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Is there communities in WhatsApp Business?


WhatsApp Business is a version of WhatsApp designed for small businesses. It provides companies with tools to connect with customers easily through the WhatsApp platform. Some key features of WhatsApp Business include business profiles, quick replies, labels and chat statistics.

One question that often comes up is whether WhatsApp Business has communities, which are a feature available on the standard WhatsApp messaging app. Communities allow group admins to bring related groups together under one umbrella for easier organization and communication.

What are WhatsApp Communities?

WhatsApp Communities are a new way for WhatsApp groups to be organized. Essentially, communities allow you to bring multiple related groups together. This helps keep things organized and makes it easier to share information across your organizations.

Here are some key things to know about WhatsApp Communities:

– Groups within a community will show up connected together when you view your list of chats. This allows you to see conversations by topic.

– Admins can share important announcements with the entire community through the use of broadcast messages.

– Groups within communities can be up to 1024 users versus the 256 user limit on regular WhatsApp groups.

– There is a separate privacy setting for communities. Admins can choose to make the community public or private.

– Members can easily switch between available groups within a community.

– Communities add new levels of organization with Admin-only Groups limited to admins and Subgroups that give admins more control.

Overall, communities make it simpler for people to find and engage with all groups that are important to them. It essentially formalizes the kinds of informal communities already found on WhatsApp.

Are There Communities in WhatsApp Business?

No, currently WhatsApp Business does not have the communities feature. Only the standard WhatsApp messaging app has communities.

WhatsApp Business is designed as a simple way for companies to connect with customers. It does not include all the features that personal accounts have access to.

Key Differences Between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business

Here are some of the key differences between standard WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business when it comes to features:

Feature WhatsApp WhatsApp Business
Communities Yes No
Consumer Accounts Yes No
Business Profiles No Yes
Automated Messages Limited Yes
Labels No Yes
Chat Statistics No Yes

As this table illustrates, WhatsApp Business lacks access to several features that are available on standard WhatsApp, including the ability to create communities.

Why Communities Aren’t on WhatsApp Business

There are a few key reasons why WhatsApp Business does not currently have access to the communities feature:

Designed for Simplicity

WhatsApp Business was created to provide a simplified experience optimized for companies connecting with customers. Too many features could make the app more complicated to use.

Limit Spam Risk

Giving businesses access to communities could increase the risk of spam and abuse. Large volumes of business broadcast messages may frustrate personal WhatsApp users who get added to communities without consent.

Separate Platforms

WhatsApp likely wants to keep the business and personal platforms completely separate. Adding communities could blur the lines between them.

Rolling Out Slowly

WhatsApp may be taking a cautious approach when expanding Business features. Communities are still new, so WhatsApp is likely assessing how they impact regular users before expanding them.

The Future of WhatsApp Business Communities

While WhatsApp Business doesn’t currently have access to communities, there is a chance the feature could expand to Business accounts down the road.

Here are some possibilities:

Controlled Beta First

WhatsApp may test communities selectively on Business accounts first. This would allow them to assess impact and workout any issues before a full public rollout.

Business-Only Communities

Business communities may be completely siloed from regular WhatsApp communities. This would prevent businesses from spamming personal accounts that get added.

Slow Rollout

WhatsApp might slowly roll out business communities to a limited number of companies first before expanding access. This would let them take a cautious approach.

Require User Permission

WhatsApp could require express user permission before a business can add them to a community. This would help prevent abuse and spam.

Limited Community Size

Business communities may have tighter restrictions on the number of users than personal communities to limit spam potential.


In summary, WhatsApp’s relatively new Communities feature is not currently available on WhatsApp Business. The business messaging platform has a different set of features tailored specifically for companies connecting with customers and clients.

WhatsApp has likely not expanded communities to business accounts yet due to a desire to keep the platforms separate, prevent spam, and take a cautious approach rolling out new features.

However, WhatsApp Business could potentially get access to a version of communities in the future. There are a variety of strategies WhatsApp could use to implement business communities in a controlled, user-friendly way. But for now, the feature remains limited to standard personal WhatsApp accounts.