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How will I know if someone muted me on WhatsApp?

Being muted on WhatsApp can be frustrating, as you won’t get notifications when someone sends you a message. Here are some signs that can help you identify if someone has muted you on WhatsApp.

Your messages go unread

One of the most obvious signs is when your messages don’t show the “read” status even when you can see the contact was recently online. On WhatsApp, when someone reads your message, it shows one checkmark for “sent” and two checkmarks for “read.” If your messages only show one checkmark even though the recipient is active on WhatsApp, it likely means you’ve been muted.

Your status updates are ignored

Another clue is if someone isn’t reacting to your status updates. If you post a status and notice certain contacts aren’t viewing them even though they’re actively using WhatsApp, they may have muted your status updates specifically. Muting status updates prevents them from automatically playing in the contact’s chat window.

No notification dots on group messages

In a WhatsApp group chat, you can tell if someone has muted the conversation if there are no notification dots next to messages you send. While other participants will see dots indicating unread messages, someone who has muted the chat won’t see them.

Your calls go straight to voicemail

If your WhatsApp calls to a contact go straight to voicemail without ringing, it’s likely you’ve been muted. When you mute someone in WhatsApp, you won’t receive notifications for incoming calls or messages from that person.

Use desktop notifications

The WhatsApp desktop app shows notifications even if you’ve been muted on someone’s phone. So if you have WhatsApp Desktop, you can check if your messages trigger notifications there but not on your phone when chatting with the same person. If you get notifications on desktop but not mobile, you’ve probably been muted on their phone.

Ask someone else to check

One straightforward way to check if you’ve been muted is to ask a mutual friend to send a message in your group chat and see if your name has a notification dot next to it. They can let you know if your messages are showing up muted on that person’s end. This is a surefire way to confirm if you’ve been muted.

Check their privacy settings

You can get a sense if someone has muted you by checking their privacy settings. Go to your chat with them, tap their name at the top, and select “View Contact.” On Android, tap the three dots at the top right and select “More.” On iPhone, swipe left on their name. If you see “Read receipts” are off, they may have muted you.

Observe their online status

Pay attention to when the person is online but not replying to your messages. If you can see they’ve read your message based on the checkmarks, but they don’t respond, it could be a sign you’re muted. However, don’t jump to conclusions as they could genuinely be busy.

Use of third-party apps

Some apps like WhatsRemoved+ or WAMR notify you if you’ve been muted or even blocked by a contact. They work by analyzing notifications from WhatsApp. However, this only works if you’ve installed the app before being muted. The official WhatsApp app doesn’t directly notify you if you’ve been muted.

You’re unable to add them to groups

If you try adding a contact to a WhatsApp group but can’t find their name in your contacts list, they may have blocked or muted you. You won’t be able to add muted/blocked contacts to any groups. However, this method doesn’t conclusively indicate whether you’re just muted or fully blocked.

Their profile photo disappears

In rare cases, a bug causes your WhatsApp to show blank or default avatars for contacts who have muted you. If someone’s profile photo is gone, they may have muted you. However, this is an inconsistent technique as it occurs due to a glitch.

You’re muted, but not blocked

It’s important to note that being muted on WhatsApp does not mean you’re blocked. With mute, they can still see your messages and calls, but you will not see their status updates. Blocking cuts off contact more severely. Muting is often temporary, while blocking is permanent and harsher.


Being muted on WhatsApp can certainly be confusing and feel disrespectful. However, people may mute others for many reasons, like to avoid frequent notifications or focus. The signs of being muted can be subtle, but by verifying read receipts, status views, group chat dots, and using desktop notifications or third-party apps, you can get confirmation if needed. With patience and communication, you can perhaps resolve the muting amicably.

Here is an example of a table based on the context:

Sign What it Means
Your messages remain unread You may be muted if your messages show only 1 checkmark even when the contact is online
Your status updates are ignored If someone views your chat but not your status updates, they may have muted just your status
No notification dots in group chat Muted group members won’t see notification dots for your messages
Calls go directly to voicemail If your calls aren’t ringing and go to voicemail, you’re likely muted
Check desktop notifications If you get WhatsApp desktop notifications but not on mobile from the same chat, you’re muted on mobile

Here are some additional points about detecting mute on WhatsApp:

Muting on WhatsApp happens for a variety of reasons:

  • To avoid frequent notifications from group chats or certain contacts
  • To focus without distractions from non-urgent messages
  • To avoid awkwardness or confrontation if temporarily upset with someone
  • To take a break from overwhelming conversations
  • To prevent calls or messages waking you up when sleeping or busy

Some signs you may get muted:

  • Sending too many messages to someone frequently
  • Sharing irrelevant or uninteresting content
  • Having long, deep conversations when the other person is busy
  • Spamming a group chat with too many messages
  • Sending messages late at night or early morning

Some best practices to avoid getting muted:

  • Don’t message excessively if your chats aren’t being reciprocated
  • Pay attention to signs that you’re overloading someone and adjust accordingly
  • Personalize and limit what you share to match the interests of the recipient
  • Be mindful of posting at odd hours when people are likely sleeping
  • Let group members mute notifications if your schedules don’t align

Overall, being muted isn’t the end of the world. Think of it as a chance to self-reflect and find ways to improve your communication style. With some effort, you can probably get unmuted! Patience and understanding go a long way.

Here are some more tips for healthy WhatsApp communication:

Set expectations

If chatting with someone new, set expectations upfront about your availability and notification preferences. This avoids assumptions and confusion later.

Respect other’s time

Don’t assume people are always available to chat in-depth. Gauge their receptiveness and let important conversations happen when both parties are free.

Don’t take it personally

Muting isn’t meant as a personal attack. It’s often done to control notifications. Don’t assume your relationship has an issue.

Give people space

If someone hasn’t replied to you in a while, avoid bombarding them with more messages. Give them some breathing room.

Communicate politely

If you must address being muted, do so calmly and politely. Aggression will only strain your relationship further.

The bottom line is mute functionality exists for a reason. While it can be inconvenient or seem dismissive, it’s a tool people use to manage conversations. With care and understanding, muting doesn’t have to damage your WhatsApp relationships.

Here are a few more examples of how to handle being muted or unmute someone respectively:

If you discover you’re muted:

  • Don’t confront them angrily or make accusations
  • Politely ask if there’s a reason why they muted you
  • Listen to their reasons and try to understand their perspective
  • Reflect on your messaging habits to see if you need to adjust anything
  • Give them space if they need it, don’t demand to be unmuted instantly

To request getting unmuted:

  • Apologize sincerely if your messaging overwhelmed them
  • Reassure you’ll be more mindful going forward
  • Suggest putting you on mute on certain days/times if needed
  • Promise to immediately stop if asked, rather than get muted
  • Thank them for hearing you out and don’t push if they refuse

With empathy, maturity and open communication, any perceived mute-related conflict can be resolved amicably.