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5 Ways To Stay Energized As A Busy Mom

5 Ways to Stay Energized as a Busy Mom

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I’d like to express my gratitude to 5-hour TEA shots for supporting this post. As we often joke, ‘energy’ and ‘Mom’ don’t always mix well. Between the late-night feedings, early morning wake-ups (even at age 4), and the numerous demands of daily life, mothers take on a significant amount of responsibility.

To put it into perspective, I kept track of my activities over the weekend and found that I had prepared five meals in under 24 hours by 8 am on Monday morning.

This tally doesn’t even include snacks! It’s no wonder Mother’s Day is such a celebrated occasion.

In this post, I’ll be sharing my top 5 secrets to staying energized as a busy mom. With the demands of running a business, managing this blog, taking care of two young children, a dog, and a husband, it’s essential for me to stay energized to avoid feeling overwhelmed. I suspect many of you can relate.

Here are some strategies that help me stay energized throughout the day.

Move Your Body

Move Your Body

While the importance of exercise is well-established, there are days when a traditional workout just isn’t feasible. This is where incorporating smaller, more manageable sessions into your daily routine can make all the difference. For me, that means aiming for at least 28 minutes on the Sweat app or Daily Burn, but I also make sure to prioritize five minutes of stretching whenever possible.

The key is to find a commitment level that you can realistically stick to, whether that’s fitting in a quick yoga class during your lunch break or taking a few minutes each morning to stretch and center yourself. By making exercise more accessible and flexible, you’ll be surprised at how it can positively impact your overall well-being – from boosting energy levels to reducing stress and increasing mindfulness.

Try an Energy Shot

Try an Energy Shot
Try an Energy Shot

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Try an Energy Shot

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When we need an energy boost to power through our day, it’s refreshing to have a alternative to traditional coffee-based options. I’ve found that 5-hour TEA shots, infused with caffeine from green tea leaves, do just the trick. As someone who doesn’t consume coffee, I appreciate that this product provides a different kind of energizing kick. Plus, its natural ingredients and zero calories make it an attractive choice. With no added sugar, I can indulge without worrying about my diet.

5-hour TEA is widely available at most drugstores, including CVS where I pick up mine. The brand also offers a range of flavors to suit individual tastes, from peach tea to raspberry tea and lemonade tea – my personal favorite!

Set a Bedtime Alarm

Set a Bedtime Alarm

As a self-proclaimed night owl, I’ve always struggled with getting up and going to bed at reasonable hours. The temptation to stay up late binge-watching Netflix or working on my blog has been overwhelming. However, I’ve come to realize that this habit doesn’t lend itself well to nice mornings or productive days. Through trial and error, I’ve learned the importance of establishing a consistent bedtime routine.

Despite the initial difficulty, committing to going to bed at the same time each day has made a significant difference in my energy levels throughout the day and week. To help me stick to this routine, I’ve started using the Bedtime App on my iPhone and enforcing a new rule in our household: no TV after 10 pm!

Snack Throughout the Day

Snack Throughout the Day
Snack Throughout the Day

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One of the most common pitfalls is neglecting to fuel our bodies, often due to being engrossed in work or family responsibilities. This habit can have detrimental effects not only on our overall well-being but also our energy levels. To avoid this trap, consider making snacks a priority by carrying them with you or keeping them nearby. I personally find it beneficial to stock my office with healthy options, eliminating the need for lengthy treks in search of sustenance.

By incorporating regular snacking into your daily routine, you may be surprised at how much of a positive impact it has on maintaining a consistent energy level throughout the day.

Get Outside

Get Outside

Taking regular breaks is essential to recharge not just your body but also your mind. While there are apps available that can remind you to take a break and get moving, I find it more effective to let my dog be my personal motivator. She requires exercise and fresh air, which ultimately benefits both of us. When it comes to maintaining energy levels throughout the day, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care.

Some ways I keep my energy up include taking short breaks to stretch, going for a walk or run during lunch, and practicing mindfulness techniques.