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What does it mean when it says ringing on WhatsApp?

When you make a WhatsApp call to someone, you may see the word “ringing” on your screen while you wait for them to answer. This indicates that your call is going through and their phone is ringing on the other end. The “ringing” message shows that the call is actively trying to connect to the other person.

Why do you see “ringing” on WhatsApp?

Seeing “ringing” on WhatsApp means your call has successfully connected to the recipient’s device over the internet and their phone is now alerting them of your incoming call. It is the WhatsApp version of a regular phone line ringing while waiting for the call to be answered.

Some key reasons why you see the ringing message on WhatsApp calls are:

  • The call has been placed successfully and is currently ringing on the recipient’s phone.
  • The recipient’s phone is turned on and connected to the internet.
  • The app is open on the recipient’s device so that it can receive the call.
  • The call has not yet been declined or sent to voicemail by the recipient.

The ringing represents the period where your outbound call is actively alerting the other person that you are trying to reach them over WhatsApp calling.

How long does “ringing” display for?

The WhatsApp call screen will typically display “ringing” for 30-90 seconds before any further action occurs. If the recipient does not answer or reject the call within this time, it will automatically get disconnected.

Some factors that influence how long you see “ringing” include:

  • The recipient’s phone settings and how long their ringing tone lasts before diverting unanswered calls.
  • Network connectivity issues that delay the call notification reaching the recipient’s device.
  • The recipient having placed their phone in Do Not Disturb mode with muted call notifications.
  • The recipient intentionally ignoring the call and not accepting or rejecting it.

If the WhatsApp call keeps ringing for a prolonged time without any response, it usually indicates a problem reaching the recipient’s device or lack of action on their part to answer the call.

What happens after ringing?

There are three possibilities that can occur after you see “ringing” on your WhatsApp call to someone:

  1. The recipient answers: The call will get connected and you can start conversing with the recipient normally.
  2. The call gets rejected: If the recipient chooses to actively decline your WhatsApp call, you will see a “Call Declined” message on your screen.
  3. The call gets disconnected: If neither of the above happens, WhatsApp will automatically disconnect the call after 30-90 seconds of ringing, and you will see a “Call Ended” message.

So the “ringing” stage eventually transitions to either a connected call, a rejected call, or a call that ends without an answer.

Why does the call get disconnected without answering?

There are a few reasons why a WhatsApp call may get disconnected without being answered even after ringing for a while:

  • The recipient was away from their phone and could not answer in time before the auto-disconnect.
  • The recipient rejected the call by pressing the power or volume button on their phone.
  • The recipient put their phone on silent/Do Not Disturb mode, muting the call ringtone.
  • Poor internet connectivity caused the call notification to fail reaching the recipient’s phone.
  • The recipient intentionally ignored the call.
  • The recipient’s phone ran out of battery charge while the call was ringing.

Unless the recipient picks up and answers the WhatsApp call, it will always get disconnected automatically after ringing for some time. This prevents indefinitely pending call notifications.

Troubleshooting when you don’t hear ringing

In some cases, you may not see the “ringing” status at all after making a WhatsApp call. Some troubleshooting steps if this happens:

  1. Check your internet connection and try calling again if disconnected.
  2. Restart the WhatsApp app on your phone and check if calls work.
  3. Update the WhatsApp app from your phone app store to the latest version.
  4. On the recipient’s end, check if their phone has internet access and the app is open to receive calls.
  5. Ask the recipient to restart their phone and WhatsApp app to troubleshoot any issues.
  6. Check the call settings on both devices to ensure WhatsApp calling is enabled.
  7. Contact WhatsApp support for further help if the issue persists across devices.

Network changes or app issues are usually the main reasons the “ringing” might not show up. Following basic troubleshooting steps can help identify and restore normal WhatsApp calling functionality.

Why does “ringing” get stuck?

In rare instances, you may encounter a “bug” where WhatsApp continues displaying “ringing” indefinitely even if the recipient cannot answer for some reason. This leads to a stuck call state where ringing persists beyond the normal duration.

Some potential reasons for this bug include:

  • Network connection issues preventing the call status from updating properly.
  • The recipient force closing the WhatsApp app while the call is ringing.
  • A mismatch in the call state between the devices due to factors like Do Not Disturb blocking the call.
  • Software bugs in the WhatsApp app versions on either device.
  • Using WhatsApp on multiple devices with an incorrect calling state sync.

To resolve this, try force closing and reopening WhatsApp to reset the call status. Also ask the recipient to check their connectivity and reboot their phone if necessary. Updating WhatsApp to the latest version can also help fix such software bugs causing a frozen ringing display.

Key takeaways

Here are some key points to remember about seeing “ringing” on WhatsApp calls:

  • It indicates your call has connected and the recipient’s phone is now alerting them of your call.
  • Ringing lasts about 30-90 seconds before the call ends, is answered, or gets rejected.
  • A disconnected call after prolonged ringing usually means the recipient was unavailable or intentionally ignored it.
  • No ringing means there are connectivity or app issues that need to be troubleshooted.
  • A stuck call with perpetual ringing is a bug that requires force closing and reopening the app.

Being aware of what the “ringing” status means and the factors around it helps ensure your WhatsApp calling experience is smooth and understandable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does WhatsApp call end after ringing?

WhatsApp calls automatically disconnect after ringing for 30-90 seconds if the recipient does not answer. This is to prevent calls indefinitely pending if they cannot be connected for any reason.

Can you tell if someone rejected your WhatsApp call?

Yes, if the recipient actively rejects your WhatsApp call, you will see a “Call Declined” message on your end instead of just ending the call.

Does WhatsApp ringing mean the call is answered?

No, the call is not answered yet while you see “ringing.” It just means the call has reached the recipient’s phone which is now alerting them of your call. Only when they accept it will the call get connected.

What happens if the recipient misses a WhatsApp call?

If the recipient does not answer before the ringing disconnects, it is considered a missed call. The recipient will see a missed call notification along with the option to call back.

Can you call someone on WhatsApp who has blocked you?

No, if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, any calls and messages to them will not go through, so you will be unable to call them.


The “ringing” status is a key part of the WhatsApp calling experience. Being aware of why you see it, what it signifies, and how long it lasts before the call connects, disconnects, or gets rejected is useful. It can also help troubleshoot any issues where ringing does not occur or gets stuck. Knowing when to restart the app, check connectivity, or contact support based on the ringing behavior can ensure smooth WhatsApp calling.