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How to talk to girls online on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps for people to connect with each other. With over 1 billion daily active users, it’s no surprise that many also use WhatsApp to talk to potential romantic matches. However, starting a conversation with a girl you like on WhatsApp can seem intimidating. The good news is that by following some simple tips, you can learn how to talk to girls on WhatsApp in a fun, flirty way that keeps the conversation going.

Get to know her first

Before you message a girl out of the blue, it’s a good idea to get to know her a little bit first. If you met her in person, talk to her a little to get a sense of her personality. Or if you found her through a dating app or social media, look through her profile to find out her interests, job, lifestyle, etc. This gives you some potential conversation starters and helps you avoid generic small talk questions. It also shows her that you’re interested in who she is as an individual.

Some things to look for that could spark conversation topics:
– Her bio/description
– Photos from trips or events
– What books, movies, music, hobbies she mentions
– Mutual friends or interests

Once you have a baseline sense of who she is, you can craft more personalised messages.

Break the ice

When reaching out to her for the first time on WhatsApp, keep your initial message casual and friendly. Here are some ideas for great icebreakers:

– Reference something you talked about previously in person
– Comment on a recent social media post of hers
– Use a funny GIF or meme related to her interests
– Compliment something specific in her profile, not just generic praise
– Continue a previous debate or topic of conversation
– Ask an open-ended question about her day, week, or weekend plans

The goal is to kick off the chatting in a relaxed way that doesn’t put pressure on her to respond a certain way. Keep it light and open ended.

Keep the conversation flowing

Once she responds, now the fun begins! Keep the momentum going by asking questions, sharing stories, sending funny links or photos, and more. Here are tips for great conversation:

– Don’t overthink your responses, be natural and in the moment
– Balance learning about her and sharing about yourself
– Ask follow up questions to dig deeper, don’t just move on to the next topic
– Share funny commentary on things happening in your day
– Use voice messages occasionally when you have a lot to say
– Don’t let the conversation fizzle out – if needed, revive it with a new topic

Topics to discuss:

– Travel stories and dream vacations
– Jokes, memes, viral videos
– Music, movies, TV shows, books you’re into
– Hobbies and activities coming up
– Funny childhood memories or embarrassing moments
– Current events, social issues, news commentary
– Philosophical questions and hypotheticals

Flirt and be playful

You want to establish a flirty vibe, so remember to have fun with your messages and not be overly serious. Here are some flirting tips:

– Tease her playfully about her tastes or habits
– Use pick up lines or cheesy jokes occasionally
– Respond to her photos or stories with flirty compliments
– Be slightly bold and push boundaries a little
– Break rapport and reframe occasionally
– Use teasing nicknames for her
– Challenge her on opinions and have fun debates

Flirting is about being playful and creating exciting tension, so don’t be afraid to experiment. Respond in unexpected ways that break her normal messaging patterns.

Ask her out

Once you’ve built a connection through lively, flirty chatting, it’s time to ask her out on a proper date. Avoid asking generic questions like “Want to hang out sometime?” which are open ended. Instead, propose a specific event or activity at a set time:

– “Let’s grab drinks at [this cool new bar] on Friday night, around 8pm?”
– “I’m thinking of checking out the new [art exhibit, concert, show]. Want to join me this weekend?”
– “I’m starved for a great burger. Be my food critic at [restaurant name] tomorrow at 7pm?”
– “My friends are getting together for bowling and beers on Thursday. Come with?”

Having a plan shows confidence and gives her solid details to accept or decline. If she says yes, get her number to coordinate the date details. If she politely declines but seems interested, tell her to keep you posted if her schedule changes. Don’t take it personally if she says no. Stay positive and keep chatting with her casually. She’ll appreciate you gracefully accepting her response.

Have interesting date ideas planned

When planning your first few dates, avoid boring dinner dates where you just sit and talk. Choose fun activity dates that create memorable experiences, give you things to do together, and show off your adventurous side. Some great first date options:

– Amusement or theme park
– Arcade or game center
– Bowling, pool, mini golf
– Wine/whiskey tasting
– Salsa dancing class
– Comedy club
– Rock climbing gym
– Cooking class
– Indoor skydiving
– Picnic in an interesting spot
– Zoo, aquarium, museums

Having activities gives you natural conversation starters and things to jokingly compete over. There’s also opportunities for playful, physical flirting. An exciting date builds attraction and gives you unique memories together.

Make her feel comfortable meeting up

Some women may feel hesitant about meeting someone for the first time from an online chat. Ease her worries by:

– Suggesting a public first date like a café, bar or busy event
– Confirming the exact location and time in advance
– Offering to have her share your location with a friend
– Giving her your LinkedIn or other social media to verify your identity
– Avoiding any anger, impatience, or pressure if she declines
– Sticking to first date places near her so travel is easy

Proving you’re a thoughtful guy who cares about making her feel safe will go a long way. Don’t take shortcuts or ignore any concerns she expresses. Be willing to take it slowly until she’s comfortable.

