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How to send personal message to all members of a WhatsApp group?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 2 billion users worldwide. WhatsApp groups allow you to communicate with multiple people at once by adding them to a group chat. While you can send a standard message to the entire group, there may be times when you want to send a personal, private message to each member individually.

Sending individual messages to everyone in a WhatsApp group allows you to tailor the message specifically for that person. It also prevents the other members from seeing the private message. This can be especially useful if you want to send reminders, special offers, or personalized notes to group members.

Unfortunately, WhatsApp does not have a built-in feature to message all group members directly. However, there are some workarounds and third-party apps that make it possible to send a personal message to every member of a WhatsApp group.

Using Third-Party Apps

The easiest way to message all WhatsApp group members individually is by using a third-party app designed for this purpose. There are a few different apps available that can do this for both iPhone and Android devices.

Some popular options include:

  • Group Message for WhatsApp (Android, iOS)
  • Wasssenger (Android)
  • Send to All for WhatsApp (Android)
  • Send to All – Broadcast for WhatsApp (iOS)

These apps allow you to select a WhatsApp group and compose a message. You can then send that message directly to each person in the group privately. The message will display as coming from your individual chat with that person, not the group chat.

The advantage of using these apps is that they make it extremely easy to message everyone in a WhatsApp group with just a couple taps. They also ensure that the messages are sent privately and individually. However, you do need to download a separate app rather than using the default WhatsApp tools.

Key Features of Third-Party Apps

Here are some of the useful features of the top apps for sending individual messages to WhatsApp group members:

App Key Features
Group Message for WhatsApp – Send text, image, video, and document files
– Customize message for each recipient
– Save messages as drafts
Wasssenger – Send text, contacts, location
– Schedule messages
– See delivery receipts
Send to All for WhatsApp – Send media files
– Preview messages before sending
– Option to skip some contacts
Send to All – Broadcast for WhatsApp – Send text, photos, audio
– Import contact list
– See delivery status

Using WhatsApp Web

You can also send individual messages to WhatsApp group members using WhatsApp Web without downloading a separate app. Here’s how:

  1. Open WhatsApp Web on your computer browser and scan the QR code to link your account.
  2. Open the group chat you want to message members from.
  3. Click on the name of the first person you want to message. This will open your individual chat with them.
  4. Type out your message and hit enter to send it.
  5. Go back to the group chat and repeat steps 3-4 for each person you want to message individually.

This method allows you to selectively message some or all members of the group. The advantage is that it only uses WhatsApp tools you already have access to. The downside is that it can be time consuming to message a large number of people this way.

Tips for Messaging via WhatsApp Web

  • Open each contact’s chat before sending the message to ensure you don’t accidentally send it to the group.
  • Have your list of contacts ready so you know who to message without searching.
  • Use copy/paste to send the same message easily to each contact.
  • Take breaks to avoid repetitive strain from clicking and typing.
  • Consider using a keyboard shortcut extension like Text Blaze to automate sending repeated messages.

Using WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp also offers a Business API that allows businesses to interact with users at scale, including sending broadcast messages. With the WhatsApp Business API, you can programmatically send individual messages to all members of a WhatsApp group.

To use the Business API, you need to:

  1. Register for a WhatsApp Business account.
  2. Get approved to use the WhatsApp Business API.
  3. Choose a Business API provider to implement the API.
  4. Build your software to connect to the API and send messages.

The WhatsApp Business API has SDKs available to integrate with popular programming languages like Java, Node.js, Python, PHP and .NET. There is a learning curve to leveraging the API, but it allows you to send an unlimited number of messages programmatically.

Benefits of Using the WhatsApp Business API

  • Scalable to very large groups with thousands of members.
  • Automated messaging saves time versus manual methods.
  • More customization options for advanced messaging.
  • Provides other features like messaging templates and analytics.

Using Bots

There are some bots available for WhatsApp that can help send personal messages to all members of a group. WhatsApp bots are automated accounts that can interact with normal WhatsApp users. Some have the ability to iterate through a group’s members and send individual messages.

Examples of WhatsApp bots that may support group messaging include:

  • ChatFuel
  • ManyChat
  • Jarvis
  • BotMyWork

You would need to research specific bots to see if they have the capability and instructions for messaging a whole WhatsApp group individually. The setup process varies for each bot platform. Some may require coding skills to configure the bot’s messaging logic.

What to Look for in a WhatsApp Bot

When evaluating WhatsApp bots for sending individual messages to group members, look for the following:

Feature Description
Broadcast functionality Ability to message multiple people at once
Group member detection Can identify all members of a chosen group
Individual messaging Sends separate message to each person privately
Customizable content Allows personalized message for each recipient
Automation Bot handles sending messages, no manual work

Keep in mind that some WhatsApp groups block bots from interacting with members. And bots may be against WhatsApp’s Terms of Service if used improperly. Proceed with caution when automating group messaging to avoid bans.

Manual Methods

If you only need to message a handful of people in a WhatsApp group individually, some manual techniques may work as well:

  • Create a broadcast list – Add individual members to a broadcast list and send your message that way.
  • Export chat history – Export the group chat history to get a list of member phone numbers to text directly outside WhatsApp.
  • Ask members to opt in – Send a group message asking members to privately message you if they want to receive an individual message.

These options avoid needing third-party apps. However, they require much more time and effort on your part compared to automated solutions. Only use manual methods for small groups of around 20 members or less.

Legal Considerations

When sending any messages on WhatsApp, there are some legal issues to keep in mind:

  • Get consent before messaging anyone individually, don’t spam.
  • Follow WhatsApp’s Terms of Service and avoid illegal, objectionable content.
  • The use of third-party apps or bots is at your own risk.
  • Understand local laws regarding marketing outreach and communication consent.
  • Don’t share private information without permission.
  • Respect user requests to stop receiving messages.

Make sure to comply with all applicable laws and regulations when messaging members of a WhatsApp group to avoid potential issues. It’s also good practice to have a privacy policy and terms of service published for your business.

WhatsApp Group Messaging Guidelines

Whenever sending messages to members of a WhatsApp group, keep these guidelines in mind:

Guideline Reason
Get consent first Ensure recipient wants to receive your message
Honor opt-out requests Stop messaging anyone who asks
Use sparingly Don’t overwhelm recipients with frequent messages
Relevant content Only send useful info recipient would want
Respect TOU Follow WhatsApp Terms of Service
Monitor issues Watch for complaints and non-deliveries


Sending an individual message to every member of a WhatsApp group requires some workarounds since the platform doesn’t have built-in tools for it. The easiest options are to use a third-party messaging app or configure a WhatsApp bot to handle the broadcasting.

Alternatively, you can send the messages manually through WhatsApp Web or an exported contacts list. However, these options are time consuming and impractical for large groups. Carefully follow all legal guidelines and best practices when sending any mass or automated messages.

Group messaging allows you to have personalized, one-on-one communication with each member of a WhatsApp group. Implement the right solution for your situation to reach your entire audience and improve engagement.