saying the contact “is online now”. If you don’t, then they are likely preventing your specific contact from seeing their online status.
  • If you chat with them regularly for days or weeks, note if their status circle ever shows green for you during all that time. If not, then status hiding is probable.

However, remember that they may also simply not be actively using WhatsApp much during your observation period. Be patient and monitor over several days at least to get a clearer picture.

Checking Your Privacy Settings

Before assuming someone definitely hid their status from you specifically, it’s also a good idea to check your own WhatsApp privacy settings. Make sure you have not disabled seeing other people’s statuses in your app. To check:

  1. Open WhatsApp Settings
  2. Go to Account > Privacy
  3. Check if ‘Read receipts’ and ‘Status’ are enabled

If they are disabled, turn them on and monitor again for a few days to see if you start noticing the person’s online status regularly. If even after enabling status visibility you cannot see them, then they most likely hid their status from you.

Considering Other Possibilities

While the signs above can indicate someone may be hiding their status from you, there are also some other possibilities to rule out:

  • They disabled ‘last seen’ and ‘online’ status visibility for everyone – This can be done in WhatsApp privacy settings. You won’t see the status of any contacts who have disabled it.
  • They deleted or deactivated their WhatsApp account – This would make them seem totally offline.
  • They blocked you – This prevents any status indicators for you.
  • They changed their SIM card – WhatsApp gets deactivated when changing a number.
  • Network issues or app glitches – Temporary technical problems could also cause odd online behavior.

So while signs of hiding can be there, consider other reasons too before confronting someone about hiding from you. Gently ask them first if there are any general issues in their app or with their phone.

Confronting Someone About Hiding Their Status

If after observing patterns and ruling out other reasons you feel confident someone specifically hid their status from you, you can confront them gently about it. Some tips:

  • Don’t accuse. Simply ask if there’s a particular reason you can’t see their status updates.
  • Mention some timing discrepancies you noticed, but don’t make claims about their intentions.
  • Give them the benefit of doubt in case there are reasons you’re unaware of.
  • Focus on solving the issue and open communication, not blaming them.
  • If it’s due to a relationship problem, consider resolving that first before revisiting status privacy.

Bring it up casually rather than angrily so they feel comfortable explaining themselves honestly without getting defensive. With mutual understanding, the status privacy may no longer be needed.

Respecting Their Privacy

Ultimately, you have to keep in mind that it’s someone’s personal choice if they want to hide their online status from specific people on WhatsApp. While it can feel hurtful if it seems directed at you, it’s not something you can or should force them to change. Everyone has a right to some privacy.

Don’t obsessively monitor their status or make claims about their behavior. Focus conversly on the relationship and communication between you. Often status privacy is just a symptom of a deeper issue that needs resolving first.

If they confirm they hid their status from you, take it in stride. Calmly share how it makes you feel and ask if there’s anything you can improve about your own communication. With mutual respect and understanding, the desire for status hiding will usually diminish.

Technical Ways to Bypass Status Hiding

Aside from the above relationship-focused solutions, there are some technical workarounds people attempt to see someone’s status even if hidden:

  • Viewing online status from WhatsApp Web on a computer if visibility wasn’t disabled there
  • Using a secondary ‘burner’ phone number to create a new WhatsApp account
  • Temporarily uninstalling and reinstalling your WhatsApp app
  • Clearing app cache and data to reset status visibility

However, approaches like these are strictly against WhatsApp policy, unethical, and could get your account banned. It’s best to always respect someone’s privacy choices and address the underlying issues driving them to hide.


Noticing signs someone may be hiding their status can feel upsetting and drive suspicion. But before making accusations, calmly observe patterns over time, rule out other factors, and consider reasons they may desire more privacy.

Rather than taking extreme technical steps to bypass their settings, have an open discussion to understand why and resolve those concerns. If they confirm status hiding from you, respect their choice and focus on mending your overall communication and relationship.

With patience and mutual understanding, you can usually re-establish status visibility and trust. But forced visibility will only drive more wedge between you, so tread carefully and give space if needed.