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What do you give someone when they ask for your WhatsApp?

Asking for someone’s WhatsApp number has become a common way to stay in touch these days. However, it can put the person being asked in an awkward position if they don’t actually want to share their number. While there are no hard rules here, there are some thoughtful approaches you can take to handle the situation gracefully.

Why Do People Ask for WhatsApp Numbers?

There are a few main reasons someone may ask you for your WhatsApp:

  • They want to get to know you better/become closer friends
  • They need to contact you about something specific (work, school project, etc.)
  • They’re interested in you romantically

In any case, sharing your personal contact info is a choice. Don’t feel obligated to give out your number if you’re not comfortable doing so.

How to Politely Decline

If you don’t want to share your WhatsApp, here are some tactful ways to handle it:

  • “I like to keep my work and personal contacts separate, but here’s my email if you need to reach me.”
  • “I’m not comfortable giving out my number right now, but perhaps we could connect on [LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.] instead?”
  • “Thanks for asking, but I try to avoid giving out my number to people I don’t know very well yet. I hope you understand.”

The key is to sound friendly yet firm. Don’t make up excuses or be overly apologetic. A simple “no” or “I’d prefer not to” is reason enough.

When It’s Okay to Share Your Number

Of course, there are also situations where exchanging WhatsApp info is perfectly appropriate, such as:

  • With close friends and family members
  • If you’re dating or interested in someone romantically
  • For necessary work-related communication with colleagues/clients
  • With fellow students for group projects or study sessions

Use your best judgment based on your relationship and the context of the request. It’s fine to share your number with people you know and trust.

Alternatives to Giving Your WhatsApp

If you want to keep in touch but aren’t ready to hand over your personal WhatsApp, suggest connecting in other ways like:

  • Social media (Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook)
  • Professional networks like LinkedIn
  • Email or phone calls
  • Messaging apps like Signal or Telegram

Having separate accounts for professional vs. personal contacts is one way to maintain boundaries. You can also wait until you get to know someone better before taking the next step of sharing your private mobile number.

How to Ask for WhatsApp Numbers Politely

When you want to ask for someone else’s WhatsApp, here are some tips for doing so respectfully:

  • Only ask if you have a valid, specific reason to need their number.
  • Say “Would you be open to sharing your WhatsApp number?” rather than demanding it.
  • Give them context and ask at an appropriate time: “I’d love to continue our conversation about ___. Would it be okay if I added you on WhatsApp?”
  • Don’t ask repeatedly if they initially say no. Take their response at face value.
  • Offer to share your contact info first so they don’t feel pressured.

With the right approach, asking for someone’s WhatsApp can be totally appropriate and help strengthen your connection. Be respectful, take cues from their reaction, and don’t take it personally if they decline.

Setting Boundaries on WhatsApp

Once you do start communicating over WhatsApp, you can set boundaries to keep the interactions comfortable:

  • Let the person know your general availability so they don’t expect instant replies.
  • Use features like read receipts and typing indicators selectively.
  • Inform contacts if certain times or days are off-limits for messaging.
  • Don’t feel compelled to respond immediately if you’re busy or need space.

Healthy relationships allow both people to express their needs. Don’t sacrifice your privacy or mental wellbeing just to be polite or responsive on WhatsApp.

When to Remove Someone from WhatsApp

Generally, you should remove someone from WhatsApp if:

  • They are harassing you or making you uncomfortable.
  • They are repeatedly inappropriate despite requests to stop.
  • They are spamming you with excessive texts or calls.
  • Your friendship or relationship has ended.
  • You no longer have a practical reason to be in contact.

Don’t feel guilty about cutting ties on WhatsApp with someone who is disrespecting your stated boundaries. You have the right to control who interacts with you on personal messaging platforms.

How to Remove Someone Politely

If you want to remove someone without ghosting them, you can:

  • Have one final conversation to explain your decision and request no further contact.
  • Send them an email or message stating you are removing them from WhatsApp and why.
  • Block them after a warning if they are harassing you.
  • Simply delete or block them if you have no close relationship.

Getting unwanted messages from someone after removing them? WhatsApp has anti-harassment tools like the ability to report and block numbers to prevent further contact.

When Is It Okay to Ghost on WhatsApp?

Generally, ghosting should be avoided in close relationships. However, it may be appropriate to quietly cut contact on WhatsApp with:

  • Strangers or very casual acquaintances
  • Someone exhibiting dangerous or abusive behavior
  • Someone who ignores multiple requests to stop messaging you
  • Someone who has ghosted you already

If you have tried communicating your boundaries and the person still won’t respect them, removing yourself from the situation may be the only option. Prioritize your safety and well-being.

The Etiquette of Exchanging WhatsApp Info

To sum up the etiquette around WhatsApp:

  • Don’t feel pressured to hand out your number.
  • Politely decline giving your WhatsApp if you’re uncomfortable.
  • Only ask for someone’s number if you have a valid reason.
  • Set boundaries once you start chatting on WhatsApp.
  • Remove people who disrespect your boundaries.
  • Ghosting is a last resort for unsafe situations.

With open, honest communication and mutual understanding, sharing WhatsApp info can enrich your connections. Handle requests thoughtfully, set clear expectations, and don’t be afraid to hit “block” when needed.


Exchanging WhatsApp numbers is a common way for people to keep in touch today. However, it also requires setting healthy boundaries around your personal information and time. Pay attention to social cues, offer alternatives if you prefer not to share your number, and don’t feel bad removing someone who violates your boundaries. With good communication and self-respect, you can safely navigate the world of WhatsApp contacts.