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Is Google Duo safer than WhatsApp?

Both Google Duo and WhatsApp are popular video calling and messaging apps. With billions of users worldwide, security and privacy are major concerns when choosing between the two platforms. This article compares the safety features of Google Duo and WhatsApp to help you determine which app better protects your data.


Encryption is one of the most important security features for messaging apps. It scrambles messages so only the sender and recipient can decipher them. Both WhatsApp and Google Duo use end-to-end encryption for messages, voice calls, and video calls.

WhatsApp uses the Signal protocol for end-to-end encryption. This is considered one of the most secure encryption protocols available. Google Duo uses a proprietary encryption protocol developed by Google. While technical details are limited, Google states Duo calls are encrypted between devices.

Both apps use encryption keys stored on users’ devices rather than their servers. This means the companies cannot access call and message contents. However, WhatsApp may have a slight edge due to the reputation of the Signal encryption protocol.

Encryption Summary

App Encryption Protocol
WhatsApp Signal Protocol
Google Duo Proprietary Google Protocol

User Authentication

User authentication is another key element of messaging app security. It verifies that conversations are only accessible to the intended recipients. Both WhatsApp and Google Duo incorporate authentication measures.

WhatsApp uses phone numbers for user authentication. Users must verify their phone number with an SMS code upon signup. WhatsApp also offers two-step verification for extra security. When enabled, users set a 6-digit PIN that is required when registering a phone number with WhatsApp.

Google Duo associates accounts with phone numbers and Google accounts. Users sign in with their existing Google credentials. To link a phone number, Duo sends an SMS message with a verification code. However, two-step verification is not available.

The use of phone number verification gives WhatsApp a slight advantage. The two-step verification increases security, especially for users with sensitive conversations.

User Authentication Summary

App User Authentication Method Two-Step Verification
WhatsApp Phone Number Yes
Google Duo Phone Number or Google Account No

Group Privacy

Messaging apps should provide options to control privacy in group chats. WhatsApp and Duo enable users to customize group privacy settings.

In WhatsApp, group admins can restrict who can view, send messages, edit info, and add new members. There are three group privacy options: everyone, contacts only, and invite only. Admin settings override the default visibility.

Google Duo does not have permanent groups. However, users can create temporary group calls of up to 32 participants. The call organizer controls invites and can remove attendees. Participants also have the option to block others in the group.

Overall, WhatsApp’s groups are more customizable with granular settings. Duo’s temporary groups prioritize privacy but lack admin controls.

Group Privacy Summary

App Group Options Admin Controls
WhatsApp Public, Contacts Only, Invite Only Yes
Google Duo Temporary Limited

User Controls

User controls enable customizing privacy settings. WhatsApp and Google Duo both provide various options to manage visibility.

WhatsApp has extensive account controls. Users can set when they’re available, disable read receipts, limit who can see profile info, block contacts, and enable disappearing messages.

Google Duo lets users disable video calls, block contacts, and restrict calls to contacts only. There are limited profile controls and no option for disappearing messages. Read receipts cannot be disabled.

WhatsApp clearly provides more ways to tailor privacy preferences and visibility. Duo offers basic controls focused on incoming calls and contacts.

User Control Summary

App Availability Settings Read Receipts Profile Controls
WhatsApp Yes Can Disable Extensive
Google Duo Limited Always Enabled Minimal


Backups help prevent data loss, but also introduce potential security risks. WhatsApp and Duo handle backups differently.

WhatsApp offers encrypted local and cloud backups. Local backups store chats on the user’s device storage. Google Drive backups are encrypted with a user-generated key. However, backups are not enabled by default.

Google Duo does not have a backup option. Call logs and messages are solely stored on the device. Users cannot restore data if switching devices or reinstalling the app.

While WhatsApp backups improve restore capabilities, they could be intercepted or hacked if encryption keys are compromised. Duo’s lack of backups increases privacy but means permanent data loss is possible.

Backup Summary

App Backup Options Encryption
WhatsApp Local and Cloud End-to-end
Google Duo None N/A

Deletes and Retention

Deleted data should be wiped from app servers quickly and thoroughly. WhatsApp and Duo take different approaches to data deletion.

WhatsApp states chats are deleted from its servers once all participants delete the messages. However, traces of deleted data may remain on backups. WhatsApp retains user account info for up to 120 days after deactivate.

Google Duo immediately deletes messages after they are read. Video calls are not stored at all. Duo retains call logs for up to 36 hours. User account info is deleted within 8 months of inactivity.

Duo removes call data more quickly and completely. WhatsApp retains more user metadata but enforces deletion of chat content.

Deletion Comparison

App Message Deletion Call Deletion Account Deletion
WhatsApp Upon mutual deletion N/A 120 days inactive
Google Duo Instantly 36 hours max 8 months inactive

Third-Party Access

Third-party access refers to app developers or governments obtaining user data. WhatsApp and Duo have different approaches.

WhatsApp cannot read user messages or listen to calls. However, the content of group chats with businesses may be available to those businesses. WhatsApp will also share data with law enforcement if legally compelled.

Google Duo states it does not share personal information with third parties, including governments, without consent. However, Duo is owned by Google and subject to its data policies. Google may share data across services to customize ads.

Essentially, both apps cooperate with legal authorities upon request. Google has more leeway to use Duo metadata for advertising profiles. But neither can directly access user chats.

Third-Party Access Policies

App User Content Access Legal Data Sharing
WhatsApp No Upon Request
Google Duo No Upon Request

Multidevice Support

Multidevice capabilities allow messaging and calling across smartphones, tablets, PCs, etc. This introduced potential security implications.

WhatsApp recently launched multidevice functionality. Chats are still end-to-end encrypted by synchronizing encryption keys between devices. No chat data is stored on WhatsApp servers.

Google Duo only works on mobile devices. Users cannot install Duo on multiple device types and sync conversations between them. There is no desktop support.

Multidevice support is more convenient for users. However, it theoretically increases WhatsApp’s attack surface if encryption keys are compromised. Duo avoids this risk by remaining mobile-only.

Multidevice Summary

App Multidevice Support Encryption Approach
WhatsApp Yes Synchronized Keys
Google Duo No N/A


In summary, WhatsApp offers more flexibility, control, and backup options at the potential expense of security. Google Duo prioritizes privacy and encryption by limiting features. WhatsApp is likely the better choice for most users, but Duo is a simpler and safer option for those concerned about digital security risks.

When it comes to encryption, user authentication, group privacy controls, and deletion policies, WhatsApp and Duo both incorporate strong security practices. However, WhatsApp provides more extensive user configuration and backup capabilities. Duo focuses on fast deletion, mobile-only use, and minimal stored data.

For most casual users, WhatsApp is the superior platform based on features and flexibility. But users with strict security requirements may find Duo a safer solution overall due to its simplicity and focus on ephemeral messaging. The choice ultimately depends on your specific messaging habits, priorities, and privacy concerns.