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Should you put status on WhatsApp?

What is WhatsApp status?

WhatsApp status is a feature that allows users to share text, photos, videos and GIFs that disappear after 24 hours. It’s similar to Stories on other platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. When you post a status, it goes out to all your WhatsApp contacts. You can see who views your status, but others can’t see who views theirs.

The status feature was introduced by WhatsApp in early 2017. Since then, it has become widely used, especially in countries where WhatsApp is popular. Status provides a way to share quick ephemeral updates with your contacts on WhatsApp.

Pros of posting WhatsApp status

Here are some benefits of using WhatsApp status:

Lets you share moments from your day

WhatsApp status provides a casual and low-pressure way to give your contacts a glimpse into your daily life. You can capture and post photos and videos throughout your day – what you’re eating, where you are, who you’re hanging out with, what you’re doing, etc. It’s an easy way to share fun little moments without having to create permanent posts.

Allows you to be creative

With the ability to use photos, videos, GIFs, text, emojis and drawings, WhatsApp status gives you a creative outlet to express yourself. You can get creative with photos and videos by using filters, text overlays, stickers, etc. The 24-hour time limit allows you to experiment and try different creative things.

Lets you share your mood

You can use WhatsApp status to briefly share your mood or what you’re feeling that day – happy, excited, bored, sleepy, hungry, etc. Posting a selfie, a photo of your surroundings, or a text status with emojis can help convey your mood for the day.

Feels lower pressure than other social media

Since WhatsApp is used primarily for private conversations, status feels lower stakes than other social media like Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. There’s less pressure to only share highly curated content. You can be more real and authentic.

Makes it easy to send quick updates

Posting to your WhatsApp status is much faster and takes fewer steps than posting a typical feed post on other social platforms. You simply take a photo/video or write a quick text update, add filters or editing if you want, and post it to your status. It’s very quick and easy to share little updates throughout your day.

Shows you’re active on WhatsApp

Having an active status signals to your contacts that you’re currently on WhatsApp. It shows you’re online and actively using the app. This can be helpful if you want people to know they can message you in that moment.

Cons of posting WhatsApp status

Here are some potential downsides of using WhatsApp status:

Can be annoying if overused

If you post too frequently, some of your contacts may find it annoying or overwhelming. Posting dozens of status updates per day can seem like overkill. Keep in mind that status posts automatically go out to all your contacts. Use the feature in moderation.

Raises privacy concerns

Anything you post to your WhatsApp status can be viewed by all of your contacts. So you have to be ok with a total lack of privacy. If you only want certain people to see certain photos/videos, status isn’t the right place to post them. Always double check that you’re comfortable sharing something to all your contacts before posting.

Uses additional data

Photos and videos, especially longer videos, take up data to view and download. So frequent status posting can lead to higher data usage for you and your contacts. This may be problematic for contacts who have limited data plans.

You can’t control who sees it

You can see who views your status, but you have no control over who can see it in the first place. It automatically goes to your entire WhatsApp contact list. So unlike other social media, you can’t choose to exclude specific contacts.

Seen as attention seeking by some

Frequently posting status updates may be perceived as attention seeking or showing off by some of your contacts. This perception depends on your specific friend group and culture. But it’s something to be mindful of.

Temporary nature makes it hard to go back

Since statuses disappear after 24 hours, they’re ephemeral. If you want to go back and look at old statuses, you can’t. The temporary nature makes it hard to reminisce or look back on previous moments you shared.

Can be distracting

Having a constant stream of status updates from your contacts may distract you from your own tasks and priorities. The frequent notifications of new statuses can disrupt your concentration.

When should you post WhatsApp status?

Here are some appropriate times to make use of your WhatsApp status:

During idle moments

When you’re standing in line, commuting, waiting for a meeting to start or engaging in other idle moments, posting to your status is a great way to pass time. Share what you’re up to in those in-between moments.

When you’re doing something interesting

If you’re currently at an event, on vacation, on a fun outing or engaged in another activity that your contacts would find interesting, share it via status! Give them a peek into what you’re experiencing.

To share accomplishments

Did you win an award, get a promotion, ace an exam or achieve another accomplishment? Status updates are perfect for sharing major life moments and successes with your close contacts.

On holidays and special occasions

Birthdays, graduations, weddings, holidays, festivals – if you’re celebrating a special event, use WhatsApp status to share your experience and excitement with your contacts. These are moments you’ll want to remember.

When your mood changes

If you’re suddenly feeling happy, excited, stressed or another pronounced shift in mood, quickly sharing a status update can convey that feeling to your close connections.

When should you avoid WhatsApp status?

Here are some instances when it’s better to avoid posting a WhatsApp status:

Oversharing personal issues

Be cautious about oversharing personal problems to all your contacts. Venting about private relationship issues or talking about your health problems is usually better suited for an individual chat or phone call rather than a WhatsApp status blast.

Controversial topics

Try to avoid posting your thoughts on controversial political, religious or social issues. For sensitive topics that could offend contacts or spark debate, status updates are not the right forum.

When you’re in a bad mood

If you’re angry, upset or irritated about something, avoid posting it as a status update in the heat of the moment. Give yourself time to cool down so you don’t share something you’ll regret.

Boring mundane moments

Statuses that show your daily routine or mundane details that no one would find interesting are best left unshared. Don’t post boring things just for the sake of posting.


