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New Year Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, many of us will be reflecting on the past year and making promises to ourselves for the upcoming decade. However, a common pitfall is setting resolutions that are too vague or unattainable, leading to disappointment and abandonment by February. To avoid this fate, it’s essential to define concrete goals that are measurable and achievable. The key to success lies not only in setting these targets but also in creating a clear plan for achieving them.

By adopting a strategic approach to goal-setting, we can set ourselves up for a successful start to the 2020s.



If traditional resolutions like ‘lose weight’ or ‘get fit’ aren’t your cup of tea, consider shaking things up with a fun alternative: dancing! Not only is it an effective way to get moving, but you can also share the experience with friends and enjoy some much-needed socializing. Head to your local gym, try out Zumba classes, or look for beginner dance classes for adults in your area.

By making exercise more enjoyable, you’ll be more likely to stick with it and reach your fitness goals without feeling like you’re sacrificing fun for a good workout. This New Year, think outside the box and find ways to get fit that bring a smile to your face.



As we welcome the New Year, it’s essential to focus on our own well-being. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in work and other responsibilities, leaving ourselves as an afterthought. Make a conscious effort to prioritize self-care in 2020 by setting aside time for relaxation, rejuvenation, and personal growth. Treat yourself to activities that bring you joy, whether it’s a luxurious skincare routine, a long soak in the bath, or getting lost in your favorite book series.

Additionally, consider taking classes or workshops to learn something new and expand your horizons. If 2020 is the year of your special day – be it a wedding, anniversary, or milestone birthday – remember to pace yourself and take time to reflect on your emotions. This can be particularly important for couples preparing for their big day, as planning can be overwhelming.

By prioritizing self-care, you’ll not only feel more centered but also radiant and confident when celebrating your special occasion.



To overcome the common struggle of sticking to a ‘save more, spend less’ resolution, consider setting a concrete financial target by writing down a specific number you want to reach in your bank account. Break this goal into smaller, manageable chunks by scheduling regular transfers into your savings. Crucial to your success is resisting the urge to dip into these funds for non-essential purchases.

If you’re saving up for a specific purpose, such as your wedding or honeymoon, it’s essential to stick to your budget to ensure you reach your target in time. By having a clear financial objective and a plan to achieve it, you’ll be better equipped to make conscious spending decisions that align with your long-term goals.



Mindfulness isn’t just about sitting in silence, it’s about being present in every moment. You can infuse your daily routine with mindfulness by incorporating activities that bring you joy, such as practicing yoga or simply paying attention to the sensations while eating a meal. Notice the sights and sounds around you on your commute or during your walk, allowing yourself to be fully immersed in the experience.

By doing so, you’ll cultivate a greater sense of gratitude for what you have and what you’re capable of, leading to a more fulfilling year ahead.



It’s easy to get caught up in discussions about cutting out toxic individuals from our lives, but often we struggle to identify who genuinely has our best interests at heart. Instead of focusing on eliminating negativity, shift your attention to the love and support that surrounds you – those who make time for you and help you feel special. As we enter 2020, it’s a year all about giving and receiving love.

If you’re planning a wedding in the new year, prioritize filling your guest list with people you genuinely care about. Don’t worry too much about the size of the celebration – as long as you’re having fun, surrounded by loved ones, that’s what truly matters. Let’s focus on cultivating positivity rather than dwelling on the negative.



When attempting to overcome a bad habit like smoking, excessive spending, or phone addiction, setting a Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goal can significantly increase your chances of success. By breaking down the resolution into manageable steps, you’ll be better equipped to make lasting changes. Instead of trying to quit cold turkey, consider gradually reducing the frequency or duration of the undesired behavior.

For instance, if you’re looking to cut back on social media usage, start by limiting yourself to 6 hours per day for a month, then aim for 5 hours the following month, and so on.



In recent years, minimalism has experienced a significant cultural shift. While some may struggle to part with cherished possessions, adopting sustainable consumption habits can have a profound impact on both individuals and the environment. As we enter 2020, it’s essential to focus on reducing our reliance on takeaway foods, fast fashion, and unnecessary knick-knacks.

By taking stock of our closets and confronting the reality that many items rarely see the light of day, we can begin to make more intentional purchasing decisions. When shopping is necessary, prioritizing local and ethical options not only benefits the planet but also fosters a sense of pride and satisfaction in our purchases.



As you cultivate mindfulness, allow the burdens of stress to melt away. While life’s challenges may inevitably arise, a mindful approach paired with exercise or hobbies can provide effective coping mechanisms, leaving you feeling more centered and tranquil. The physical activity itself is a potent stress-reliever, as it triggers the release of endorphins – natural mood-boosters that counteract anxiety and discomfort.

So, whenever feelings of overwhelm or despair creep in, take a cue from your body’s innate wisdom: lace up your shoes, get moving, and let the endorphins work their magic – you may just find yourself swept away by an instant sense of well-being.



Next year, prioritize genuine human connections by making time for outdoor activities. Whether it’s meeting friends at a local bar, taking your dog on a stroll, or going on dates in nature, prioritize moments of socializing and connection. Give your eyes a break from the constant glow of screens and substitute it with the natural beauty of the outdoors. Your Netflix account will likely understand that sometimes life is better lived offline.



As we bid farewell to one decade and welcome another, it’s an opportune time to tidy up not just our physical surroundings but also our mental space. A well-organized living area can have a profound impact on our cognitive clarity. By creating a pleasant environment that sparks joy, you’ll be more inclined to tackle the task of organizing your life as a whole. To achieve this, consider investing in a stylish planner or crafting your own custom calendar.

This will enable you to keep track of important dates and appointments with ease, ensuring a seamless planning process for those tying the knot in 2020. With a clear plan in place, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the lead-up to your special day.