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Should I answer unknown WhatsApp calls?

With the rise in popularity of WhatsApp, many users find themselves receiving calls from unknown numbers. While it may be tempting to answer to see who is calling, there are risks associated with picking up calls from strangers. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of answering unknown WhatsApp calls to help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.

The Dangers of Answering Unknown Calls

One of the biggest dangers of answering calls from an unknown number is that they could be scammers or spammers. Here are some of the common spam calls and scams to watch out for on WhatsApp:

  • Robocalls – Pre-recorded messages trying to sell you something or request personal information
  • Wangiri scams – Missed call scams trying to get you to call back expensive international numbers
  • Tech support scams – Claim your device has a virus and try to get remote access or payment
  • Loan scams – Offer loans but require an upfront fee that is pocketed
  • Identity theft – Try to gather your personal information for fraudulent purposes

By answering the phone, you could be exposing yourself to these kinds of scams or enabling scammers to gather information about you. Even if it’s not a scam, it could be a wrong number or unwanted solicitation call. Think carefully before picking up.

Risk of Phone Hacking

In addition to scams, there is also a risk that answering an unknown WhatsApp call could open you up to hacking attempts and security vulnerabilities. Although not highly common, there are techniques hackers use like vishing (voice phishing) to try to access your device or information.

Disruption and Disturbances

Answering calls from strangers can also lead to unwelcome disruption if they continue to call repeatedly. Even if they are not ill intentioned, an unknown caller may dial your number by mistake and then try to engage in conversation that you don’t want.

Potential Benefits of Answering Unknown Calls

While there are certainly risks, there are some instances where it may make sense or be beneficial to answer an unknown WhatsApp call:

Receive Important Information

In some cases, an unknown call could be from someone trying to relay important information to you, such as:

  • Doctor’s office calling with test results
  • School calling about your child
  • Pharmacy calling about a prescription
  • Call from a business or service provider regarding an appointment or order

If you are waiting on a call like this, avoiding unknown numbers could mean missing key information.

Network with New Contacts

Answering unknown calls could lead to networking with new professional connections or personal contacts. You never know if that unknown caller is someone important that you should speak with.

Help Someone in Need

There is a small chance that an unknown call is someone really needing your urgent help or assistance. Think of cases like a stranger needing directions or having an emergency.

How to Determine If You Should Answer

So how do you decide what to do when an unknown number calls you on WhatsApp? Here are some tips:

Look Up the Number

Do a quick search of the phone number on Google or a reverse phone lookup site. See if you can identify the owner of the number or location. This can provide clues if it seems legitimate.

Check Recent Activities

Think back to any recent activities where you may have shared your number – did you sign up for a service, enter a contest, or make an inquiry? The call could be related.

Look for Context Clues

What time of day is the call? Is the number local area code? Do they leave a voicemail? Details like this can help you evaluate if it’s worth answering.

Call Screening and Blocking

Use call screening features or anonymous call blocking to help avoid unwanted calls from strangers. This gives you control without necessarily having to answer.

Follow Your Instincts

Trust your gut feeling based on past experiences with unknown callers. If something seems suspicious, err on the side of caution and avoid answering.

Best Practices for Answering Unknown Calls

If you do decide to answer an unknown WhatsApp number, keep these safety tips in mind:

  • Do not provide any personal information like banking details or passwords
  • Be wary of any urgent demands or threats used to pressure you
  • Hang up immediately if the caller seems aggressive or suspicious
  • Avoid hitting any buttons or providing input during robocalls
  • Call the legitimate business or entity back on an official number
  • Report concerning calls to WhatsApp

Following these precautions helps protect you from scams or unsafe situations triggered by unknown callers.

Alternative Communication Options

Rather than answering unknown calls, here are some safer ways to communicate on WhatsApp:

Text Messaging

Use WhatsApp’s text messaging features to ask an unknown caller to identify themselves and the reason for their call before you answer or call back.


Let unknown numbers leave a voicemail explaining who they are and why they are calling. Follow up selectively based on the messages.

Block Numbers

Block any suspicious or unwanted numbers so they can no longer call or message you on WhatsApp.

Report Spam

When you receive unwanted sales or spam calls, report the number to WhatsApp so they can take action.


Answering unknown calls on WhatsApp does carry risks, from scammers to disruptions. However, there are also some situations where it may be warranted or even beneficial. Consider options like looking up the number, call screening features, and using alternative communication methods like messaging or voicemail to make an informed decision.

If you do answer, exercise caution by avoiding providing personal information and hanging up on any suspicious callers. Trust your instincts when evaluating unknown WhatsApp calls to determine if it’s in your best interest to answer or not. Making smart safety decisions helps minimize the chances of any harm from unfamiliar numbers trying to contact you.