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How To Make The Most Of Lockdown With Your Partner

As the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are finding ourselves in unfamiliar scenarios – stuck at home with our loved ones for extended periods. While this setup can be a challenge, it also presents an opportunity to nurture and strengthen our relationships. In fact, the forced quality time spent together can actually bring couples closer. So, how do you make the most of this unexpected situation and keep your relationship thriving?

Here are some practical tips to help you navigate the lockdown with your partner while staying productive – no matter what.

Establish a routine…

Establish a routine...

While quarantine may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it doesn’t mean we can’t find ways to stay productive and stress-free as a couple. In fact, establishing some structure can go a long way in reducing anxiety and helping us make the most of our time together. This starts by designating a specific workspace where you can focus on your tasks without distractions or interruptions.

By separating your work life from your home life, you’ll avoid getting in each other’s way and maintain a sense of normalcy. Begin your day as you normally would, including getting ready and having lunch together. Use this time to catch up and enjoy each other’s company, appreciating the opportunity to bond and recharge amidst the challenges of quarantine.

Cooking class…

Cooking class...

Now is the perfect moment to take on fresh pursuits and hobbies. With your newly acquired free time, you can explore culinary delights together. Try whipping up some scrumptious treats or experimenting with novel dishes. Cooking alongside each other fosters increased communication, joint decision making, and even a stronger bond – all while preparing a more satisfying meal!

Gym Junkie…

Gym Junkie...

Take advantage of the opportunity to step outside your home and get some exercise with your partner. Not only will the fresh air bring numerous benefits, but working out together can also boost the efficiency of your workouts, strengthen your emotional connection, and motivate each other to push yourselves harder. Make the most of this time by making positive changes together.

Date night…

Date night...

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of confidence that comes with looking good. It’s easy to get stuck in a routine, especially when it involves lounging around in comfortable clothes all day. But what if we could shake things up and make every week feel like a special occasion? One way to do this is by setting aside a night each week for a ‘date night in’. This can be as simple as putting on your favorite outfit, adding some makeup, and styling your hair.

The key is to make it feel like a real event, complete with candles, flowers, or even just a nice bottle of wine. By having something to look forward to, you’ll find that the whole week takes on a new energy. And who knows, it might just bring you and your partner closer together.

Declutter and redesign…

Declutter and redesign...

As you spend quality time at home, seize the opportunity to tackle those nagging tasks that have been lingering on your to-do list forever! Consider teaming up to declutter rooms, sort through storage spaces, or even take up a new hobby together. Perhaps this is the perfect moment to nurture a shared passion for gardening, cooking, or artistry by planting flowers, tending to a veggie garden, or painting various rooms in the house.

Not only will these activities strengthen your bond and create a sense of accomplishment, but they’ll also help you co-create a living space that truly reflects your unique tastes and needs.

Game night…

Game night...

Spend quality time with loved ones by diving into the world of board games and card games. Monopoly, in particular, offers an engaging experience that can transport you away from daily worries for hours on end. The best part? You can share this bonding moment with friends or family over video calls, rekindling connections despite physical distance.



In today’s fast-paced world, it’s crucial for couples to prioritize their mental well-being and stress levels. A simple yet effective way to do this is by incorporating meditation or yoga into your daily routine. By committing just a few minutes each day, you can experience a significant boost in productivity and focus, while simultaneously reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm.

This small investment of time can have a profound impact on both your work and relationship, making it an invaluable addition to your daily life.

Plan a holiday…

Plan a holiday...

As the monotony of isolation sets in, it’s time to shift your focus to more exciting horizons. Allow yourself to indulge in daydreams about your next adventure abroad. Stuck indoors can be a great catalyst for sparking conversations with your partner about your shared travel aspirations and embarking on research together.

This shared experience can not only provide a much-needed distraction from the present circumstances but also kindle a sense of anticipation and shared excitement, making it easier to cope with the challenges of isolation.

Book Club…

Book Club...
Book Club...

Embark on a mental getaway by immersing yourself in the world of a book! Let the characters’ stories transport you to new and exciting realms, allowing you to temporarily escape reality. For an even more enriching experience, share this journey with your partner. Reading together can foster deeper connections as you both engage in thought-provoking conversations and explore fresh perspectives. This unique bonding opportunity will leave you feeling closer and more in sync with each other.

If you’re looking for more creative ways to spend quality time with your loved one during lockdown, be sure to check out our guide on how to have a date night while social distancing.