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How to make your crush jealous on whatsapp status?

The best way to make your crush jealous on WhatsApp status is to post fun photos and updates showing you having a good time without them. This will make them wish they were spending time with you too. Focus on looking happy, active and like you’re enjoying life.

Post photos with friends

One of the most effective ways to make your crush jealous is to post photos with other friends. Group photos showing you laughing and surrounded by friends gives the impression you have an active social life. Your crush will wonder why they aren’t part of the fun.

Make sure you look your best in the photos – happy, confident and like you’re having the time of your life. Picking photos where you look attractive sends the message you’re doing great without your crush. But don’t overtly pose or look like you’re trying too hard.

Occasionally tag the friends in the photos. This shows your crush you have close friendships with others. But don’t overdo it or it may look like you’re purposely trying to make them jealous.

Post updates of fun activities

Let your crush know all the fun things you’re up to by posting status updates of your activities. Are you hiking, at a concert, out for dinner or travelling? Share snippets to make your life look exciting and fulfilling without your crush.

Be authentic and share real experiences – don’t pretend you’re busier than you are. A mix of photos and captions portraying real fun will be most effective. Your crush will think you’re happily moving on and wish they were sharing the experiences too.

Be vague about who you’re with

Posting vaguely about who you’re enjoying activities with piques your crush’s interest. If you post “Such a fun night with friends!” or photos where it’s unclear who you’re with, your crush will be left wondering.

This sense of mystery and exclusion from your life will definitely make them curious. They’ll want to know exactly who you were with and what you were doing without them. A touch of intrigue goes a long way to sparking jealousy.

Post motivational and happy quotes

Quotes and captions about being happy, confident, motivated and loving life convey the message you’re doing great since parting ways with your crush. Choose uplifting phrases that suggest you’re feeling good and focusing on personal growth.

Pick quotes about independence, self-confidence and being your best self. Avoid anything too gloomy or which hints you’re struggling without your crush. The aim is to make them think they’re missing out by not being part of your upbeat life.

Post photos looking your best

Photos where you look your most attractive will really make your crush take notice. Show yourself looking happy, radiant and full of confidence. They’ll be kicking themselves that they’re not with you to appreciate how good you look.

Make sure the photos aren’t overly posed or filtered. Natural shots of you laughing and relaxed will seem most authentic. If you’re dressed up to go out, a quick mirror selfie or photo of your outfit will also work well.

Go offline occasionally

Controlling the times you’re active on WhatsApp can also help create jealousy. Periodically go offline for stretches so you seem busier and less available to your crush. Seeing you active less will make them wonder what you’re up to.

Resist the urge to check WhatsApp constantly when you know your crush is online. Having periods where you don’t respond right away increases your mystique. Just don’t overdo it or your crush will think you’re flat out ignoring them.

Post at varied times

Posting status updates at different times of the day and night suggests you have a full schedule your crush now isn’t part of. Varying your posting times creates the perception you have an active social calendar.

Occasionally post late at night like when you’re out at dinner or an event. Other times, post earlier in the day like when you’re starting your morning at the gym. Switching up the times will spark your crush’s curiosity.

Don’t be overly obvious

While generating some jealousy can be effective, be careful not to seem like you’re outright flaunting your life. If you overdo it, your crush will see right through what you’re trying to do. Keep things subtle enough that it seems organic and not purposely aimed at them.

Mix in regular day-to-day updates between the ones intended to make them jealous. Spread them out over time rather than bombarding your status with a bunch at once. A little jealousy goes a long way, so don’t overdo it.

Respond to their posts occasionally

Completely ignoring your crush’s updates may backfire by seeming spiteful. Every so often, respond lightheartedly to their posts so things appear friendly between you.

Keep your responses simple, positive and vague. Say things like “Looks fun!” or “Great pic :)” to show there’s no hard feelings. Just don’t get sucked into long conversations or it defeats the purpose.

Don’t post too much about them

Be careful not to post too much about your crush on your own status. Too many references to them will appear like you can’t get over them. Occasional lighthearted mentions are fine, but focus status updates on yourself.

If your crush ends up posting lots about you, resist the urge to react or respond. Appearing unphased and not paying it much attention will be most effective to make them jealous.

Know when to give it a rest

If after a period of time your crush doesn’t seem bothered or responsive to your status updates, reconsider your approach. They may not be feeling jealous at all or may be moving on. Avoid pushing it too far to the point it’s clear you’re trying to manipulate their emotions.

Pay attention to how they react and if they start reciprocating with similar posts. If not, they likely aren’t feeling jealous but may simply be indifferent. Continuing the status updates after this point won’t achieve much apart from looking desperate.

Focus on yourself

Ultimately, spend your energy on enjoying your own life rather than obsessively trying to make your crush jealous. Status updates will be most effective if they portray you genuinely having fun and being fulfilled on your own.

Make your status and WhatsApp activity an authentic representation of your real social life. Use your posts to showcase your best self, then let jealousy take care of itself as a byproduct.