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Is whatsapp status visible to unsaved contacts?

WhatsApp status updates are visible to your saved contacts by default. However, if you have unsaved numbers in your contacts, they will also be able to view your status updates unless you change your privacy settings.

Who can view your WhatsApp status by default?

When you post a status update on WhatsApp, it is automatically shared with all your contacts who have your number saved in their phones. So if you have someone’s number saved, and they have your number saved, you will be able to see each other’s status updates.

In addition, if you have the numbers of unsaved contacts in your address book, they will also be able to see your status updates. For example, if you have called a business in the past and their number is saved in your contacts, they will be able to view your status even if you don’t have their name saved.

Why can unsaved contacts see your status?

WhatsApp identifies contacts through their phone numbers. So even if you don’t have someone’s name saved in your contacts, as long as you have their number, WhatsApp considers them a contact.

When you post a status update, WhatsApp automatically shares it with all the numbers saved in your address book. It doesn’t distinguish between saved and unsaved contacts. This allows you to connect with businesses, acquaintances, and people you may have called or messaged in the past but don’t have saved in your contacts.

Can you stop unsaved contacts from viewing your status?

Yes, you can change your WhatsApp privacy settings to control who can see your status updates:

  • My Contacts – Your status will only be visible to contacts who have your number saved in their phone’s address book.
  • My Contacts Except… – You can exclude specific contacts from seeing your status.
  • Only Share with… – You can create a custom list of contacts to share your status with.

To change your status privacy settings:

  1. Open WhatsApp and tap on the More options (three dots) icon.
  2. Go to Settings > Account > Privacy.
  3. Tap on Status.
  4. Select who you want to share your status with.

Setting your status visibility to “My Contacts” will prevent unsaved numbers and businesses from viewing your updates. You can also block specific numbers from seeing your status using the “My Contacts Except…” option.

Does restricting status visibility also restrict viewing others’ statuses?

No, changing your WhatsApp status privacy only controls who can see your status updates. It doesn’t affect whose status updates you can view.

Your ability to view other people’s status depends on their privacy settings. For example, if someone has set their status visibility to “My Contacts Except…” and excluded you, you won’t be able to view their status. But they will still be able to see yours if your setting is “My Contacts.”

Can you tell if an unsaved contact has viewed your status?

Unfortunately, there is no way to tell if an unsaved contact has viewed your status on WhatsApp. The status view receipts only show names for your saved contacts.

If you notice an unfamiliar number in your status view receipts, it could be an unsaved contact. But there is no definitive way to know unless you save their number and check if the name matches up.

Tips for managing status privacy

Here are some tips to help you manage who can see your WhatsApp status updates:

  • Check your contacts list and delete any unknown or unwanted numbers.
  • Save important contacts so their names show up on status view receipts.
  • Use “My Contacts” setting to only share status with saved contacts.
  • Create a custom “Only Share With” list for your closest friends.
  • Periodically review status privacy settings and update as needed.
  • Be careful about the type of content you share if the audience is broad.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I hide my status completely from unsaved contacts?

Yes, by setting your status privacy to “My Contacts”, you can prevent unsaved numbers from seeing your status updates.

What happens if I block an unsaved contact?

Blocking an unsaved contact will prevent them from viewing your status updates or contacting you on WhatsApp.

Can I find out if a specific unsaved number has viewed my status?

Unfortunately, there is no definitive way to check if a specific unsaved number has viewed your status. The status view receipts only show names of saved contacts.

If I restrict status, will my contacts know I did that?

No, your contacts will not be notified if you change your status privacy settings. The change will happen silently in the background.

Is there a way to approve contacts before they can view my status?

There is no built-in way to manually approve contacts for status visibility. But you can create a custom “Only Share With” list to control who can see your status.

Can my status be visible to WhatsApp groups if I restrict it to “My Contacts”?

No, setting your status to “My Contacts” will only make it visible to saved individual contacts. WhatsApp groups will not be able to see your status.


While WhatsApp statuses are visible to unsaved contacts by default, you can change your privacy settings to restrict access. Use options like “My Contacts” or “My Contacts Except” to control status visibility. Block unwanted numbers and review settings periodically to manage who can view your updates.

Status privacy only applies to your sharing, not viewing others’ statuses. There is no definitive way to confirm if an unsaved contact saw your status. Be mindful of sensitive content if sharing broadly. Manage your contacts and status settings carefully for optimal privacy.