Unless you’re at an especially eventful occasion like a trip or party, try to limit status updates to 1-2 per day max. Overposting makes the feature annoying.

If you have a private contact list

If your contacts are people you only know professionally or haven’t talked to in years, oversharing personal status updates may not be appropriate. Evaluate whether your contacts really need frequent peeks into your daily life.

What to post on WhatsApp status?

Here are some ideas for fun, engaging WhatsApp status updates:

Photos of where you are – sights, food, drinks, etc.

Let your contacts get a glimpse of where you are and what you’re experiencing by sharing photos. But don’t overdo it. A few choice photos can convey the moment without bombarding your contacts.

Videos of what you’re doing

Short videos are a fun way to showcase activities like traveling, hanging out with friends, concerts, sporting events, hiking adventures, trying a viral challenge, etc. But keep videos under 10 seconds so they’re consumable.

Selfies or photos with friends

Quick selfies and group shots are a staple of status updates. Just snap a photo with friends, family, your partner, pets, etc. Don’t overdo group shots unless you’re at a special event.

Quotes or lyrics

Share inspiring, funny or relatable quotes and song lyrics via text-based status updates. This gives followers a window into what you find meaningful.

GIFs and memes

Funny GIFs and memes make for enjoyable, casual status updates that followers will likely appreciate. Just don’t go overboard with too many meme posts.

Countdowns for events

If you have an exciting event coming up like a vacation, wedding, or party, post countdown statuses leading up to it. This builds anticipation with your contacts.

Accomplishments and milestones

Major life events and wins like graduations, new jobs and promotions deserve a celebratory status update when they happen. This lets your contacts celebrate your successes.

What types of status get the most views?

If your goal is to get the most eyes on your WhatsApp status updates, consider these highly shareable types of posts:


Funny videos, memes, GIFs and anecdotes get shared more than serious statuses. Humor makes people want to view and share your update.


Showcasing artistic skills, makeup transformations, DIY projects, baking extravaganzas and other talent through photos or videos attracts high views.

Taboo topics

Racy or provocative content gets views although it’s risky. Tread carefully to avoid going too far.

Pop culture

Leveraging trends, memes and pop culture moments can make a status resonate more with viewers. But trends fade quickly so timely posting matters.

Pet content

Photos and videos featuring cute pets are universally loved. People can’t resist adorable cat and dog moments.

Events and experiences

When you’re at an event, location or experience that followers would love to do themselves, flaunting the experience draws views. Concerts, parties, vacations, festivals, etc.

Controversy and drama

Dramatic call-out posts, quotes subtly referencing issues, or vaguebooking about situations often bait viewers. But this can backfire so it’s a gamble.


Major life updates like graduations, weddings, engagements, new homes get lots of reactions and shares from excited contacts.

WhatsApp status statistics

Here are some interesting stats on WhatsApp status usage:

Daily status posts

Year Daily statuses (millions)
2017 50
2018 300
2019 500
2020 1 billion

WhatsApp daily status posts have skyrocketed from 50 million per day in 2017 to over 1 billion per day currently. This shows the feature’s massive growth in adoption.

Most popular status lengths

Status type Most common length
Photos 1 photo
Videos 10-15 seconds
GIFs Under 5 seconds

Data shows that short, consumable statuses work best. For videos, ideal length is 10-15 seconds. GIFs under 5 seconds get highest engagement. And most photo statuses contain a single photo rather than an album.

Photos get highest engagement

Status type Engagement rate
Photos 76%
Videos 63%
GIFs 53%
Text-only 48%

Photos have the highest engagement rate at 76% compared to other status formats. Text-only statuses see the least engagement. So if you’re aiming for high interaction, photo statuses are ideal.

Tips for better WhatsApp status posts

Here are some expert tips for creating better WhatsApp statuses:

Be authentic and real

Don’t try overly hard to portray an perfect or glamorous life. Share real moments from your real life rather than staged or exaggerated moments. Authenticity resonates.

Interact with your status

Don’t post and forget. Check back on who viewed your status and interact with commenters. This builds connections.

Post consistently but not excessively

To build status momentum, post daily or every other day. But don’t overpost. Stick to 1-2 status updates per day max.

Consider your audience

Tailor your status content based on who your WhatsApp contacts are. Post things they would find interesting, amusing or relevant.

Participate in trends and challenges

When viral WhatsApp challenges or memes emerge, make your own status videos participating in the trend. This taps into what’s popular.

Express your personality

Let your status updates showcase your personality, passions, sense of humor and interests. This gives followers a better sense of who you are.

Give followers a behind-the-scenes look

Give your contacts VIP access to parts of your life they can’t see on other social media through fun behind-the-scenes statuses.


WhatsApp status provides a fun way to share ephemeral photo, video, text and GIF updates with your contacts in a casual setting. When used properly, it can strengthen connections and liven up day-to-day interactions. But oversharing personal moments or posting too frequently can make contacts lose interest.

Aim to post 1-2 times per day focusing on creative, humorous and authentic snapshots of your daily life. Keep videos under 15 seconds, limit photo albums to 1-2 photos and use text and GIFs sparingly. Consider your audience and tailor content to what your specific contacts would find entertaining. With these tips, you can effectively use WhatsApp status to engage your friends and contacts!