Keep escalating on the dates

After your first successful date, leverage what you’ve learned about her to plan exciting follow up dates that continue building attraction. You can get gradually more romantic with ideas like:

– Cooking dinner together at home
– Going dancing at a lively club
– Having a picnic lunch in a scenic park
– Checking out a street fair or festival
– Hiking adventure followed by relaxing at a café
– Museum visits and long neighborhood walks
– Amusement park rides under the sunset
– Stargazing on a blanket with some wine

As she gets more comfortable around you, initiate more:

– Playful touching and affection
– Steady eye contact
– Physical flirting and teasing
– Sexual innuendo and tension
– Confident body language
– Fun photo booth pictures together

Don’t be afraid to go for the first kiss or other escalating steps when the mood feels right. If she’s ready for more, she’ll reciprocate and encourage your advances.

Keep chatting between dates

Make a point to keep the cute WhatsApp chemistry alive between your dates. Some ways to stay connected:

– Send funny meme check-ins during your day
– Follow up on a conversation from the date
– Share photos from your activities
– Invite her out to something spontaneous like boba, a view, etc
– Flirt, ask questions, and find new common interests

Consistent messaging keeps you on her mind while showing you’re eager to know her better. But also take occasional breaks in chatting to build anticipation for your next date. Playing a bit “hard to get” avoids being too available and keeps her interest.

Surprise her occasionally

While planning dates, mix in cute surprises now and then to thrill her:

– Have flowers delivered to her office or home
– Mail her a quirky gift that reminded you of her
– Set up a mini golf hole or picnic blanket in an unexpected outdoor spot
– Arrange for her favorite dessert to be at a restaurant
– Make a custom music playlist, game, book, or card for her
– Get tickets to something she’d love like a concert or play

Thoughtful surprises make her feel special. It also shows you pay attention to the little things about her. Keep wowing her with unique gestures she won’t expect.

Give sincere compliments

While it’s easy to compliment a woman’s looks, also praise her intelligence, personality, talents, values, and other deeper qualities. For example:

– “You have such an awesome sense of humor and adventure.”
– “I love how you’re so passionate about helping animals.”
– “You’re so smart – I could talk to you about current events for hours.”
– “I really admire your discipline in the gym. You’re motivation goals!”
– “Being around you gives me so much energy and inspiration to pursue my dreams.”

Thoughtful compliments make her feel seen and appreciated. Spread them throughout your conversations, and not just when you’re trying to flirt. The more you can praise her as a complete person, the more she’ll warm up to you.

Respect her boundaries

It’s important to be an assertive, confident man who goes after what he wants – but always respect her boundaries. If she says she’s not ready for something physically or emotionally, back off and give her space. Avoid guilt trips, anger, insults or trying to change her mind. Just say “I understand” and move the conversation to something lighter.

Pay attention to her body language on dates as well. Pulling away, leaning back, folding her arms may signal she’s not comfortable with your advances. Err on the side of moving slower rather than pushing her boundaries too far, too quickly. Building trust takes time. If she’s interested, keep communicating and let the intimacy progress naturally.

Don’t come across too strong

In your enthusiasm, it’s easy to overwhelm a girl with constant messaging, compliments, date invitations, and expressions of affection before you truly know each other. Getting infatuated too quickly can turn her off, especially if she’s more reserved. Monitor yourself to ensure you don’t:

– Text or call too frequently, prioritize giving her space
– Declare intense feelings before she’s ready
– Push for a serious relationship label early on
– Fantasize elaborate future plans you barely know her
– Jealousy or possessiveness if she talks to other guys
– Propose expensive, complicated dates that may pressure her

Let things unfold gradually to give her time to catch up with her feelings. Wait for clear signs of mutual interest before verbally escalating your romantic intentions. Patience and moderation prevent scaring her away.

Deal with game playing

Some women may test your confidence by playing hard to get, running hot and cold, cancelling dates, or acting confusing about the relationship status. Don’t let it get under your skin. Brush it off with an abundance mentality. You have lots of options and don’t need to chase anyone.

If she tries making you jealous, flaking out, or breadcrumbing you along, don’t reward the behavior with extra attention. Politely back off to focus on other priorities in your busy life. Continue steadily pursuing and dating multiple women. If she reaches back out or re-engages later, then cautiously proceed – but with the willingness to walk away again if the games continue.

The less reactive you are, the more appealing you’ll be. Even if she’s not interested anymore, maintaining confidence and non-neediness keeps your dignity intact.

Learn from mistakes

Not every match on WhatsApp will turn into a relationship. If things fizzle out after a few dates or she ghosts you, avoid feeling defeated. Reflect on what lessons you can take for next time:

– Review your messaging conversations. Did you ask the right questions? Flirt effectively? Avoid red flags?
– Note what date activities she seemed to enjoy vs didn’t work as well
– Think about any needy or overeager behaviors that may have pushed her away
– Consider if you misread any of her signals or missed opportunities
– Identify areas of confidence, flirting, conversation, escalation to improve

With each experience – positive or negative – you expand your knowledge about connecting with women. Over time you’ll refine your ability to go from that first WhatsApp message to a successful first date and beyond. Enjoy the process of learning.


WhatsApp can be a great way to meet women, as long as you avoid common messaging mistakes. Build her investment with fun, flirty conversations that showcase your confidence, humor, and masculine energy. Convert the messaging chemistry into memorable real life dates full of excitement, escalating intimacy, and thoughtful surprises. Pay attention to feedback in her words and actions. Keep optimizing your ability to connect until you find a girl who enthusiastically reciprocates your feelings. With the right partnership mindset and dating skills, the WhatsApp contacts on your phone could lead to something truly special.